
Review Detail of Draul_TheOminous in TEEN WOLF: BLOODBORN

Review detail


Dum! Dum!! Dum!! My second fanfiction is finally here and I have to say I'm pretty nervous about this one. The reason I chose a Teen Wolf fic to wrote is because there were absolutely none(those on Wattpad don't count) that I found, interesting, except one here on Webnovel, but unfortunately it was dropped so I have high hopes for this one. I decided to write Teen Wolf because I wanted to challenge myself and also take a break, or rather another outlook, from the one I took in Marvel: Re-do. Believe it or not, writing something as complicated as a Marvel fic is hard so kudos to all the authors who managed to make theirs a wonderful story. Now unto TEEN WOLF: BLOODBORN. The starting is a little iffy as I was torn between the different scenarios that came to me when writing the first few chapters so it might seem a little bit... nor sure of the word I want to use there, but that's how it might seem. Whatever it might be, it's definitely a unique start, one of its kind. I assure you. I'm not going to give too many spoilers about it so you'll just have to make your own impressions. Romance? Of course. Though this one will be way different than what I tried to portray in Marvel. Main love interest is Malia... I just love that girl. She's the very picture of my ideal girlfriend so don't judge. The only thing I'll say is that they both meet quite early on, way earlier than she waS introduced in the series...and I mean WAY earlier. As for MC, this is where it gets a little bit interesting. The situation about the MC's beginning in reference to the starting of the novel is quite interesting so his situation overall follows the same route. As for what he is... He's a vampire. Or at least one of the many types portrayed in media. Like everyone knows, a vampire in Teen Wolf is overkill so I'll have to bring him down to their level, like way down. His vampirism is a cross between Twilight's and The Vampire Diaries', in the sense that he doesn't burn in the sun and does not glow either. He has the normal weakness to vampires, also news one based on Teen Wolf's myths and also the urge which impacts his character in most ways. In essence, he would be quite similar to a Wendigo for those familiar with Teen Wolf's supernaturals. That's all I can say, so please look forward to it.



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this is interesting tho but not for me cause the MC too much Nerfed


few things 1 would he have the weakness of never being able to go into someone’s home without permission? i always thought that was really stupid 2 when u say main love interest does that mean there will be others and if so will it actually turn into 2+ wives type of thing or will they instead just not get together w him


Oh no. The permission thing is just plain weird, so definitely not. To be honest, I'm still thinking of whether making it multiple love interests(3 max, IF), so the ball is still rolling on that court

Carnic_321:few things 1 would he have the weakness of never being able to go into someone’s home without permission? i always thought that was really stupid 2 when u say main love interest does that mean there will be others and if so will it actually turn into 2+ wives type of thing or will they instead just not get together w him

well personally i only like one LI but that’s just me i mean i don’t know if you want a different weakness that kinda makes sense you could do what Supernatural did with dead mans blood but it would be better if it was harmful only after a certain amount of time after they die eg 1 day or a few hours or just supernatural blood in general i feel like crosses are weird aswell tbh i feel like if at all it should only harm on contact and it’s minor at most lastly for turning does he only have to feed and leave them alive or does he have to actually try to turn them for werewolves it makes sense but vampires not so much with them HAVING to feed on blood

Draul_TheOminous:Oh no. The permission thing is just plain weird, so definitely not. To be honest, I'm still thinking of whether making it multiple love interests(3 max, IF), so the ball is still rolling on that court

His weaknesses are for me to explore but I'll make sure it isn't stupid(so no crosses or garlic). As for turning, there are different versions of vampires out there but for now he isn't able to turn people to vampires. He'll need an Alpha spark for that.

