
"Is it just a dream?!"

Been compared, bullied, and betrayed. Faith did not give up but, ignored the thorn of words from her family and friends. In one of her dreams, she then met a handsome young man that she could not forget. In Faith's following dreams, the man kept on appearing. She believes that it was no longer just a dream.

TalkativeRox · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Back to reality


"A dream..."; I mumbled with remedy.

"Was it barely a fantasy but, why did it felt so real? Who's Lavender and that man?..."; my mind is full of unanswered topics that I could not think straight.

I reached for my phone to checked the time. Three hours have upheld since I've dozed while weeping. I looked outside the window to inspect if my aunt's vehicle if she already left and she did. I prepared myself to see my mother at the dining table since it's evening. Or I could delude that nothing happened but, I am an individual that could not suppress my sentiments even to myself.

As I start heading down the steps as well as that odd hush.

When I reached the dining room. No one was there nor food.

"Did they eat outside? however, our car is parked outside..."; I implored myself while scouring in the fridge for nourishment.

" Hey, rat what are you doing there?!"; Sofia snickered while switching on the lights.

"I avoided her remembering what would occur if I respond"; I yanked the leftover pizza and a bottle of beverage.

I walked past her and ate at the dining table by myself. Sofia sat beside, snatching, and gulping my beverage. Then, spilling half of the juice on the pizza I'm consuming. She smiled while I grimace. Without thinking I grabbed the soaked slice of pizza and slapped it on her face.

" UGH!! STOP IT!!"; Sofia cried out while shoving me away and I kept pulling her hair. I didn't even acknowledge we're on the ground.