
"Is it just a dream?!"

Been compared, bullied, and betrayed. Faith did not give up but, ignored the thorn of words from her family and friends. In one of her dreams, she then met a handsome young man that she could not forget. In Faith's following dreams, the man kept on appearing. She believes that it was no longer just a dream.

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Imperfect Me

I and my sister are constantly compared by our families and friends. Sofia my younger sibling has anyway been favorable. She would have outstanding grades, finer fashion sense, and, have looks that could take your breath away. I would have average grades, terrible fashion sense, and, have the face of an ogre.

"By the looks of it, I think I'm adopted"

Society is no different from home. I would still get bullied and mocked by classmates or rarely teachers. They would make leisure of my grades, skin, and, face. Call me names like a pig or even tell me that I don't deserve to live. It's so unbearable that I occasionally think about jumping off a cliff but, "an action that is done repeatedly committed that you adapted to it, am I right?"

One cloudy afternoon while heading towards the guest room to lend aunt Gem a glass of water as she asked earlier. As I got closer I could overhear them chatting with my mother. Aunt was speaking quickly but, I still understood one clear phrase out from the chatter. I heard aunt Gem uttered with a low voice; "I believe Sofia is prettier than Faith" at mother.

In surprise I paused...

With some foolish thoughts, I assumed my mother would defend me and tell aunt Gem that she should not compare us but, I was mistaken. She then answered back with a nod. "I can't believe my own eyes right now!"; I screamed in my mind with a sensation of being betrayed. Subsequently, a few seconds of analyzing the situation that I am in. I quickly decided to just endure the discomfort for slightly longer. While biting my lower lip. I opened the door and stepped right in the middle of their conversation.

It was awkwardly silent when I stepped in...

Avoiding eye contact wasn't easy especially with the person that you're closest to but, being cheated by them is far worse. So, I place the glass of water on the nearest table and walked out of the room.

As I slowly shut the door...

Mother cried my name;" Faith" with an expression of concern. How much I yearn to turn around and let out at her. I clench my outrage and resisted her. Eyes tearing as I run up the stairs to my room. I closed the door, shutting myself in. The atmosphere began pouring and so, carries out my tears. I could withstand the temperature dropping and my heart aching.

Then I fell numb weeping...