


Your favorite author: I hope my writing is to your liking, what can you expect from me? slice of life, romance, action. The rest is bonus

2021-12-26 JoinedGlobal



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  • Worldofimagination

    I read all the free chapters, and I was disappointed, not because the story was bad, but because of the opportunity you missed, man. When I read the title of the novel and the synopsis, I thought of something completely different, like a romance from that manga 'My Wife is a Demon Queen' (which I recommend, by the way). You got me very hopeful, author. You combined cultivation, a guy transmigrated into his own novel, and a beautiful waifu, all things people love. But it wasn’t what I imagined in my head. So many things happened in less than 20 chapters that I couldn’t understand half of it. Too many events at once. Not to mention the old man who became his master, which, in my opinion, didn’t make sense. If he has a golden finger, he doesn’t need a master. And in less than 10 chapters after meeting the protagonist (villain), they already separated. He went one way, and she went another, even though he is her slave. He should at least follow her. There wasn’t even time for the two to interact, man. Note: I’m giving my opinion regarding the beginning of the book. I haven’t read the recent chapters, so I don’t know if the book is good or bad. Up to where I read, it didn’t interest me, just the title and the premise of what it could be.

    Villainess's Slave: I Transmigrated into an Eastern Fantasy Comic
    Eastern · DD_TheDreamer
  • Worldofimagination
    Replied to Worldofimagination

    Vou ler novamente só pra matar a raiva que sinto do autor por não atualizar essa obra de arte, exijo uma atualização de 100 capítulos quando voltar!

    Rebound: A 2nd Chance
    Sports · The_Gaji
  • Worldofimagination

    Is the author still writing? I saw this novel about 3 years ago, it was one of the first ones I read, and without a doubt, it was my favorite. And look, I don't even know much about basketball, but the author managed to create such a well-made novel that it got me interested. I was upset at the time when I reached episode 328 and there were no more updates. I saw that there are still a few new chapters, but I'm afraid to start reading them and get attached again since the last update was 5 months ago... If the author were more active, this novel would undoubtedly get a lot of attention here, because after this one, I tried to find others about sports, and I can say that none were as good as this one. If the author is reading the review, I ask him to start updating again! You have a lot of talent, brother. Best wishes.

    Rebound: A 2nd Chance
    Sports · The_Gaji
  • Worldofimagination
    Replied to Vitor_Radanh

    La ele mil vezes kkkkkkkkjj

    Ch 1 That was it?!
    Modern Family: I want Freedom
    Movies · burakku
  • Worldofimagination
    Replied to Worldofimagination

    Not that Porto is bad, but as a Brazilian, I would have loved to see a career start here. I feel like we are so undervalued. 😭

    Greatest Of All Legends
    Sports · Sphire1707
  • Worldofimagination

    "The beginning was interesting, but Porto, man? When they started saying that the scout was speaking Portuguese, I immediately thought of Brazil. I've never seen a fic that talks about Brazil, even though it's the country of football, and the leagues they compete in are on par with any other. So many football geniuses have played in the Libertadores for Brazilian clubs—it's incredible. Brazil has had five people considered the best in the world, something no other country has achieved, not to mention the other stars who are playing in top European teams and who are still in Brazil at this time. It would have been interesting to see the MC interacting with the future greats."

    Greatest Of All Legends
    Sports · Sphire1707
  • Worldofimagination

    I've really enjoyed it so far. Although academy novels are common these days, you can see that the author has made an effort to follow a different path from the others. What attracted me the most, without a doubt, was that the MC doesn't hide. Man, I was so tired of stories where the MC keeps hiding their abilities and pretending to be weak. In this one, even though the MC doesn't show all of their abilities, everyone knows that the MC is strong. Another thing I found interesting is that the protagonist doesn't follow the canon; from the beginning, he’s been messing everything up. This is the kind of protagonist we want to see! The author did an amazing job giving the MC this personality. I was hoping the MC would end up with both sisters, Rachel and Emy, but then I saw there’s no harem. I confess I was disappointed with that part, but I trust the author; he knows what he's doing.

    Extra's Descent
    Fantasy · athex
  • Worldofimagination
    Replied to burakku

    Yeah, man, I believe in you. Take this review as something positive and as a few points to improve on. There are few good fics lately, and you have potential. The grammar was really good, so don't get discouraged.

    Modern Family: I want Freedom
    Movies · burakku
  • Worldofimagination

    Brother, I can't defend this fic. It's fine to make the MC a troublemaker and a rebel—it can even be fun—but 11 years old is too much. Not to mention that it's only the 5th episode and the MC is already literally a god, with all abilities maxed out. I prefer more serious fics, where the author makes an effort to create something fun and exciting for the audience. This is just senseless wish fulfillment. I wouldn't be surprised if the MC starts chasing women like Pokémon.

