
Review Detail of 1lazy_loner in One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Review detail


the author have thought well while writing the beginning cause the first two chapters were amazing then from the fourth chapter this story became simplictic or simply idiotic for a self proclaimed genius the imagination and creativity of author just vanished after chapter 4 the opening for this was unique purely brilliant for a fanfiction but alas i should have never expected something good cause I have never felt so much disappointment from a fanfiction (sorry for my English is not good )

One Piece: Reborn as Enel


Liked by 78 people




W author for taking criticism well and not getting angry.

VeganMaster:fair enough, there wasn't much else to do at the beginning of the story tho(sides training and planning out his future). I appreciate the honesty, and the English was good :))

So you said it got bad, but not how? At least say what you didn’t like. Validate your review.


he just said the mc was inconsistent and the ff as a whole got less creative let the dude have his opinion.

Kapuchinik:So you said it got bad, but not how? At least say what you didn’t like. Validate your review.

fair enough, there wasn't much else to do at the beginning of the story tho(sides training and planning out his future). I appreciate the honesty, and the English was good :))


He joins the marines. 😡😞


bro its good what you talking about


he joins marine to train and learn haki he didnt have haki before joining and plus rokushiki is another technique he wants so

acasualreader:He joins the marines. 😡😞

So it's ok to be enslaved to rapists, slavers, and murderers not to mention slaughtering the innocent when commanded as long as he gets what he wants? "Woe be the man who gained the whole world for the price of his soul"

keith_playz:he joins marine to train and learn haki he didnt have haki before joining and plus rokushiki is another technique he wants so

He didn't become anyone's slave. Most marines barely interact with the Celestial Dragons and the MC specifically has no reason to. Only the Admirals are directly under their supervision(which is why Garp didn't ever become one)

acasualreader:So it's ok to be enslaved to rapists, slavers, and murderers not to mention slaughtering the innocent when commanded as long as he gets what he wants? "Woe be the man who gained the whole world for the price of his soul"

🤣 La marina no son esclavos... son perros obedientes.

VeganMaster:He didn't become anyone's slave. Most marines barely interact with the Celestial Dragons and the MC specifically has no reason to. Only the Admirals are directly under their supervision(which is why Garp didn't ever become one)

well it only temporary plus it would be harder to learn haki and rokushiki without joining the marine so if you cant see it its good because if you apply that to your or anyones job if you didnt see it it basically never happen

acasualreader:So it's ok to be enslaved to rapists, slavers, and murderers not to mention slaughtering the innocent when commanded as long as he gets what he wants? "Woe be the man who gained the whole world for the price of his soul"

He could "loot" the marines. 'If I didn't see it, it didn't happen' is such a head in the sand tactic.

keith_playz:well it only temporary plus it would be harder to learn haki and rokushiki without joining the marine so if you cant see it its good because if you apply that to your or anyones job if you didnt see it it basically never happen

If a buster call is ordered regular marines will be sent as well. Not to mention protecting the 'fish bowls' when they want to adventure. Garp gets aways with it bc he is the 'hero' regular Joe's are at the whim of their superior and don't have the luxury to turn down an order.

VeganMaster:He didn't become anyone's slave. Most marines barely interact with the Celestial Dragons and the MC specifically has no reason to. Only the Admirals are directly under their supervision(which is why Garp didn't ever become one)

I get u, but it's really unlikely that the MC will be affected in the few months he actually stays with the marines :)) Keep in mind that the role is temporary.

acasualreader:If a buster call is ordered regular marines will be sent as well. Not to mention protecting the 'fish bowls' when they want to adventure. Garp gets aways with it bc he is the 'hero' regular Joe's are at the whim of their superior and don't have the luxury to turn down an order.

nc novel/fan-fic :)))

VeganMaster:fair enough, there wasn't much else to do at the beginning of the story tho(sides training and planning out his future). I appreciate the honesty, and the English was good :))

As compared to the pirates?

acasualreader:So it's ok to be enslaved to rapists, slavers, and murderers not to mention slaughtering the innocent when commanded as long as he gets what he wants? "Woe be the man who gained the whole world for the price of his soul"

bro did he join the marine by his own will or for training and information to betray later???

acasualreader:He joins the marines. 😡😞

I don't know why people hate Marines. They are the same as irl police, yeah they got bad apples but as a whole it is still a good organisation that has doing good. The only thing that's sad is, most of the times the one who has the reins is corrupt(politicians), so the organisation as whole aren't able to do good as they should. You can take the elders as the leading ministers who won the elections while celestial dragons as the one belonging from conglomerate,old families or rich business that funded their election campaign. And you will see how much similarities are there between them and police.

acasualreader:So it's ok to be enslaved to rapists, slavers, and murderers not to mention slaughtering the innocent when commanded as long as he gets what he wants? "Woe be the man who gained the whole world for the price of his soul"

"All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing."

Enlightened_Clown:I don't know why people hate Marines. They are the same as irl police, yeah they got bad apples but as a whole it is still a good organisation that has doing good. The only thing that's sad is, most of the times the one who has the reins is corrupt(politicians), so the organisation as whole aren't able to do good as they should. You can take the elders as the leading ministers who won the elections while celestial dragons as the one belonging from conglomerate,old families or rich business that funded their election campaign. And you will see how much similarities are there between them and police.

And how many people are selfless enough to not only put themselves in danger but even their loved ones After all what you asking them to be is wannabe emiya, and we will knew how it worked out for him in the end. Also I hate people like them cause I see them as selfish, dumb and full of arrogance cause if they want to put their life in danger it's all cool but how dare they put their family and loved one in danger and harming them, they didn't ask for this neither they agreed. Also it's easy for us who are sitting on a chair behind a monitor to preach others to be good and become selfish and work for the betterment of others, but they are just empty words, if you want someone to take a step, you first need to take ten steps to be worthy of that. Even when Gandhi preached, people only followed him cause they saw what he wants for them to go through to achieve is less than what he is going through.

acasualreader:"All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing."