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  • king_of_kings666
    Bucky was surprised to see the kid actually make his way to the front, and he considered lifting the little guy onto his shoulders for a better view.
    Marvel: The Gene Collector
    Movies · Midnight_Wonder
  • king_of_kings666
    Nazi Concentration Camp
    Marvel: The Gene Collector
    Movies · Midnight_Wonder
  • king_of_kings666

    look like all the wit went to harry

    "Ginny, that is the wrong way. We need to turn back," Lyra disagreed with her friend.
    Harry Potter: Another Chance
    Book&Literature · Krio_Genix
  • king_of_kings666
    Replied to traceeee

    Dig the ground

    That sounds good and all, but here comes the problem. This place is dangerous. From the knowledge the Stranger gave me, this place is like Hardcore Mode from the Minecraft game. That means zombies can kill me easily if I am not careful.
    I Only Want to Enjoy Life But My Little Sister Want Me to be King
    Book&Literature · Fangrove
  • king_of_kings666
    Replied to Kenny123

    Can't completely blame her harry at least should have warn them about a attack before.

    "My brother can't tell me what to do! Come on, Neville. Let's go see the garden." She grabbed Neville's hand and pulled him away from the seats.
    Harry Potter: Another Chance
    Book&Literature · Krio_Genix
  • king_of_kings666
    Replied to Dragon_king22

    Are you sure you were joking? Sounds like you don't get jokes

    'Tsk! Now, I have to draw Xiu Ying. I hate it that my readers are simping over this cold, bipolar bitch and not the sweet female lead I created for my protagonist. Ridiculous!' He scowled inwardly.
    Villainess's Slave: I Transmigrated into an Eastern Fantasy Comic
    Eastern · DD_TheDreamer
  • king_of_kings666

    I am going to vomit

    Just a few moments before the current crisis, Harry had noticed his friends veering off from their usual paths and heading in a different direction. Instantly, he knew exactly what they were planning to do. A mix of pride and frustration surged through him. Internally, he scolded them for their recklessness, yet he couldn't help but feel moved by their bravery and unity.
    Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
    Book&Literature · TalesByJaz
  • king_of_kings666
    Replied to zeypher

    brain braining lol

    Dealing with wraiths, the form Voldemort was currently in, came under Dark magic and Harry had yet to start learning any Dark magic. His grandfather, Arcturus, had advised him to wait until he was seventeen to start such studies because diving into these dark arts too early could harm his developing magical core and potentially corrupt his mind.
    Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
    Book&Literature · TalesByJaz
  • king_of_kings666
    Replied to Spir_Heart

    It's a prank spell not some kind of hellfire.

    Dealing with wraiths, the form Voldemort was currently in, came under Dark magic and Harry had yet to start learning any Dark magic. His grandfather, Arcturus, had advised him to wait until he was seventeen to start such studies because diving into these dark arts too early could harm his developing magical core and potentially corrupt his mind.
    Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
    Book&Literature · TalesByJaz
  • king_of_kings666
    Replied to Brutish

    Nah this is some young master with hero complex and daddy issues.

    Moreover, Harry had a long-term goal to ensure the safety of the forest surrounding Hogwarts. He planned to either eliminate or relocate all dangerous creatures within the forest by the time he graduated. It was irresponsible to allow such threats to linger near a school filled with curious and sometimes reckless students. In achieving this, Harry recognized that he might need the cooperation of the centaurs, who knew the forest better than anyone else. Establishing a mutual understanding now could be crucial for his future endeavors in maintaining the safety of the Hogwarts grounds.
    Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
    Book&Literature · TalesByJaz
  • king_of_kings666

    It's not only for hogwarts. There are other magical trains supposedly.

    The concept of a magical railway station dedicated solely to the Hogwarts Express, which was used only four times a year, puzzled him even more. He questioned the necessity of creating an entire station for a train that served such a limited purpose.
    Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
    Book&Literature · TalesByJaz
  • king_of_kings666
    Replied to 11_8_33

    No I don't fear them just dislike the abominations.

    So, Harry chose Hogwarts. After all, there was more to Hogwarts than just the classes. He was curious about the Room of Requirement and finding out the school's hidden secrets, maybe even things the founders left behind. There were also all those secrets shown in the new Harry Potter game he hadn't had a chance to play yet. 
    Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
    Book&Literature · TalesByJaz
  • king_of_kings666

    yah this is just fillers at this point with no plot.

    The betrayals by Dumbledore and his parents had deeply affected Harry, making him wary of placing his trust in others too quickly.
    Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
    Book&Literature · TalesByJaz
  • king_of_kings666
    Replied to Kriuswer

    nah not the redo of healer

    In this life of shadows and silence, Harry Potter's spirit was tested daily. Yet, within him, a spark of resilience flickered, refusing to be extinguished. It was this resilience that carried him through each day, each challenge, each moment of despair.
    Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
    Book&Literature · TalesByJaz
  • king_of_kings666

    stupidity of a naive mudblood

    Despite knowing that the relationship was for mutual benefit since the elves needed the magic from the wizards, she felt house elves should not be treated the way they were. She and most people like her advocated for a more egalitarian approach, believing there was no need for the house elves to work for magic and the magic should be given to them for free since it was essential for their survival.
    Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
    Book&Literature · TalesByJaz
  • king_of_kings666
    Replied to Hippo9999
    Harry thought about how their falling out reminded him of rivalries from stories, like Madara-Hashirama and Naruto-Sasuke. Imagining Gryffindor and Slytherin calling out each other's names like characters from the Naruto anime made Harry laugh. "Godric..." "Salazar..."
    Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
    Book&Literature · TalesByJaz
  • king_of_kings666
    Replied to Greenbeem1

    what else would go thorough her head when she already prepared to sacrifice herself.

    Her worry for Harry, however, cut a different, yet equally deep, swath in her heart. Euphemia and Fleamont had become Harry's sanctuary, his primary haven of love and care, a stark contrast to the distant and sporadic presence of his parents, James and Lily. The prospect of her absence, the void it would create in Harry's life, filled her with an aching dread. She feared it might further estrange Harry from his family, especially if Charles became the center of attention in the aftermath of the night's events.
    Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
    Book&Literature · TalesByJaz
  • king_of_kings666

    Now I became death, destroyer of dark lord.

    Ch 215 Chapter 215: The Master of Death
    Harry Potter: Another Chance
    Book&Literature · Krio_Genix
  • king_of_kings666
    Replied to atamix

    bro's unintentional rizz is off charts

    [How else was I supposed to act? I just saw someone more beautiful than any woman I've ever seen in my life. I lacked control then.]
    Villainess's Slave: I Transmigrated into an Eastern Fantasy Comic
    Eastern · DD_TheDreamer
  • king_of_kings666
    Replied to MyAbyss
    'Wait! Am I being drawn right now?!' That thought hit him like a hurricane, threatening to drive Li Chen crazy. 
    Villainess's Slave: I Transmigrated into an Eastern Fantasy Comic
    Eastern · DD_TheDreamer