
"The final journey in the world of Evola"

Story is about 19 years old kid named Zeltar. He was just a teenager that lived of bare minimum needs. Due to the fact that his parents were having huge lack of money his days were pretty grey, until the day that soldiers were knocking on his door. He received a news that he got recruited into elite military school and has to go with them right this instance. In school he reunites with his older brother Alan, that has left home five years ago. After completing battle class test, Alan realized that Zeltar has two hearts one of which has pure berserker energy in it, one of most violent and uncontrollable battle classes. To prevent Zeltar from getting into hands of scientists, Alan decided to join his team and train along side with him. And now all that is left to Zeltar is opportunity of changing his life, will he use it to change his life for good or will he give in to the desire of bloodshed nature that his brother tries to keep from eyes of society?

Darver_Reaver · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Part 7 "Great start"

"Agh! My butt!"

Zeltar finds himself sitting on the roots of a fireberry tree. His back is itching and his butt feels like it was stabbed with hundreds of forks after blood started to float through the lower side of the body. His head hurts from the uncomfortable pose he was sleeping in. While knowing that he probably should get some more rest for stabilizing body conditions, his morality says that direction must be put on the campus side. After getting on his legs he remembers the mysterious girl that was singing a beautiful tune for him. As he takes a glance at the other side of the tree, there is no girl to be found.

"It's a shame I didn't get to know her better."

With these thoughts, Zeltar goes straight to the campus. Upon reaching the exit of the garden Zeltar realizes that judging from the sun it is probably noon or even later. He speeds up and reaches campus in serval minutes. The shirt is already dripping from sweat, there are circles of moisture around the area of armpits and few dots on the chest while trying to catch up with the amount of oxygen that his lungs require. He sees that the campus is empty. Panic is starting to corrupt his mind, could it be that he failed on his first day already? But it is not time for jumping to a conclusion yet if Alan by Reeks's words is responsible for providing safety and look after the new students it should not be a problem for him to explain the dilemma that happened to Zeltar.

("Right! I should tell Alan that I overslept, it should not be so serious. He will understand, after all, we were always trying to look out for each other.")

If Alan is a teacher then there is only one logical place to search for him, school. Zeltar turns in the direction of the pentagon-shaped build that he saw earlier but as he starts walking a man in a white suit with a few thin metallic armor plates around it shows up. Supposedly it should be the guard of this place. It almost felt like he used teleportation to get behind Zeltar so quiet. As a man gets closer boy can hear him speak to himself.

"Yes, I found him. He was near N3 territory. Yes, will get him there in a minute."

A man approaches the boy and tells him that Alan is looking for him, relief and panic are starting to kick in at the same time.

"D-do they think I am missing?" he asks in a trembling voice.

"Yes, you didn't show up at the moment of introduction so I assume that school staff thought that you escaped or something like that."

"I-I'm sorry if I end causing a problem for everyone."

"You should address those words to your teacher, not me. After all, he is the one who made almost half of the school security guards looking for you."

"I understand."

"Good, now let's get you back to Mister Alan."

Guard escorted Zeltar to the school entrance. From up close this building looks gigantic, colons that are supporting the safety of the balcony on the second floor seem to be made for giants because no human being, would ever need such big construction for practical use. Walls are made of dragon bone color, unique shade of white, creamy yellow, and pink tone, extraordinary color indeed. As evidence of the idea that this place was built for giants, is doors. Massive gates that should even be hard for a normal human to open. They are probably made of the finest redwood trees and decorated with golden outlines. From both sides of the doors are pined two dragon skulls, out of each mouth is hanging the flag of the country that seems to be replacing creatures tongue. The coat of arms that represents a drop of blood falling onto wheat represents the struggle and tragedy that this country was built on. It is one of three countries on the human continent. Bloodur, Ozmandia, and Ashfall are nations that were established here.

Guard opens the doors asks Zeltar to enter. The boy's eyes are about to fall out because of the unexpected view. Alan is standing few meters away from him with what seems to be a school uniform in his left hand, right hand holds an aristocratic blade that looks like the thing that is used for the ritual purpose. His lips are painted in black and he wears one big red dot on his nose. The Brother's face is filled with disappointment but he doesn't seem to complain right away.

"Thanks, Ruben! I'll deal with him on my own from this point."

"No problem Mister Alan."

The man already wanted to turn around but something went to his mind as he decided to add:

"Oh, hope to see you at the Memory festival this year."

"Ah, heh...yeah ill consider that idea."

Once the guard goes away, brothers are standing in front of each other. But Zeltar decided to break the silence first.

"Why are you dressed like one of those public entertainers?"

"And why are you fucking late on introduction hour?"

"I-I went for a walk and fell asleep in a park. I am sorry."

"Oh really? Well, guess what, the way I look now is the way, everyone was looking at me at introduction hour after I was waiting for you for about four minutes. The announcement just kept calling your name and everyone was just looking at me like I am some kind of clown that will perform right when his assistant decides to bring his ass on the stadium."

"What am I supposed to do about it now?!"

Zeltar starts to get more annoyed with his brother because there is nothing that he could do to fix the problem.

"*Sign* you are right, it's pointless to blame you now. If only I wouldn't forget to give you this yesterday:

Alan hands Zeltar a little rectangle-shaped piece of black glass. On the one side of it is just a flat empty surface, on the other is Bloodur coat of arms.

"What is this?"

"Tixer, used for communication throughout the whole school with your teammates and teachers. It has emergency calls as well, security, medical help, and stuff like that. If I would give you this thing yesterday we probably would not have had this incident."

"How do I use it?"

"You never had a communication device before?"


"Well, guess there is a first time for everything. Simply double-tap with your finger in the middle of the screen where it is clear. It means no coat of arms part."

Zeltar does as Alan asks and the screen gets bright, there are four titles on it:



Team chat




"Your data is already written on this Tixer so only you can use it. If you try to unblock other persons' Tixer it basically won't work because of finger code security."

"Do I have to use it now?"

"No, just press "Block" and we will go to the cafeteria. You should get to know your new "brothers and sisters" for the rest of the semester.

"Okay, lead the way then."

Before they move on Alan adds to himself quietly:

"Maybe there will even be your future wife."

"Mom's syndrome kicks in huh?"

"Haha, ah come on! Teasing you is the least that can help me to forget about the embarrassment I felt during the introduction ceremony."

As they walk to the school cafeteria, Zeltar feels a little warmth throughout the body, feeling so pleasant that makes him question himself:

"Is this excitement I feel?"