
Aliens Stories - Webnovel Official




Kushagra_Dwivedi · Sci-fi
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A young man fresh from grad school, gained the ability to transfer from one world to another. Transported into an abandoned planet sized spaceship. Ultimate intelligence? AI with sentience? Quantum generators? Particle generators? Aliens!?

Dao_of_Wisdom · Sci-fi
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Chaos' Heir

A recurring nightmare afflicted Khan's nights since the Second Impact. His dreams replayed the scenes of the crash of the Nak's spaceship, an alien race that the humans had defeated five hundred years ago. Khan's life had turned upside-down after the tragedy. His mother had died during the incident, and the Nak's toxic mana had infected him. His father had managed to save him, but they ended up losing their home and name in the process. The nightmares wouldn't let Khan forget about the Nak, so he decided to join the Global Army and learn to wield mana. He had to put an end to those dreams, even if that meant hunting down that alien race through the stars. ------------------------------------- Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EoCNovels Instagram: eocnovels Discord link: https://discord.gg/fNsPwXMP7P Cover artist: https://digitalrowye.com/

Eveofchaos · Fantasy

Global Game: Ten Billion Spirit Energy Coins From The Start

An alien civilization invades, prompting a global Spirit Power Awakening, with a new game arising to combat the alien civilization... What? All transactions in-game can only be conducted using spiritual energy coins? Without spending a large sum, it's impossible to quickly improve your strength? Standing next to the largest Spiritual Spring Eye in the world, Su Yu reveals a smile. I have ten billion spiritual energy coins! Are you scared? ...... PS: I have a completed old book with 1.6 million words, it’s a testament to my credibility.

Dull Fireball · Games

Witch: Accumulate Experience Through The Knight Breathing Technique

Crossing over to the alien world, he became a fallen noble lord. But with the help of the proficiency panel, he started to gain EXP through his family's Knight Breath Technique and followed the footsteps of an ancient and mysterious sorcerer step by step. Thus began a mysterious journey.

Tian Li · Eastern

I have an Apocalypse City

"Is this a game, or did aliens make me time-travel?" "It's terrifying, people who die in the game actually die in the real world!" "Damn, the whole city is mine, and there are still things that can be brought from the game to the real world, it's just..." Song Jian aimlessly wandered through the empty city, accompanied only by mutated zombies and monsters. His only goal now was to survive in such a zombie-infested Doomsday City.

Hair fell out · Games

The Necromancer is amassing troops like crazy in the apocalypse

The impostor Necromancer, with inferior forces, is hunted and rejected by others. The genuine Necromancer, with countless skeletons, becomes a ruling sovereign. After obtaining the Double Doors, Wu Heng discovered that his world was overrun with zombies. Plan A failed, and thus began the implementation of plan B for survival. Wu Heng chose to become a 'Necromancer.' Summoning undead is forbidden in this alien world? The post-apocalyptic planet is full of potential soldiers. Impossible to survive in a zombie-filled world? Then let me live and learn skills in this alien realm. Hence, an undead army armed with modern weaponry made its debut in this world. A calamity engulfs the world, a million skeletons rise. The Dead Bone Dragon, Undead King. (Double Doors + Necromancer + Magic + Fantasy World + Undead Catastrophe.)

Angry Piranha · Games
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There Will Be Aliens

Carlo Russo is having the worst day. Not only has he lost his job, caught his boyfriend cheating, and had one too many shots with his best friend Grace, now he’s seeing aliens too. Big, black, tail-equipped aliens. After a futile struggle, he and Grace find themselves on a spaceship leaving Earth.<br><br>Zenon Scoreceds Qhainqons doesn’t know what it is about the earthling male. Their mission is to bring back ten females in hopes of them being able to provide their planet with children, but he wants the male. What he’s going to do with the male, he doesn’t know, but he’s claiming him as his payment for going on the mission.<br><br>Carlo doesn’t approve of kidnapping, but the aliens aren’t too bad, and once the language chip is installed, he finds it entertaining to talk to them. Zen in particular. They’re standoffish and never show any emotion, but Carlo has no problem cuddling up next to Zen at night.<br><br>All Zenon wants is to spend time with Carlo, but it’s his job to get them all home in one piece. Will he be able to keep Carlo safe from all the dangers lurking along the trip? He has to because Carlo is his, and he’s not letting him go.

Holly Day · LGBT+
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