
Review Detail of Leporidere in Beta Testing the Apocalypse

Review detail


What can I say? This author simply has a gift for writing good stories. He is not just able to write characters and worlds that feel alive but also create intriguing and exciting plots. He is indeed one of the best writers I have ever seen. He also listens to his readers and writes what people want to read, and yes, that also means he listens to harem requests. However, his supporters on pa-treon, have much more say in who will be in the harem or not. So, my dear harem sect friends, if you want your favorite waifu to be in his story then the best way to do that is to become his patron and support him. This, however, does not mean that he is greedy or a scammer, as he always delivers on his promises to his readers, no matter if they pay or not. Have a heart and give this author some money, as he works himself to the bone for his readers and he needs the money to improve his health, so he can write even more chapters XD. Even if you don't want to pay him, feel free to tell the author your wishes and impressions of the story, as he will always listen to them. BTW author, can you add characters from Tawawa on Monday to the harem?


Beta Testing the Apocalypse


Liked by 3 people


"Listens to the readers and writes what they want to read" LMAO, he has gotten the same complaints in EVERY fanfic he has written, he just keeps introducing uncomfortable situations and tries to justify it by using some kind of weird logic. I won't deny that he is an incredible writer, but the whole listening to readers thing is straight cap. I was also once a ptreon member, so don't say that he only listens to those lol. Ein, my bad if you see this, but this was so funny I had to reply, good luck on the story =)

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