
Rebekah Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Beast Of The Night (Book 1: Love and Betrayal)

    Rebekah Miklaus, an omega warrior, is tasked with hunting down the most dangerous rogue wolves. When her alpha commands her to kill the night beast terrorizing their pack or witness her family offered as food, she faces a daunting choice. Forced into the most challenging task of her life—killing the unseen night beast—she accepts the challenge. Unfortunately, her plan goes awry as she is ambushed, ending up knocked out and awakening in dungeons the next day. Chained and slated for execution by an unknown pack, she faces an uncertain fate. To her surprise, the pack's leader is revealed to be a lycan king, a figure only existing in the stories of her childhood. As their eyes meet, an unexpected circumstance unfolds, and she hears words she never anticipated in her entire life: "Mate."

    joy_chigo · Fantasy
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  • The Villainess's Mission

    "I will make him get me pregnant! I ... I swear that I will get his seeds!" exclaimed Daniella. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [SILVER TIER WINNER-BOOK OF WPC #153] In 1870, a secret agent named Rebekah Alison was assigned to kill the coldest man she ever met in her life: Andrew Lawrence, who was nicknamed The City Prince by the people of Nadem City, where he was born and lives. Andrew Lawrence is the heir to Lawrence Group, Billy Lawrence's company, the father of Andrew. He was idolized by all the girls in Nadem City. Handsome, rich, tall, charismatic, cold, all of these things are in Andrew, making him one of the most popular people in Nadem City. His reputation that used to be so good turn for the worse when his wife, Dorothea Brown, was murdered. Many people believe that Andrew is the muderer, and immediately The City Prince becomes someone most hated by the people of Nadem City. One day, someone used Rebekah's services and required her to kill Andrew. Rebekah accepted this mission and changed her identity to Daniella Miller to get close to Andrew, she was even required to be in a hidden marriage bond with Andrew on her mission, and as the first step, Rebekah works as a farmer on Billy Lawrence's farm. Will Rebekah succeed in carrying out all the tasks on her mission smoothly? But ... with her hate towards Andrew, what if Rebekah falls in love with him instead? Is that even possible? Can it be that her mission will be messed up? ------------------------------------------------------------------- "I ... I want to know, why did ... why did you choose me to be your partner at the party?" asked Daniella. After asking this, the girl looked away from Andrew's gaze because she couldn't make eye contact with him any longer because her heart started beating very fast again. Not only averted her gaze, but Daniella also averted her face slightly from Andrew because she realized that her face is flushed right now and she doesn't want Andrew to notice it too. 'Her question ... there's no way I can tell her that I chose her because I have no other choice,' thought Andrew who is still staring at Daniella. Daniella succeeded to control her feelings in a short time by simply turning her gaze away from Andrew and turning her face a little away from him, her face also returned to its normal color, as well as her heart which is also beating normally again. 'Sigh, he has a too strong charm, if only he doesn't have it maybe I could have said that more easily earlier. I hope I can hate him like most people in this city, I really hate to admire his charm,' thought Daniella, a moment after that the girl is freezing as the fingers of Andrew's right hand gently touched her jaw, Andrew then directed Daniella's face and gaze to facing him again very slowly and gently. "Look at me, I don't want any more misunderstandings between us because of things like this," said Andrew to Daniella after the completely frozen girl made eye contact with him again. "Y-yes, S-sir," said Daniella, she doesn't know what to feel now, the target of her murder is so successful in making her doubt the success of her mission. 'Oh my God ... his touch, his eyes, his lips, his nose, this man ... his charm ... is the real perfection,' the girl sinks in her mind. "I ... I chose you because you are beautiful, Miss Miller," answered Andrew. ------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: *MATURE content* The entire places setting in this story is fiction. The time setting is the year 1870 but overall the story has a picture of the mid-19th to early 20th century. The reference for most of the places setting in the story is the United States in the mid to late 19th century. Discord server: https://discord.gg/GCRQcKfR6R Follow me on Instagram: @sihansiregarsstories

    Sihansiregar · Urban
  • Cry Baby-Rebekah Mikaelson

    Dekuthenerdz · Teen
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  • Henry Mikaelson: The Great Evil

    Henry Mikaelson, the great evil who spreads fear all over the world. He’s the strongest Upgraded Tribrid ever. He strikes fear in the hearts of his enemies and will even dagger or stake his family to get what we he wants. “The Supernatural world is nothing but ants compared to the power of a God” Rebekah: “Brother stop this madness” “I can’t stop this madness!”

