
Review Detail of Ecorie in MHA : Hero Time

Review detail


Translation Quality 1/5: Bad. If I would blame translation on, it would directly go into word choice and grammar. 5/5: I don't judge the time it takes for updates of new chapters or rewrites in general, I would prefer quality over quantity. Story Development 3/5: honesly meh, but I appreciate the Author's effort into trying something new. But it gets bland when it follows the story of the original MHA. Character Design 3/5: I would say pretty meh as well, but the type that isn't that all unique or anything aside from having a system and copies other quirks. He doesn't have his own special thing going on. World Background 1/5: It's the same playout of the original works. I do enjoy the familiar setting, but it gets so old... Note: Don't let my critic be taken and downplay your efforts as an author, even as a fanfic writer! Love from a reader who read every chapter on the latest!! <3

MHA : Hero Time


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Well this is not a translation if you are wondering, this is my original fic. As well as Grammar and all well I am trying to fix that as of now.