
Review Detail of QuadraKellz in My Skill Creation System

Review detail


Overall it is a pretty good read. Some parts can be a bit frustrating to read but there aren’t many. Occasionaly there will be confusing dialogue and there are some typos. However, the MC is likeable and his progression is handled pretty well. I also didn’t like a few plot points but thats just a personal opinion. Rating: 4/5

My Skill Creation System


Liked it!




Thanks for the review. What's the most frustrating part? And which dialogue examples is confusing? I'm hoping for more specific feedback that would help me improve the quality of this writing Thanks.


Well the frustrating parts for me are the actions of the characters, sometimes it doesn’t make sense to me why they would choose to do certain things. As far as the the dialogue does, I was referring to the Invasion Arc on Bastien’s Residence. I understood things after the arc was over rather then as they were happening.

Herolich:Thanks for the review. What's the most frustrating part? And which dialogue examples is confusing? I'm hoping for more specific feedback that would help me improve the quality of this writing Thanks.