
1990s Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Back to 1990

    If you were given a chance to start over, how would you plan your life? If you don’t have any plans, you can follow the protagonist of the story to explore how to build your own business empire after rebirth.

    Lung_Ron_2496 · Urban
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    Chicago 1990

    Một chàng trai người Trung Quốc trong lúc mơ hồ không rõ nguyên nhân đã xuyên không vào thân thể của cậu bé Alexandre Tống, một cậu trai mười lăm tuổi, mồ côi, sống nhờ nhà dì tại Chicago. Hoàn cảnh của thân thể mà Tống Á xuyên không cực kỳ bi thảm. Đầu tiên chính là nghèo đói, gia đình của dì hắn chủ yếu sống nhờ vào món tiền trợ cấp vốn dĩ vô cùng ít ỏi. Câu chuyện về những kẻ khi xuyên không không cần lo về vấn đề tài chính lại không hề xảy ra với hắn. Hiện tại, trong túi quần của hắn chỉ có ba đồng hai lăm xu, chỉ dám dùng để chuẩn bị cho tình huống khẩn cấp thì lấy ra gọi điện thoại công cộng. Nơi gia đình hắn ở là phía Nam thành phố Chicago, mảnh đất của sự nghèo khó, súng ống, thuốc phiện, bang phái, báo thù chém giết lẫn nhau. Tống Á cứ tưởng rằng hắn sẽ lớn lên trong những ngày tháng thiếu thốn đầy nguy hiểm như thế. Nhưng rồi đến một ngày hắn bỗng nhận được “thiên khải”. Bằng sự không ngoan, hắn đã sử dụng “thiên khải” để giúp mình trở nên nổi tiếng, đưa cả gia đình ra khỏi khu vực miền Nam Chicago và vươn lên, chiếm lĩnh toàn bộ thị trường âm nhạc nước Mỹ.

    Tề Khả Hưu · Fantasy
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    Kembali pada Pelukan Sang Pria Yang Tertinggal

    Coba saja kalau waktu bisa diputar kembali, semua penyesalan dalam hidupmu bisa dihapuskan. Kesempatan kedua untuk berlaku lebih baik bisa kau raih. Penyesalan terbesar dalam hidup Ayu Lesmana adalah menunggu suami yang tak kunjung pulang, sampai akhirnya ia bisa mendengar kabar bahwa suaminya telah meninggal dengan mengenaskan 10 tahun yang lalu. Tak bisa menahan lagi, Ayu mati dengan dibayang-bayangi seorang Sigit Santoso yang dahulu sudah pernah ia sakiti dan ia tinggalkan demi pria lain. Tapi sekarang, ayu terbangun dalam tubuhnya di tahun 1990… Dimana kulitnya masih mulus, tubuhnya masih bisa bergerak bebas… Dan diwaktu sebelum Sigit melamarnya! Ayu tidak boleh meninggalkan pria malang itu lagi… Seperti jam yang diputar kembali, akankah Ayu bisa mengubah cerita hidupnya?

    racc6382 · Teen
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    逆转人生,重生1990。 龙腾南方,叱咤香江。 宋志超从前世的超级富豪,变成了一个南方玩具厂的穷酸打工仔,然后,逆袭就开始了。   是英雄,还是枭雄,让我们重温那段波澜壮阔的流金岁月。

    镔铁 · Urban
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    After Acquiring Marvel, I Became the King of Hollywood

    He was a third-rate director in his previous life, but he was reborn as a talented 23-year-old director in 1990s America. From then on, he became the box office king of Hollywood, the world's greatest director, the major shareholder of MGM, and the behind-the-scenes boss of Marvel, with one title after another added to his name. And for his first film, he chose "Saw"... Well, it's just a story about a modern third-rate director who transmigrated to the American entertainment industry and stirred up a storm. WARNING: SOME INACCURACIES MAY OCCUR IN THIS MTL, WHICH I EDITED FOR ME TO MAKE IT A LITTLE MORE READABLE. WARNING: NO COPYRIGHT IS INTENDED; ALL RIGHTS RESIDE ENTIRELY WITH THE OWNER. Cover Pic Not Mine Just found it on Google

    Yeeetoo · Urban
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    1990年的夏天 苏伟重生了 穿着大马裤的青年微微一笑:“再来一次,可能我要的比较多!”

    廖不十 · Urban
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    Marrying a man younger than me in 1990s

    The story takes place in the 1990s Our female lead Samiksha came from a typical middle-class Indian family where she is the eldest daughter with 2 younger siblings . And being the eldest, she had many responsibilities. Listening to everything her parents said and marrying the wrong man after being abused and killed, she gets reincarnated right before the tragedy falls on her. So she embarks on the journey to live a fruitful life after reincarnation and leading her family to wealth while making the people who killed her in her previous life pay . While completing her quest, she meets a persisting guy whom she helped once out of good will, but he got stuck to her. How will our persisting young and dashing hero pursue our female lead who has a typical and serious mindset. This story is completely fictional and does not relate to any historical events. Any factor of reality is just a coincidence and a factor of my imagination. The characters are imaginary and do not have anything to do with real-life people.

    Sam2428 · Urban
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    This is circling around a lady's nightmares and how she survives it or not..

    Ashely_Kin · History
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    Viaja a través del tiempo a Chicago en 1990.