    Kamery_Driver_1580 · Horror
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  • The Legacy of the cursed Family

    The soft crunch of the trees on the ground made her wistful. They were a faded, shredded tapestry of autumn, she thought as she remembered the crisp golden hues and the vibrant oranges that had blanketed the forest floor the last time, she had visited it. Wait, the last time she visited? She suddenly realizes where she was, it was that old bungalow! As she realizes the truth, the beautiful clouds turn into violent storm clouds. The tress dancing with the breeze started shouting and screaming at her. Then she saw someone with shiny silver eyes was staring her from the entrance of the balcony. Salvadora was horrified, she couldn’t move. Suddenly, Rebekah’s silver eyes turned red and blood started to come out of her eyes! But the next thing that happened was even worse, blood started to pool out of Salvadora's eyes too! Her whole face was covered in blood. “Babe, do what’s right, SAVE THE HUMANITY IN YOU!” The next thing that she knew, she hanged herself!

    Garvita_Kushwaha · Horror
  • His Queen- The Kingsley Family

    Rebekah Northwest is the youngest daughter of the most well-known noble family in the kingdom of Awa. She has dreamed of a simple life outside the luxuries of nobility but that seems near impossible when the future king wants her for himself. Marcus Kingsley is the crown prince of Awa, and he must be wed to a woman of noble blood before he can inherit the throne. The current king and Queen have selected Rebekah's eldest sister to marry the prince but what happens when he only has eyes for her. And he is determined to make her, his Queen.

    Alana_Whyte · Teen
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  • Dystopian

    Warning sexual content and swearing

    Rebekah_Mittoo · Fantasy
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  • Misi Sang Penjahat Wanita

    "Aku akan membuatnya membuatku hamil! Aku ... aku bersumpah akan mendapatkan benihnya!" seru Daniella. -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Pada tahun 1870, seorang agen rahasia bernama Rebekah Alison ditugaskan untuk membunuh pria terdingin yang pernah dia temui dalam hidupnya: Andrew Lawrence, yang dijuluki Pangeran Kota oleh orang-orang di Kota Nadem, tempat ia dilahirkan dan tinggal. Andrew Lawrence adalah pewaris Lawrence Group, perusahaan milik Billy Lawrence, ayah dari Andrew. Dia diidolakan oleh semua gadis di Kota Nadem. Tampan, kaya, tinggi, karismatik, dingin, semua ini ada di Andrew, menjadikannya salah satu orang paling populer di Kota Nadem. Reputasinya yang dulunya sangat baik berubah menjadi buruk ketika istrinya, Dorothea Brown, dibunuh. Banyak orang percaya bahwa Andrew adalah pembunuhnya, dan segera sang Pangeran Kota menjadi seseorang yang paling dibenci oleh masyarakat Kota Nadem. Suatu hari, seseorang menggunakan jasa Rebekah dan meminta dia untuk membunuh Andrew. Rebekah menerima misi ini dan mengubah identitasnya menjadi Daniella Miller agar dia bisa dekat dengan Andrew, bahkan dia diharuskan berada dalam ikatan pernikahan tersembunyi dengan Andrew dalam misinya, dan sebagai langkah awal, Rebekah bekerja sebagai petani di ladang Billy Lawrence. Akankah Rebekah berhasil menjalankan semua tugas di misinya dengan lancar? Tapi ... dengan kebenciannya terhadap Andrew, bagaimana jika Rebekah malah jatuh cinta padanya? Apakah itu mungkin? Mungkinkah misinya akan kacau balau? -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- "Aku ... aku ingin tahu, kenapa ... kenapa kau memilihku untuk menjadi pasanganmu di pesta itu?" tanya Daniella. Setelah menanyakan hal ini, gadis itu mengalihkan pandangannya dari tatapan Andrew karena dia tidak bisa melakukan kontak mata dengannya lagi sebab jantungnya mulai berdetak sangat kencang lagi. Tidak hanya mengalihkan pandangannya, tetapi Daniella juga mengalihkan wajahnya sedikit dari Andrew karena dia menyadari bahwa wajahnya sekarang memerah dan dia tidak ingin Andrew juga menyadarinya. 'Pertanyaannya ... tidak mungkin aku bisa memberitahunya bahwa aku memilihnya karena aku tidak punya pilihan lain,' pikir Andrew yang masih menatap Daniella. Daniella berhasil mengendalikan perasaannya dalam waktu singkat dengan hanya memalingkan pandangannya dari Andrew dan memalingkan wajahnya sedikit darinya, wajahnya juga kembali ke warna normalnya, jantungnya pun juga berdebar normal kembali. 'Huft, dia memiliki pesona yang terlalu kuat, kalau saja dia tidak memilikinya mungkin aku bisa mengatakannya dengan lebih mudah sebelumnya. Kuharap aku bisa membencinya seperti kebanyakan orang di kota ini, aku sangat benci untuk mengagumi pesonanya,' pikir Daniella, sesaat setelah itu gadis tersebut membeku bersamaan dengan jari-jari tangan kanan Andrew yang dengan lembut menyentuh rahangnya, Andrew lalu mengarahkan wajah Daniella untuk menghadapnya serta membuatnya menatapnya lagi dengan sangat perlahan dan lembut. "Lihat aku, aku tidak ingin ada lagi kesalahpahaman di antara kita karena hal-hal seperti ini," ucap Andrew kepada Daniella setelah gadis yang benar-benar membeku itu melakukan kontak mata dengannya lagi. “Y-ya, Pak,” ucap Daniella, dia tidak tahu harus merasakan apa sekarang, target pembunuhannya sangat sukses dalam membuat dia meragukan keberhasilan misinya. 'Ya Tuhan ... sentuhannya, matanya, bibirnya, hidungnya, pria ini ... pesonanya ... adalah kesempurnaan yang sesungguhnya,' gadis itu tenggelam dalam pikirannya. "Aku ... aku memilihmu karena kau cantik, Nona Miller," jawab Andrew.