    Modern Family: I want Freedom
    Movies · burakku
  • Worldofimagination

    "A log hit my face." This phrase cracked me up, man. Here in Brazil, it has a double meaning; if you say this to anyone, they'll tease you for the rest of your life hahaha.

    Ch 1 That was it?!
    Modern Family: I want Freedom
    Movies · burakku
  • Worldofimagination

    I'll write this review, but the author abandoned the fic a long time ago. However, if they happen to read this, I would like them to return to writing Harry Potter fics. Although this fic has some errors, the author did a great job with grammar and world-building details. If they did a self-insertion with an existing character, it would undoubtedly be perfect. If you don't mind, I'll list some things that didn't work well in this fic, which might be why some people are dissatisfied. 1. The author included a lot of comedy throughout the story, which is super cool, but in many moments, it was totally misplaced. It ended up mixing a scene that was supposed to be serious with comedy, making it nonsensical. 2. The second issue was the protagonist's somewhat emo personality. I understand it was a character development arc and that he would overcome it (probably in the last chapters), but in various moments he made jokes and in others, he was emo again just a few chapters later. If the author had kept his personality consistent, it would have been amazing. Alternatively, having him go through a trial at the beginning of the fic and then gradually overcoming it throughout the episodes, while also explaining the reason behind it, would have worked better. It's hard for readers to feel "emotional" if they don't know what the MC is going through or has gone through. This was missing here. 3. Harem. What got me in this fic was the senseless harem—Hermione, Luna, Scar. Man, creating a harem in a world like Harry Potter's is extremely difficult. I've only seen one fic where it worked, and it wasn't even a harem, just two girls. So if you want to do it, I suggest having a maximum of two; more than that is overkill. I think that's it, brother. I really liked the fanfic despite the errors I mentioned. I found you to be a very good author. If you read this review, create another fanfic with the same Harry Potter theme, since it's a topic you know well. Try an insertion with an existing character (preferably one who didn't get much screen time, like Harry's cousin, Dudley Dursley). Man, that would be incredible.

    The Prince Hidden in the Shadows- Fanfic
    Book&Literature · CrossArk
  • Worldofimagination
    Replied to Worldofimagination

    Queria saber se essa é uma tradução ou o autor está fazendo mudanças? Porque sinceramente, fui ler o MTL e é simplesmente decepcionante, o sistema não tem sentido nenhum, já que todas as habilidades são 1000 pontos, e cada campeonato que ele ganha ele recebe no máximo 50 pontos??? Então ele tem que ganhar praticamente 20 copas do mundo???? E cara, tem tanto coisa que não faz sentido, Kaka se tornou uma espécie de chout pra o Neymar e o levou para sua casa em Milan, mano, isso é besteira, sinto que o autor original cagou em uma boa história, tinha tantas coisas boas pra falar, tantos interesses românticos, mas simplesmente parece que o Kaka tem medo de mulher, é simplesmente não tem nenhum diálogo interessante, li até o capitulo 180 e até agora é só sobre jogos de futebol literalmente, isso deixa a história muito repetitiva, os “amigos” que o mc faz simplesmente não tem sentido nenhum, já que o mc não fala com eles, a não ser nos jogos, serio se eu encontrar o autor original eu sou capaz de dar uma porrada nele, cara, uma história que poderia ser tão boa, que desperdício.

    Football: Reborn as KAKA
    Sports · electronatom
  • Worldofimagination

    Nessa época meu Brasil era tão bom, a que ponto caímos no futebol Brasileiro, deixamos nossas joias tudo ir pro exterior… enfim, essa fic é muito boa, a unica coisa ruim até agora é que o Kaka não passa muito emoção, entendo que ele é um reencarnado, mas o jeito que ele trata a familia dele é um pouco distante e um tanto robótico, na verdade, não só a familia dele, na fic não vemos muitos diálogos fora do campo, essa é a unica coisa que pecou o autor, somos brasileiros nossa maior qualidade é ser carismáticos, então faltou um pouco do carisma brasileiro, também não posso reclamar muito já que o autor é coreano, ele não entenderia. Recomendo a Fic pra quem gosta de futebol, e como brasileiro é bom ser reconhecido e ter fics sobre nós, não tem como falar de futebol e esquecer os Brasileiros, afinal somos o pais do futebol. VAI CORINTHIANS!

