
Review Detail of Nyxio in TBBT: Rajesh’s Rebirth (The Big Bang Theory)

Review detail


AI generated chapters really make me sick. So many repetitions and poor dialogues. I am tempted to say that it is 80% AI generated. If anyone denies it then I will just say that the writing skills are so bad. If not AI then it feels as if a 11 year old kid wrote the story and ran it through Grammarly at least because they didn’t know big words and wanted to sound impressive so selected cool sounding synonyms. Really disappointed. I would be happy to read a story with this same concept if someone bothers to actually put in effort and write it.

TBBT: Rajesh’s Rebirth (The Big Bang Theory)


Liked by 2 people




I simply can’t write in my language and expect the translation to work magic, I’ve tried, and it turned out almost unrecognizable, since Portuguese is a language where many words sound alike, making the translation terrible. And yes, the first chapter may have seemed “robotic” because it was one of the chapters I struggled with the most, and it seems to be the only chapter you read, but it doesn’t matter. Fanfiction is a form of entertainment, and if there are people who really like the way I’m doing it, (and there are) I will continue. When the majority of readers find the way I’m doing it to be monotonous, that will be the time to stop.

Nyxio:Series* Big Bang Theory*

I don’t even know if my comment will get through, because I have already deleted the comment, but then I regretted it a few minutes later… you simply completely devalued my effort to do something fun for the readers, starting with the fact that you read 1 or 2 chapters, and drew your own conclusions, and then about the AI part, which is simply impossible to make a fanfic in this way, if it could be done, there would be no authors, secondly, I’m Brazilian, I have to use the app’s translation to translate it into English, and I specify that I want to translate it in a clear way so the AI translates it in a way that everyone understands and this can generate some characteristic words, and about the dialogues, honestly, I don’t know if you’ve watched the series, but they talk like this the entire series, so I don’t understand why such eloquence on your part, and the AI is there to help so I don’t see the point in devaluing work that had the support of the AI, after all, the goal of every author is the same, to bring something fun and have fun in the process, since we are not making any money with it, but anyway, success to you.


I know how you feel. But let me give you the cold hard truth…you might have written a good story and put a lot of effort in it in your own language but the AI has done you dirty. It has messed up everything and your text has turned robotic. It hasn’t helped you, it has ruined your work. I get no emotion from the text, it invokes no feelings in me, no anticipation for the next chapter and it is quite simply boring. Again as I said, you might have written a very nice story in your own language and I bet many people would appreciate reading your original unedited work(those who can read your original language) but this AI edited version is very bad. It does you no justice.

Worldofimagination:I don’t even know if my comment will get through, because I have already deleted the comment, but then I regretted it a few minutes later… you simply completely devalued my effort to do something fun for the readers, starting with the fact that you read 1 or 2 chapters, and drew your own conclusions, and then about the AI part, which is simply impossible to make a fanfic in this way, if it could be done, there would be no authors, secondly, I’m Brazilian, I have to use the app’s translation to translate it into English, and I specify that I want to translate it in a clear way so the AI translates it in a way that everyone understands and this can generate some characteristic words, and about the dialogues, honestly, I don’t know if you’ve watched the series, but they talk like this the entire series, so I don’t understand why such eloquence on your part, and the AI is there to help so I don’t see the point in devaluing work that had the support of the AI, after all, the goal of every author is the same, to bring something fun and have fun in the process, since we are not making any money with it, but anyway, success to you.

Following from my last comment, yes I have seen the whole seiries of young sheldon and all seasons of Big Bang Fheory so I know what to expect. Also your presumption that all authors need to use AI tools to edit is incorrect. Grammerly is still good and used by many to identify mistakes and correct them OURSELVES but AI that auto-edits changes text and as a reader it is very easy to detect. Maybe because you don’t know English very well so you aren’t able to proofread the AI-edited text but take this as a wake up call from someone who does understand English. You would be better off posting your fanfic in your own language than post this AI drivel.

Worldofimagination:I don’t even know if my comment will get through, because I have already deleted the comment, but then I regretted it a few minutes later… you simply completely devalued my effort to do something fun for the readers, starting with the fact that you read 1 or 2 chapters, and drew your own conclusions, and then about the AI part, which is simply impossible to make a fanfic in this way, if it could be done, there would be no authors, secondly, I’m Brazilian, I have to use the app’s translation to translate it into English, and I specify that I want to translate it in a clear way so the AI translates it in a way that everyone understands and this can generate some characteristic words, and about the dialogues, honestly, I don’t know if you’ve watched the series, but they talk like this the entire series, so I don’t understand why such eloquence on your part, and the AI is there to help so I don’t see the point in devaluing work that had the support of the AI, after all, the goal of every author is the same, to bring something fun and have fun in the process, since we are not making any money with it, but anyway, success to you.

Series* Big Bang Theory*

Nyxio:Following from my last comment, yes I have seen the whole seiries of young sheldon and all seasons of Big Bang Fheory so I know what to expect. Also your presumption that all authors need to use AI tools to edit is incorrect. Grammerly is still good and used by many to identify mistakes and correct them OURSELVES but AI that auto-edits changes text and as a reader it is very easy to detect. Maybe because you don’t know English very well so you aren’t able to proofread the AI-edited text but take this as a wake up call from someone who does understand English. You would be better off posting your fanfic in your own language than post this AI drivel.

Good for you, stay positive and I hope you have fun. Just another reminder a lot of the views and reviews you see are bots and they can be seen on many new novels. It’s web novels way of encouraging new authors I suppose, so I hope it doesn’t disillusion you into thinking that what you are doing is ideal and well liked by the “majority”. What you just mentioned “translating” that you seem to be doing through AI is the problem here. The translation is very bad. I won’t be spending so much time and energy into writing responses here if I didn’t think your idea for the novel had potential. So good luck.

Worldofimagination:I simply can’t write in my language and expect the translation to work magic, I’ve tried, and it turned out almost unrecognizable, since Portuguese is a language where many words sound alike, making the translation terrible. And yes, the first chapter may have seemed “robotic” because it was one of the chapters I struggled with the most, and it seems to be the only chapter you read, but it doesn’t matter. Fanfiction is a form of entertainment, and if there are people who really like the way I’m doing it, (and there are) I will continue. When the majority of readers find the way I’m doing it to be monotonous, that will be the time to stop.