Carnic_321:well personally i only like one LI but that’s just me i mean i don’t know if you want a different weakness that kinda makes sense you could do what Supernatural did with dead mans blood but it would be better if it was harmful only after a certain amount of time after they die eg 1 day or a few hours or just supernatural blood in general i feel like crosses are weird aswell tbh i feel like if at all it should only harm on contact and it’s minor at most lastly for turning does he only have to feed and leave them alive or does he have to actually try to turn them for werewolves it makes sense but vampires not so much with them HAVING to feed on blood

coolio also the alpha spark makes sense

Draul_TheOminous:His weaknesses are for me to explore but I'll make sure it isn't stupid(so no crosses or garlic). As for turning, there are different versions of vampires out there but for now he isn't able to turn people to vampires. He'll need an Alpha spark for that.

So would he be a daywalker like Blade, then?


Read TeenBeast on here


I thought he would be a hunter based on the title…


Oh, he's fast. Faster than any Beta currently.

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Ulvr_Laoch:So would he be a daywalker like Blade, then?

No he doesn't. Even if he were to, that would be an ability available only to progenitors. The vampire's parallel to a werewolves' Alpha.

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I was almost happy thinking it was no-harem/monogamy... at least I don't have to read it and be disappointed later.

Draul_TheOminous:Oh no. The permission thing is just plain weird, so definitely not. To be honest, I'm still thinking of whether making it multiple love interests(3 max, IF), so the ball is still rolling on that court

It's not a harem, or at least I don't plan to make it one

Lycarus:I was almost happy thinking it was no-harem/monogamy... at least I don't have to read it and be disappointed later.

is it related to bloodborne in any way?



DispiritedUser:is it related to bloodborne in any way?

you said it would be more than one love interest, so that implies it's going to be harem/polygamy

Draul_TheOminous:It's not a harem, or at least I don't plan to make it one

Just a few questions - (1) Although I haven't read passed the I'm Here prologue yet, will he become a true Alpha or just a murderous thief for the spark? (2) As you said he's a daywalker like blade is he a dhampir or full vampire that ages to maturity and then stops? (3) Immortality? (4) Twilight/TVD mix to make your version of vampire does this mean he could develop an ability or abilities and can he turn off his humanity (5) Can he survive on human food/Animal blood or does he require Human blood to live as you depict him devouring a sausage roll in the prologue.


Well I for one don't believe he has what it takes to be a True Alpha, but that doesn't mean he'll be seeking to kill an Alpha just because he wanted to rise up the ranks. Though it won't be happening anytime soon. As for how he ages, well even wolves have slowed aging so I think he'll hit his prime and stay like that for a while before continuing ,so yeah, no immortality. That's uncharted territory in Teen Wolf. And besides, the series will end before he grows up into an adult, what use is the immortality then. Well he'll definitely have a switch. I just like that addition it TVD vampires. As for abilities, well no pulling an Itachi or a Dracula(no crows or bats). No special ability like Twilight unplanned conventions. I mean, come on, a vampire seeing the future? So no. He might have something related to blood but I'm still seeing if that'll be OP for the verse. Well he can eat human food, but he's more satisfied with human blood(duh).

Dragon_Rage93:Just a few questions - (1) Although I haven't read passed the I'm Here prologue yet, will he become a true Alpha or just a murderous thief for the spark? (2) As you said he's a daywalker like blade is he a dhampir or full vampire that ages to maturity and then stops? (3) Immortality? (4) Twilight/TVD mix to make your version of vampire does this mean he could develop an ability or abilities and can he turn off his humanity (5) Can he survive on human food/Animal blood or does he require Human blood to live as you depict him devouring a sausage roll in the prologue.

I’ interested in which teen wolf fic that got dropped that you thought was good cus my favorite one got dropped and that was teen wolf mage or whatever sadly forget the name since it’s been a while


Just Let Me Live in Peace. It was quite good but I think the author couldn't decide who he wanted as a love interest

Hazel_Elesium:I’ interested in which teen wolf fic that got dropped that you thought was good cus my favorite one got dropped and that was teen wolf mage or whatever sadly forget the name since it’s been a while