
Review Detail of GSHURA in Zenin's Last Plan:

Review detail


My rating of this book is passable at best.I am an avid reader of ff, because of that especially in this website only few fanfic stories impressed me.in every story what reader concentrate on is the mc, if the autbor develop him well, the story will go well, if not then the story will turn up to be a disappointment.from the summary, you stated that you mc is a reincarnator, doesn't have a memory if the world that he found himself in is irrelevent but as someone who has backround kbowldege, he should have a selfworth and show independance, something that I never see.he is being tortured for years and despite that he never shown any or even the barest thought of revenge in the 19 chapters that I read.what kind of main character is this?pathetic and desappointed to the highest degree.

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