
Review Detail of Loolben in DxD: ReKiba

Review detail


pretty good so far, but mc should probably tone down the hostility because rias even though incompetent is a good master all things considered, he doesn't need to play nice with them, just act cordial (its not like they will punish him if he says no) and i bet he will have an easier time with the devils

DxD: ReKiba


Liked by 72 people




Not surprised by your reply .I used to think the same way till some stuff happened in my life. I won't try to explain to you as some stuff are better understood when experienced. I hope you don't have to experience it though.

_Unknown_Being_:Because they are stupid

You just typed out the reason why MC shouldn’t be nice to Rías? Why would anyone willingly be nice to their “Master”? How does that make any sense


Well this master made it so he didn't die he could at least be thankful he's not dead

SpoiledSecrets:You just typed out the reason why MC shouldn’t be nice to Rías? Why would anyone willingly be nice to their “Master”? How does that make any sense

Rather die than be a slave

SpectreOfKaos:Well this master made it so he didn't die he could at least be thankful he's not dead

It's not really a slave it'd be more like an employer/employee relationship in my opinion for most devil's only the old Satan faction treats them like that.. and they don't even make peerages most of the time, also upon reaching hich class status reicanated devils can get their own peerage.

SpoiledSecrets:Rather die than be a slave

I'm not saying this is good or anything by the way just pointing things out my opinion of this novelist that the idea of a SI kiba was a neat idea but the amount of bias the author has is extremly disappointing not to mention the lack of knowledge about the original work some things he says a just not accurate

SpectreOfKaos:It's not really a slave it'd be more like an employer/employee relationship in my opinion for most devil's only the old Satan faction treats them like that.. and they don't even make peerages most of the time, also upon reaching hich class status reicanated devils can get their own peerage.

unless it's a au setting, rias in the original is a loving and caring person


LOL you cant see normal person or in our world that didn't fear death why dont you try it?

SpoiledSecrets:Rather die than be a slave

Chill bro he just really want to be anime character , im gonna choose rias peerage any day rather than die , alive is better than dead after all

PRiMoRiDiaL:LOL you cant see normal person or in our world that didn't fear death why dont you try it?

.....but stupid.

Tiktark:unless it's a au setting, rias in the original is a loving and caring person

Everyone has their own way of thought. Some people will be happy to be alive no matter the circumstances while others will rather end their lives than go experience something disregarding the innate fear of death. Why do you think ppl commit suicide? I

PRiMoRiDiaL:LOL you cant see normal person or in our world that didn't fear death why dont you try it?

She let issei die just to reincarnate him and conveniently there were flyers being handed out that day and she saved him smh. Kind and caring sure she is

Tiktark:unless it's a au setting, rias in the original is a loving and caring person

that’s fanon rias didn’t even know issei had a sacred gear when she reincarnated him or that he was special she canonically just lucked out with a random human

Reiya9:She let issei die just to reincarnate him and conveniently there were flyers being handed out that day and she saved him smh. Kind and caring sure she is

the novel and the anime (although less clearly) both show that rias didn’t plan issei’s death she was just so lucky the fanbase thought she did (cuz there were honestly a lot of coincidences going on there) buts that’s rias’s whole peerage

Reiya9:She let issei die just to reincarnate him and conveniently there were flyers being handed out that day and she saved him smh. Kind and caring sure she is

But here we are talking about the MC, why are you talking about what you would do? what a strange answer

SpoiledSecrets:Rather die than be a slave

Question, wasn't Akeno turned into a devil just after she escaped? Wasn't orginal Kiba found by her after the project? Wasn't Koneko also found after her sister killed the devil dude? The others as well, its'stoo convenient in my opinion but, whatever

gilgamesh_heroking:the novel and the anime (although less clearly) both show that rias didn’t plan issei’s death she was just so lucky the fanbase thought she did (cuz there were honestly a lot of coincidences going on there) buts that’s rias’s whole peerage

in a world like DXD becoming stupidly strong is no difficult. also peerage members are slaves so have fun with that.

lovemeganegals:Chill bro he just really want to be anime character , im gonna choose rias peerage any day rather than die , alive is better than dead after all

rias is super lucky to the point where people think that the gremory power has to be prophecy or good luck

nnp_the_bot:Question, wasn't Akeno turned into a devil just after she escaped? Wasn't orginal Kiba found by her after the project? Wasn't Koneko also found after her sister killed the devil dude? The others as well, its'stoo convenient in my opinion but, whatever

Because they are stupid

Xerxes_73:Everyone has their own way of thought. Some people will be happy to be alive no matter the circumstances while others will rather end their lives than go experience something disregarding the innate fear of death. Why do you think ppl commit suicide? I

akeno actually spent time homeless and running around she got by using her basic priestess skills to earn alittle money if I remember correctly one of the people had a contract with the Gregory and notified them of her kiba and gasper idk but it wouldnt exactly be impossible for devil's to have spies or informants and they both didn't get away cleanly or quietly koneko if I remember was kuroka leaving her to be found can't remember if she left her near the gremory or not because she wasn't able to protect her and keep on the run As much as I like the fanon trope of her plotting issies death she was to young to plot anything with the others I think the oldest she was before issie was like preteen or early teen not exactly an age range to be plotting to be in the right spot at the right time

nnp_the_bot:Question, wasn't Akeno turned into a devil just after she escaped? Wasn't orginal Kiba found by her after the project? Wasn't Koneko also found after her sister killed the devil dude? The others as well, its'stoo convenient in my opinion but, whatever