
"Is it just a dream?!"

Been compared, bullied, and betrayed. Faith did not give up but, ignored the thorn of words from her family and friends. In one of her dreams, she then met a handsome young man that she could not forget. In Faith's following dreams, the man kept on appearing. She believes that it was no longer just a dream.

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The Awaited Lover

"I am truly blessed with a daughter..." I heard my father's voice echoed in the dark. Started getting bitter but felt his warm affection for his family and yet I'm nonetheless frightened by his voice.


I barely opened my eyes and saw youthful women wearing maid clothing surrounding the bed. "Why are they so worried? Who are these people?"; I questioned myself with disturbance.

As I proceed to open my eyes. I noticed that I wasn't in my room anymore. The huge bedroom was fancy, neat, with jewels and treasures, where ever you look. " The person who possesses this room sure has it all."; I guessed with envy.

"It appears that I could not move my body. Not even my fingers. It's as if, I'm stuck on the bed. Not to speak of, the mattress is comfortable just like, resting my surface on a meadow of flowers.

I opened my lips and spoke;" Where am I?" I asked the maid that was clasping dearly my left hand like, a fragile glass.

"This is your room your highness."; the fellow maid beside her replied.

I then chuckled. Thus, glanced, growled, and yelled at them; " Stop the act!". The maids were startled and looked down on me with sympathy.

Likewise, the former maid muttered; " Tanya, I believe we should inform his Majesty about this" to the woman beside her, the vulnerable one.

Tanya furthermore, bowed and fled. The additional servants followed until I was the sole one left. Afterward, I also speculating how I could get away from here.

Meanwhile, at the king's office"what do you mean, she lost her memories?!"; The King exclaimed while he slammed the pen he was fiddling with and got up from the seat.

"Ma-maybe she hit her highness head during the incident your majesty"; Tanya uttered.

"Just call the healer"; he murmured with anxiety.

He sat back down on the chair and soothing himself.

" Yes, your Majesty!"; Tanya reacted with a flash. She consequently, left and hurried to the tower.

"Ugh, How could this happen? What should I tell him?"; his Majesty complicates.


Few servants went in and similarly, assisted me to get up and placed me on side of the bed, sitting. I didn't know what was going on.

" Are they gonna kill me? I should get out of here"; I inquired myself while shivering.

I, however, tried but can't shift my body.

A man entered the door. As I laid my eyes on him. Tears started falling. I did not know why or who this man is. With his tall figure, eyes unfamiliar that grabs every lady's compassion and, that hair dark as the night sky. I'm sure that I would cry for his beauty but, the tears I shred right now are the perception of someone that I have been waiting for a long moment.

"It isn't my emotions then, whom does it belong to?"; asked myself while, being spooked. The handsome man notices me whimper. He dashed towards me then, surprisingly snuggled me. As I was the most precious thing to him and it made me sob even harder.

"Sorry for making you wait...Lavender"; He said gently while caressing my hair.