
Review Detail of ArchDenis in The Legendary Mechanic

Review detail


Story was quite good until 80+ chapters. After that, MC started to develop complex of god and author started to cover loopholes in story. In this novel was stated that this world is real and MC was believing in it, but, at some point, he started to treat NPC just as XP and after some analyzes, I believe he has quite serious mental issues. Some readers believe that officers are "arrogant idiot", orders and regulations were incorrect and stuff that MC did is fine. But such readers are looking at situations only from POV of MC, and does not look beyond what author shows them. If we analyze this novel from POV of real life army and other characters, we can see that MC is very stupid, immature and a psycho. I love smart MC, and I am fine with him being a psycho, but when you show that some random gamer with average talent is smarter than all officers, government, etc... It is a completely different story... Basically, in my opinion, author does not understand real life.

The Legendary Mechanic

Qi Peijia

Liked by 112 people




Strongest system is good 👍😎👍 monkey nut grabbing powers 🥵

Earthshaker34:I started reading through the novels that you started recommending but, The Strongest System? really? you consider this a **** novel and The strongest system as good? and I want to ask you about what you consider as loopholes. you say an average player can't be smarter than others, you consider him to be an immature teenager, I disagree with you only because everything he has done until now has been logical.and if you think a player knowing everything about the game is unusual then that means that you know nothing about MMO games in general.

In a game? This genre is stupid anyway that's why it makes no sense to search for plot pitfalls and the like... They are npc's in a game that are controlled by some weak AI or something...


Hi. I did not get your point. What are you asking or stating?

xcares:In a game? This genre is stupid anyway that's why it makes no sense to search for plot pitfalls and the like... They are npc's in a game that are controlled by some weak AI or something...

What i'm saying is that this isn't a book. This can't be considered literature. This is a light light very light novel. The basic setting is some guy waking up in a game.... Suspension of disbelief is already a lost cause. Why bother checking if character interactions are believable?


I am too lazy to explain in details. But, the main point is that this novel does not deserve to be read as many others, if author is typing some random stuff from his head, which is controverting his own world and setting. You can create any setting and it may be even a very good novel as far as you take it seriously and do not type stuff that is impossible or illogical in your own setting. Have a nice day!

xcares:What i'm saying is that this isn't a book. This can't be considered literature. This is a light light very light novel. The basic setting is some guy waking up in a game.... Suspension of disbelief is already a lost cause. Why bother checking if character interactions are believable?

What would you consider a good novel then?

ArchDenis:I am too lazy to explain in details. But, the main point is that this novel does not deserve to be read as many others, if author is typing some random stuff from his head, which is controverting his own world and setting. You can create any setting and it may be even a very good novel as far as you take it seriously and do not type stuff that is impossible or illogical in your own setting. Have a nice day!

Hello. You do not know me, so it is quite strange that you ask for my opinion. Anyway, here is your answer: I consider lots of things as great novels, for example: The Brothers Karamazov by F. Dostoevsky, The Tempest by W. Shakespeare, Flowers for Algernon by D. Keyes, Clean well lighted place by Hemingway and lots of others. I consider as good novels something like Gulliver’s Travel, Tom Sawyer, Amber Chronicles, from this site only The Devil's Cage I guess(it reminds me of Clifford D. Simak works), I consider worth reading novels like The Record of Unusual Creatures, Trafford's Trading Club, The Strongest System, History's Number 1 Founder, My Master Disconnected Yet Again, because they made me smile. Best regards, Denis.

eternadaoist:What would you consider a good novel then?

I started reading through the novels that you started recommending but, The Strongest System? really? you consider this a **** novel and The strongest system as good? and I want to ask you about what you consider as loopholes. you say an average player can't be smarter than others, you consider him to be an immature teenager, I disagree with you only because everything he has done until now has been logical.and if you think a player knowing everything about the game is unusual then that means that you know nothing about MMO games in general.


P.S. i have read 330 chapters btw


Hello, 1) I do not really remember talking to you and I am quite sure that I have never recommended any novels. I may have typed that the Strongest System was fun personally for me thou. If I was to recommend a novel it would be something like: The Ward No. 6, The Brothers Karamazov, The Tempest, The Snows of Kilimanjaro etc. And not one of simple novels that I read after hard day. 2) I know about MMO quite a lot. I have played WOW for over 6 years and I was in top 46 world PVE guild in Legion, 1st on realm for HFC in Draenor. So I am quite far from average player, I was a h a r d c o r e player. I still play casually and I have insane amount of time in /played. And even I do not know most in game stuff, and events chronology. (After all, it is only a game) 3) If you see logic in his actions... Well I can not really comment on that. I have no right to judge you. Maybe you did not analyze deeply? 4) I do believe that you did not get main point of my review thou. The main point was his attitude, psychology, etc. In my humble opinion he is a lunatic, insane, or something like that. P.S. Just a tip, if you write a letter to somebody, do it properly. Best regards, Denis.