    Football: Reborn as KAKA
    Sports · electronatom
  • Worldofimagination
    Replied to Isekailogy

    Regarding Minato being a puppet, you are reading too many fanfics. We are talking about the anime here, the original work, where Kishimoto never declared Hiruzen as a "villain." This was based on fan assumptions and theories. It could be or not; that entirely depends on the author. Again, Minato held the position of Hokage for less than a year, during which Kushina was pregnant. So, we could very well attribute this to him not being as active as Hokage. Hiruzen was simply helping and training him to take on the role fully, which is quite normal considering the Third Hokage's experience. (Remember, this is just a supposition, just as many declare Hiruzen as a villain, something the creator never did.) Therefore, my idea remains the same: Minato was never naive; he simply didn't have enough time to stand out in the role of Hokage due to the short period he had. If he had had about five years, do you really think he would have stood by while Danzo did whatever he wanted? He would have simply become the most badass Hokage ever. Danzo only started his plans after Minato died, and Konoha became a mess after his death, where other villages began their moves to weaken Konoha even further. So, if you think that a character who is feared by the mere mention of his name, who faced the Raikage and Killer Bee, would be a puppet for someone else... that's too much.

    Naruto: Rebirth of Namikaze Minato
    Anime & Comics · electronatom
  • Worldofimagination

    Can someone tell me if the MC is going to become a second Hermione? Because honestly, I hate Harry fics where the MC just has their nose stuck in books. And on top of that, he was sorted into Gryffindor for God's sake!! I want adventures and pranks.

    Ch 7 Classes
    The Prince Hidden in the Shadows- Fanfic
    Book&Literature · CrossArk
  • Worldofimagination
    Replied to Isekailogy

    No need, in the canon Minato did not need to hide his strength, as he was Jiraiya’s apprentice, and the Third Hokage would not have allowed Danzo to lay a hand on Minato. Perhaps that was exactly the author’s idea, but it ended up giving Minato a rather innocent vibe, which I did not like. I don’t believe Minato was so innocent in his childhood, as they were in a time of war, and children were literally raised with the mentality of graduating from the ninja academy to go to the battlefield, since everyone knew a war was going to break out. Moreover, when Minato was a child, there was a scene where they tried to kidnap Kushina, and Minato rescued her by killing her captors, and this was when he was a child. Not to mention that he was so formidable on the battlefield that an order was literally issued to retreat if they saw him. So, he was not as innocent as the author made him out to be. But I’m not saying the fic is bad; I’m even waiting for more chapters to give it another chance. But that the author was unfortunate in the first part is undeniable.

    Naruto: Rebirth of Namikaze Minato
    Anime & Comics · electronatom
  • Worldofimagination

    I only read the first chapters of The Shadow Slave, but I have a certain notion of the events. I also read some fanfics about it, and this is without a doubt the best fanfic I’ve ever read. I hope the author doesn’t abandon it.

    Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave
    Anime & Comics · The_oneandonly344
  • Worldofimagination

    I read up to around chapter 156, and honestly, I had to drop it because of the direction the novel was taking. Besides copying parts from other novels out there, what really bothered me was that the author forced the plot too much. For example, the author did everything to ensure Kevin, who is the villain of the novel, survived when the MC tried to kill him (and the MC was very capable of killing Kevin) since he fought more than 20 people at the same time, and only Kevin comes out alive??? And not only does he come out alive, he discovers one of the MC’s extremely important secrets, and if he spreads this secret, it’s goodbye to the MC. So, for this and other similar reasons, I dropped the novel. Of course, there are good things in the novel too. The author did a good job creating the supporting characters and the main ones; I have no complaints in that regard. The personalities of each one are very good, and the MC also has a cool personality. Rating: 7.0.

    Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe
    Fantasy · Esenel
  • Worldofimagination

    “It’s good, Minato was my favorite character, and creating a Naruto world where Minato doesn’t die is a very good idea. But there’s always a downside… and that’s Minato’s personality in this Fic. Of course, Minato has always been a good person, as shown in the anime itself. But watching and reading are totally different experiences; when reading, you have to pay more attention and imagine. So, when you read about a protagonist who is very altruistic and innocent, from my perspective, it makes the fic a bit disappointing. And about hiding his own power, that’s something I simply hate, especially when the MC just wants to hide because he’s afraid others will think he’s too strong and fear him. That didn’t sit well with me. But for those who like a politically correct MC or a Hero, this fic is for you. The author, in general, did a good job, but the fic is not for everyone.”

    Naruto: Rebirth of Namikaze Minato
    Anime & Comics · electronatom
  • Worldofimagination

    I’ve really enjoyed it so far; the pacing of the events is perfect, without rushing anything. I also like the MC’s personality. I just hope he isn’t the type of MC who is good at everything. I’ve read other novels where the protagonist acts, sings, writes comics, is a hacker… that makes the story a bit too overpowered. But so far, it’s been really good. I’ve read up to episode 12, and it seems like he’s going to get into singing as well? That’s fine, but I hope his career is more focused on acting with singing as a secondary aspect. Thank you so much for writing this fic, author-sama.

    Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)
    Movies · FableWeaver