
Review Detail of AuroraSky in Release That Witch

Review detail


As an avid reader of light novels, web novels and manga, I have to say Release That Witch is by far one of my favorite series. Not only have I been reading it for a while now, but I've also reread it more than a few times and not once has the writer ever disappointed me in any way. Each chapter continues to enhance the story and each character we meet possesses depth and their own unique personality. Every flaw I've found in other series is absent here and every strength I've come to appreciate is presented in spades. Definitely a must read for any fan of the genre.


Release That Witch

Second Eye

Liked by 11 people




the only novel I have read 3 times and sometimes come back to random old chapters to re-read them tirelessly until the current chapter (except the church chapters of course)


I do the exact same thing and I never tire of it.

AlexDoan:the only novel I have read 3 times and sometimes come back to random old chapters to re-read them tirelessly until the current chapter (except the church chapters of course)

Новелла просто класс и действительно, у нее мало недостатков, которые части встречаются в других новеллах. Но я лично не часто перечитываю историю. В данном случае я перечитала ее. Думаю после адаптации новеллы захочется перечитать еще раз)


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