Earthshaker34:P.S. i have read 330 chapters btw

I have no problems with you not liking it, but 1.5 stars is retarded. The Strongest System has every issue you say TLM has, but it's apparently forgiven since it made you smile ... I would h a r d c o r e smack you over the head with a newspaper h a r d c o r e WoW player ... Any review not giving TLM at least 3 stars is bull excrement ...



KageMugen:I have no problems with you not liking it, but 1.5 stars is retarded. The Strongest System has every issue you say TLM has, but it's apparently forgiven since it made you smile ... I would h a r d c o r e smack you over the head with a newspaper h a r d c o r e WoW player ... Any review not giving TLM at least 3 stars is bull excrement ...

Dear kid. I have never written review on The Strongest System because it is not worth my time, so I have no idea what are you talking about, The Strongest System in my opinion is ~2.8-3 stars and only because it made me smile which worth a lot. If there was an option to start from 0 stars, this novel would have got 0.5 stars. There is 0 novels here that deserve grade above 4 and lots that deserve grade 0. (I gave 5 stars to some joke novels like EXP sect thou, but is not a novel) I understand that you are young and you have not read many stories but before criticizing others I recommend you to analyze, do you even have right to evaluate novels here or judge others. Best regards, Denis.

KageMugen:I have no problems with you not liking it, but 1.5 stars is retarded. The Strongest System has every issue you say TLM has, but it's apparently forgiven since it made you smile ... I would h a r d c o r e smack you over the head with a newspaper h a r d c o r e WoW player ... Any review not giving TLM at least 3 stars is bull excrement ...

I am not trying to insult you or anything, but from your comment it can be seen that from your point of view such novels are a good read. On the other hand, in my opinion 99,9% of novels on this site are child novels and I read them after tiring day in lab when I do not want to think and just let my mind to wonder off. Also I do not like writing a review on this site, but if I do, I automatically compare them to thousands classical novels that I have read, and I do evaluate novels comparing them to Hemingway, Tolstoy and others. I do give them some slack, but if I seriously evaluate Legendary Mechanic and other novels here, I can not give them above 0 stars at all. I suppose now you understand my point of view and will not be insulted by "kid" reference. It was an automatic reference, as I am a professor in university and most people are kids in my eyes. Best regards, Denis.

KageMugen:I have no problems with you not liking it, but 1.5 stars is retarded. The Strongest System has every issue you say TLM has, but it's apparently forgiven since it made you smile ... I would h a r d c o r e smack you over the head with a newspaper h a r d c o r e WoW player ... Any review not giving TLM at least 3 stars is bull excrement ...

I may be older than you in fact and I read a lot of classic literature also. My point is you are micing apples and oranges. There won't be any classic literature on webnovel. My point is you and peiple like you are pushing good entertaining novels down by unrealistic expectations and pulling crap like Strongest system up which is mildly entertaing slapstick comedy with vulgarity and a retarded overpowered MC. By the titles I would even say you are Slavic like myself and you just had to point out you are a profesor. Yes, we plebeians don't understand you hc WoW players and classic Russian literature. Thinking about it WoW was/is like Strongest system ... retarded. They should revise the voting to median scores and not averages so retarded anomalies with too much expectations don't mess it up.

ArchDenis:I am not trying to insult you or anything, but from your comment it can be seen that from your point of view such novels are a good read. On the other hand, in my opinion 99,9% of novels on this site are child novels and I read them after tiring day in lab when I do not want to think and just let my mind to wonder off. Also I do not like writing a review on this site, but if I do, I automatically compare them to thousands classical novels that I have read, and I do evaluate novels comparing them to Hemingway, Tolstoy and others. I do give them some slack, but if I seriously evaluate Legendary Mechanic and other novels here, I can not give them above 0 stars at all. I suppose now you understand my point of view and will not be insulted by "kid" reference. It was an automatic reference, as I am a professor in university and most people are kids in my eyes. Best regards, Denis.