    Sihansiregar · Urban
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  • Crown of Roses

    Matthew is a mortal. Condemned to an uneventful life of labor and exertion in district 8. Tobias is an Infernal-link. Creatures similar to humans made too preserve the earth. Unexpectedly, the too boys lives inter-twine, and what seems like a small encounter quickly twists into something darker, and a bloody battle for life... or death.

    Rebekah2020 · Fantasy
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    Rebekah is just a normal human girl with a life changing past. Her experiences made her insecure until she met Seth and he showed her love beyond colour but before that, there was Jordan, your typical bad boy who is on a mission to "prove a point" but before this bad boy, was an innocent boy who just wanted to be treated the same. And his story is not over. In conclusion, the past plays an important role in our future. Author's note: Sometimes it's better to say than to regret not saying it. Life is all about taking risks, but always remember you can't force someone to love you, love is natural. If you love someone, tell them before it's too late, do not be afraid of rejection because if they don't feel the same way, then you know and you will move on than to be in love alone. And if you don't tell them they'll never know and you will have to watch them with someone else when you could've created something magical.

    Olena_Shalom · Fantasy
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  • Cirque

    Rebekah_Mittoo · History
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  • Story of Our Life

    My name is Gemma Rebekah Lightwood and I'm 18. My friends and I have been through a lot and we can't seem to find a place where we belong, well that is until we moved to London. This is the Story Of Our Life

    LostGirlA5 · Teen
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  • Twisted(fantasy)

    Nineteen year old,Rebekah,is given the task to take care of something after her mother's passing.Upon taking care of this task she meets someone that changes her view on things.What is it she has to take care of? Who's the someone? Read and Find Out

    queenkat645 · Fantasy
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  • Unruly Desires

    A mean boss who has a secret…a quirky assistant who finds out that secret and finds it exciting…Read *unruly desire* for full gist

    Rebekah_4 · Fantasy
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  • My experience at Gettysburg. July 1-3, 1863.

    This story is about the Battle of Gettysburg. You will see through the eyes of the soldier that was there. Follow the men as they go into battle. You will not know who lives or dies until the end. Enjoy.

    Rebekah_Fuller_6238 · History
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  • The Forgotten Memories Of A Cold Knight

    She is an infamous knight known for her merciless actions on and off the battlefield and he is a laidback mercenary who is haunted by events from his past. The unlikely duo finds they both have dark pasts and a particular family that they can't escape. Finding each other on the battlefield will prove that love really can conquer all. *Short story* Thank you in advance, for giving my story a chance. This is the first story that I have ever put out somewhere so I sincerely hope you enjoy it. I love to write and I am always looking to improve so feel free to leave helpful criticism in the comments. If you enjoyed my story please share it with a friend and if you would like to read more from me let me know! - Rebekah Klaus

    rebekah_canady · Fantasy
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