
Review Detail of Blackstarbor in Good or Bad, Does it matter? (Harry Potter Fanfic)[TN]

Review detail


I am going to give it one star for now, because I went to read it and basically the chapters from 1 to 18 are non-existent when they are uploaded and I can start reading it, I will give my true opinion.

Good or Bad, Does it matter? (Harry Potter Fanfic)[TN]


Liked by 14 people




Dear lord I haven’t even started reading it but that’s secondary. I wish you the best author and hope for a speedy recovery. All the love to you and the people helping you.

Lucifer09:I had been into an accident last month, I had been in coma for nearly 8 days and after that when I woke up I found my arm totally broken, I couldn't even eat by myself, all the new chapters that got uploaded were done by my sister. They were chapter meant for p@treon, yet I still asked her to upload them and then I see this comment, thank you.

Really thank you.


bro seriously when you are going to update this?

Lucifer09:Really thank you.

i mean its probably so more ppl by the patreon (he basically takes his own chapters hostage), but its pretty dum, bc if the story is actually good, he loses out on alot of new patreon subscribers that could read his story up to the latest chapters and then buy his patreon for advanved ones...


I had been into an accident last month, I had been in coma for nearly 8 days and after that when I woke up I found my arm totally broken, I couldn't even eat by myself, all the new chapters that got uploaded were done by my sister. They were chapter meant for p@treon, yet I still asked her to upload them and then I see this comment, thank you.

unknown_daoist:i mean its probably so more ppl by the patreon (he basically takes his own chapters hostage), but its pretty dum, bc if the story is actually good, he loses out on alot of new patreon subscribers that could read his story up to the latest chapters and then buy his patreon for advanved ones...

you should write about your accident in the first chapters so people can understand the delay

Lucifer09:I had been into an accident last month, I had been in coma for nearly 8 days and after that when I woke up I found my arm totally broken, I couldn't even eat by myself, all the new chapters that got uploaded were done by my sister. They were chapter meant for p@treon, yet I still asked her to upload them and then I see this comment, thank you.

get well author hope you recover soon

Lucifer09:I had been into an accident last month, I had been in coma for nearly 8 days and after that when I woke up I found my arm totally broken, I couldn't even eat by myself, all the new chapters that got uploaded were done by my sister. They were chapter meant for p@treon, yet I still asked her to upload them and then I see this comment, thank you.

A Good Recovery and I hope you get better soon

Lucifer09:I had been into an accident last month, I had been in coma for nearly 8 days and after that when I woke up I found my arm totally broken, I couldn't even eat by myself, all the new chapters that got uploaded were done by my sister. They were chapter meant for p@treon, yet I still asked her to upload them and then I see this comment, thank you.

Out of curiosity though but is there any archives to see the old chapters?

Lucifer09:I had been into an accident last month, I had been in coma for nearly 8 days and after that when I woke up I found my arm totally broken, I couldn't even eat by myself, all the new chapters that got uploaded were done by my sister. They were chapter meant for p@treon, yet I still asked her to upload them and then I see this comment, thank you.