    Regresa a Chicago en 1990, todo estará bien. Ven conmigo.

    sckyh · Urban
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     因为巨额拆迁款和家人发生冲突,主角从33层高的阳台掉落,摔回1989年的最后一天。重生后的主角怀里揣着房产证,手里拿着两万块钱冲进商场准备大展拳脚,却被九十年代初期的商(菜)场物价惊呆了!大米只要2毛钱一斤,汽油才6/7毛钱一升!买菜用分标价,每学期学费才4元,房价最贵的才413块/㎡最便宜85/㎡!吃着两斤重的大龙虾,主角真心的觉得自己上辈子错过了一个亿!本文有大纲有40万字存稿请放心入坑。 一起回忆过去30年,发生在普通人身边的人.事.物。粮票.游戏机,大哥大bb机。作为从八九十年代长大的人真心的说一句,我爱北京的雾霾天!! 本文目标读者70,80,90后,基本上95后可纯当小说看。

    驴蹄千里 · Urban
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    当这个时代到来的时候,锐不可当,万物肆意生长,尘埃与曙光升腾,江河汇聚成川,无名山丘崛起为峰,天地一时,无比开阔。   于是重回1990年的方辰,一头扎进了时代的浪潮中。   这一年岁月正好。 群号:705270966

    佛即心兮 · Urban
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    The Legendary Artist

    A man burdened with past regrets is given a second chance, reincarnated in 1990. Determined to lead a life without remorse, his newfound journey propels him to become a legen... wait for it... . . . no yuri, no ntr . . . You can also read advanced chapters by visiting my P@ treon page, p@ treon com/aBMO

    FINN_the_human · Realistic
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    I was born on 19 September 1990

    I give special thanks on this online job.

    Geoffrey_Swift · Urban
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    Dilan : Suara Dari Milea

    Pagi itu, di Bandung, pada bulan September, tahun 1990, setelah turun dari angkot, aku jalan menuju sekolahku sebagaimana yang lainnya yang juga sama begitu. Bedanya, aku jalan sendirian, yang lain ada yang berdua atau lebih. Dari arah belakang, aku mendengar suara motor. Suaranya agak berisik dan yang bisa kuingat di masa itu, belum begitu banyak siswa yang pergi sekolah dengan memakai motor. Ketika motor itu sudah mulai sejajar denganku, jalannya melambat. Seperti sengaja ingin menyamai kecepatanku berjalan. Pengendaranya menggunakan seragam SMA Meskipun saat itu banyak orang yang pada mau pergi sekolah, aku tetap waspada, kuatir barangkali dia mau berbuat buruk kepadaku. Dia bertanya: —Selamat pagi|| —Pagi||, kujawab, sambil menoleh kepadanya sebentar —Kamu Milea, ya?|| —Eh?||, kutoleh dia, memastikan barangkali aku kenal dirinya. Nyatanya tidak, lalu kujawab: - i y a l l —Boleh gak aku meramal? || —Meramal?||, Aku langsung heran dengan pertanyaannya. Kok meramal? Kok bukan kenalan? —Iya. Aku ramal, nanti kita akan bertemu di kantin||. Dia pasti ngajak becanda. Aku gak mau. Tapi aku tidak tahu harus jawab apa. Hanya bisa senyum, mungkin itu cukup, sekedar untuk berbasa-basi.

    MasBoY · Teen
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    story of my life Tuesday 20june,1990

    anzeelamahato · Teen
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    “轰隆隆……” 天空中,黑云滚滚,电闪雷鸣声大作。 唐年摊开手掌,浓郁黑光绽放。 一书浮现,渐渐凝实,于掌心黑光中缓缓旋转。 “刷!” 将那书往高空一抛,唐年大喝一声:“城来!” “轰!” 刹那间,地动山摇,一座城池垂天而下,降临荒野大地…… 当网络小说、文学名著、经典诗词歌赋皆能召唤天降城池时,一介书生的辉煌之路,开启!

    墨胡1990 · Fantasy
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    南朝刘宋末年,昏君当道,骨肉相残,乱世初现。 乱世英雄萧瑾言,柔情似水,壮志雄心,英雄一怒,天下大动! 宝贝儿们,还等什么,一起来南朝争霸呀!!! QQ群619865635

    劲恭1990 · History
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    一句版:开着轮回眼,让世界学会成长! 详细版:这是一个少年重生异世的故事,这是一个波澜壮阔的东方世界,这是一个美女如云的年代。与恶魔签订契约,兑换血继限界、忍术,乃至尾兽,从写轮眼一步步进阶至轮回写轮眼。 这是融合了倩女幽魂、仙剑奇侠传一、新白娘子传奇的世界,而在这个世界,有火影中的血继限界,还有一棵神树…… (本书企鹅群:534463546)

    苏子1990 · Eastern
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    张然带着前世记忆重生在了这个和前世十分相似的平行世界。 1990年5月19号,张然出国办事结束,乘坐豪华游轮回国,带着满心的期待和欢喜。 当游轮行驶过一团迷雾之后,张然就发现时间直接到了2018年,他们这艘游轮直接来到了二十八年后。 ‘一夜之间’,张然原本孤零零的户口本上突然多出了儿子,儿媳妇,女儿,孙子,外孙女。 ........... 群号:1072277587,有兴趣的朋友可以进来聊天,吹牛!

    黑色墨汁 · Urban
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    King of Industry

    Known as the youngest academician-level senior engineer, Zhao Guoyang was reborn in the 1990s. In this era of economic globalization, with his extraordinary wisdom and extraordinary insights, he created one miracle after another and became a name that shocked the world! Wisdom is condensed every bit, brilliance is created by sweat, and witness the rise of a great power! ..... please support this novel with powerstones

    Azaraoth_126 · Urban
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