
Review Detail of Daoofmilk in Naruto: Clan of Shinobi

Review detail


Writing Quality is good, not a lot of spelling errors but when there are I usually just chuckle a bit since it looks so out of place. I just started reading this yesterday so i haven't noticed any long waits however from previous experience with the author and his after chapter comments i can see that his got good stability. Story development is nice for me since the tone of the story isn't edgy or dark or "realistic" which i've gotten tired and exhausted of when it comes to naruto fanfics, characters are given a nice showing not having the fan-made overly evil 3rd hokage. Honestly this novel has just been a breath of fresh air and very fun to read given me a lot of chuckles and laughs. Character design is great and is once again a breath of fresh air compared to a lot of other fanfics especially in naruto, If you're reading this and haven't read the novel then let me tell you that you'll love the grampa (probably unless you're no fun lol). Also I really like the 3rd hokage here he's been reduced to the dumbledore of naruto in most fanfics and that's just not true but most people are unwilling to think carefully when writing a fanfic so they jump on the evil character hype train. World Background is naruto so you know good but story hasn't done much to really expand the world which is fine but a 3 star is all this is getting unless author decides to expand the world if not then it's just the normal naruto world with the MC's clan due to his 3 wishes which is why its a 3 and not a 2. Overall This is a great fanfic i highly recommend.


Naruto: Clan of Shinobi


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Reading such comments really inspires me to write even more! Thank you for spending time and helping me develop more.And have to give myself a bit of credit here, when I wrote my first fanfic, marvelous superman, I think I dropped like 3-7 chapters a day. Sometimes, even more than that. I was on a high because I got so much good feedback. But it took a toll on me because I didn't have any stocked chapters, I just wrote them and then released them. So for this fanfic, I paced myself a bit more and only released two chapters a day, but 3 chapters on Saturdays. But that also took a toll since I started my new job and the working hours are long, so now I'm taking a break from the main fanfic while writing my Lion King fanfic. But I have full intent on finishing this fanfic! thanks to your comment I'm all fired up! Also keep your eyes open for my future One Piece fanfic, I genuinely think that it's my best work yet!