
Review Detail of leto74 in I’m Really a Superstar

Review detail


Good translation. That's about it. It was fun at the beginning, but after some chapter, we got the same pattern again and again. Plus the "strange" relation with women. Plus the racism (i stopped when the MC got a Korean singer beat up by a mob, principally because he's korean). My bad, it's not racism, as the MC tell us over and over again, it's nationalism xD The funny thing is, the MC keeps telling us about how Chinese are the best, but he is only doing plagiarism. The irony is delicious, but I think the author is too dumb to spot it.


I’m Really a Superstar

Chang Yu

Liked by 74 people




that's also where i stopped, around c350.


Yepp thats true


Absolutely same. Im at that part and its become intolerable i decided to drop this rubbish.


MC is ugly. despite having system he doesn't try to change his ugly face. despite having system he tries to join some third party job. he knows that money is no issue if he has the system and yet he tries his ass off just to pass the interview? deleberate drama from author is annoying. deleberate conflict is annyoing. i hate author whom doesn't know the meaning of fantasy. they make MC weak, desipite having the potential to be strong they make MC ugly despit having potetial to be handsomer than anyone. they make MC fight unnecessary conflicts despite the chance of never creating one. all because they know the future of MC but if you know the furture of MC its not fun to write. author shouldnt know what the next chapter would be like. just like he doesn't know his own future in real life.


Not. The funny thing is that this piece was forbidden to continue in China. Isn't that ironic? He tried so hard to praise China and belittle all foreigners, and his homeland did not appreciate his noble patriotic work. )))