
Review Detail of Space_Fox in NARUTO: I BECAME A GOD

Review detail


If you spread knowledge about ninjutsu to everyone, people will start dying left and right. There are a lot of bandits and deserters in Naruto, the only reason why they are not that strong (only C class or so usually) is because they don't have resources, so if you give a public access internet, civilians will start dying, a lot. The 5 villages don't have enough people to fight all those bandits that now even know ninjutsu. If you want to make your story go this way, it's fine. But you need to show the consequences of it; otherwise it's a bad story. You can't show the good side and completely ignore the consequence of what implementing something like that will do, it's bad writing. P.S. Most cultivation world, where galaxies and universes are destroyed, will lay waste to 99% of anime worlds. Moreover, if he can access anime worlds I don't see why other can't too; they are Gods.



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that only works if they want to. Most civilians don't want to fight and don't want to risk their lives. Moreover, having little chakra is useless. To go toe to toe against a ninja you need years of training. Civilians against bandits that have fought for years won't last a second. Moreover, the same logic can be applied to bandits.

Storm20074:This may be true, but we find in Naruto that everyone has chakra. Some just have very little or can't utilize it. This means civilians would also be able to defend themselves better.

In fact, anime worlds are worse compared to cultivation world. Those are worlds so big where trillions of people are alive and the strong respect the weak, so a cultivation world is much better than most anime world


This may be true, but we find in Naruto that everyone has chakra. Some just have very little or can't utilize it. This means civilians would also be able to defend themselves better.


That's true, but bandits usually have a small amount of chakra like civilians, which is what I was trying to say.


I mean bandits and people like Madara have already been shown to be able to trample on civilians it really only levels the playing field. It provides knowledge that the poor and untalented normally can't receive and even with "bandits" gaining the same information it still lowers there lead since if bandits are a 5 and like civillians are a 1 in power if you add 20 to both the bandits lead becomes much more marginal.

Space_Fox:that only works if they want to. Most civilians don't want to fight and don't want to risk their lives. Moreover, having little chakra is useless. To go toe to toe against a ninja you need years of training. Civilians against bandits that have fought for years won't last a second. Moreover, the same logic can be applied to bandits.

In any other scenario I would agree with you, but becoming strong in naruto really mainly depends on having a powerful lineage or coming from a ninja clan and inheriting parental potential, a first generation ninja reaching C rank is already rare, so even if one or another S-class appears, it shouldn't be a big problem since more will still appear among the villages. If it was easy to learn high-level ninjutsu, history would be full of kages running around.


why would you go to school if you can teach yourself , math , physics etc online 💀


Agree with you on this review. The concept would be cool if he didnt add internet and just did something else