1) You have big issues, I have never typed any insults. So read up what have you typed, it is a pure insulting. And now, I do believe that you are a kid and my initial way of addressing was correct. Maybe you are older then I am, but even if you are above 50, you are still far from mature person, as can be seen from your post. 2) You definitely did not read enough good books in your life. And what "lots of classic literature" even means... 3) I am from UK and have no connections to Slavic, I do not even actually know who are Slavic. I am physicist, it is not my field, for this I am kinda sorry (^_^). About authors, well, I have just typed first names that came into my head. I could have typed names of my favorite authors, but I am afraid that you will not even bother searching them via internet and, sadly, almost noone knows them. 4) Why I would not type that I am a professor? I have spent over 20 years to become one, I am proud to be a part of one of the best research teams in the whole world. P.S. Hemingway was an American by the way.

KageMugen:I may be older than you in fact and I read a lot of classic literature also. My point is you are micing apples and oranges. There won't be any classic literature on webnovel. My point is you and peiple like you are pushing good entertaining novels down by unrealistic expectations and pulling crap like Strongest system up which is mildly entertaing slapstick comedy with vulgarity and a retarded overpowered MC. By the titles I would even say you are Slavic like myself and you just had to point out you are a profesor. Yes, we plebeians don't understand you hc WoW players and classic Russian literature. Thinking about it WoW was/is like Strongest system ... retarded. They should revise the voting to median scores and not averages so retarded anomalies with too much expectations don't mess it up.

The bell tolls for you doesn't it. Thank you for enlightening me ohh great professor of physics. How could we plans without a PhD ever know that Hemingway was an American. You know we don't all have UK's high standards of education even though I was forced to read those books you listed as part of my high school's curriculum and some even in grammar school. You wear your accomplishment as a badge and you need to point it out that is why I am here to tell you in Delboy's words "you are a twat".

ArchDenis:1) You have big issues, I have never typed any insults. So read up what have you typed, it is a pure insulting. And now, I do believe that you are a kid and my initial way of addressing was correct. Maybe you are older then I am, but even if you are above 50, you are still far from mature person, as can be seen from your post. 2) You definitely did not read enough good books in your life. And what "lots of classic literature" even means... 3) I am from UK and have no connections to Slavic, I do not even actually know who are Slavic. I am physicist, it is not my field, for this I am kinda sorry (^_^). About authors, well, I have just typed first names that came into my head. I could have typed names of my favorite authors, but I am afraid that you will not even bother searching them via internet and, sadly, almost noone knows them. 4) Why I would not type that I am a professor? I have spent over 20 years to become one, I am proud to be a part of one of the best research teams in the whole world. P.S. Hemingway was an American by the way.

This guy is just baiting. Best regards, minster of UK


Hello. I am not into "baiting" or anything, it is just that people spent time talking to me, so I am replying. Commenting such ancient post is quite strange thou. Have a nice day!

ExaltedCrow:This guy is just baiting. Best regards, minster of UK

You played like over 6 years yet you don't even know the in game stuff, events and chronology thats amazing bro are you some kind of braindead japanase novel mc ?

ArchDenis:Hello, 1) I do not really remember talking to you and I am quite sure that I have never recommended any novels. I may have typed that the Strongest System was fun personally for me thou. If I was to recommend a novel it would be something like: The Ward No. 6, The Brothers Karamazov, The Tempest, The Snows of Kilimanjaro etc. And not one of simple novels that I read after hard day. 2) I know about MMO quite a lot. I have played WOW for over 6 years and I was in top 46 world PVE guild in Legion, 1st on realm for HFC in Draenor. So I am quite far from average player, I was a h a r d c o r e player. I still play casually and I have insane amount of time in /played. And even I do not know most in game stuff, and events chronology. (After all, it is only a game) 3) If you see logic in his actions... Well I can not really comment on that. I have no right to judge you. Maybe you did not analyze deeply? 4) I do believe that you did not get main point of my review thou. The main point was his attitude, psychology, etc. In my humble opinion he is a lunatic, insane, or something like that. P.S. Just a tip, if you write a letter to somebody, do it properly. Best regards, Denis.

When you've read through this entire **** fest. You can come to a realization that this guy has some superiority problems. Firstly he writes In a letter format and uses it as a excuse to insult others then he trys to explain why stating that he's a proffesor is not being all high and mighty. Thirdly he also does not understand how to lower his expectations. light novels are like this so don't even try to compare the classic type books with them in the first place. Fifth as a Australian I find this amusing that our mother country has guys like him in his line of work. Also before you make insulting remarks about my ethnicity by saying we're a bunch of back water illiterate people or trying to rebut this statement I just mentioned. You might want to stop reading books from webnovel if ur standard of a good lightnovel is slapstick comedy books. P.S. if you reply back, ill dump some tea in Bondi just to spite you. also find something better to do than reply to post like mine. if your so smart that is. :D