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  • Enlightened_Clown
    Replied to Lollkl

    New to crack genre fic aren't you fam. You gotta chose your genres right man, if you want your type of fic. It's like reading a drama genre and btching about drama, or finding humour in humour genre fic n then complaining about it. Crack genre fics are like total opposite of realism, they totally depend on what author was when he wrote that shit, they don't look for can it be done or doesn't it seem not possible, nah the only thing a crack fic does is writing a parody of shits and everything is passable as long as it's funny even if they break the rule of reality. That's all the crack genre is about fam. Infact this fic has some sense of realism cause most of crack fics are wacky as sh1t.

    Naruto: of Shadows and Sharingans
    Anime & Comics · LuminouShadow
  • Enlightened_Clown
    Replied to 0_Jordinio_0

    Well I will believe jordinio's opinion since he has done PhD in writing shitty stories and has wrote so many of them that I am sure he is pretty experienced in finding them out too. So let's believe him.

    Reincarnated as a dragon egg in DxD with a Fate System!
    Anime & Comics · GreatSage_Master1
  • Enlightened_Clown
    Replied to Amylilin

    Because he is Chinese

    After accepting this segment of memory information, Mark's karmic ties with the celestial being were completely severed. From then on, he became a resident of this world, and the celestial being erased any information related to itself from his memory.
    Marvel: Little Genius
    Movies · Lightreaper
  • Enlightened_Clown

    Organs inside the sleeping human more valuable than the human

    However, things didn't go as planned. Full of excitement, Mark boarded the train to the capital, looking forward to his new university life. But after falling asleep in the compartment, he woke up to find himself transformed into a baby.
    Marvel: Little Genius
    Movies · Lightreaper
  • Enlightened_Clown
    Replied to CreationGODBlack

    My condolences.

    "Good morning, Master Mark. It's a clear day with a temperature of 28°C, a southeast wind blowing, suitable for outdoor activities."
    Marvel: Little Genius
    Movies · Lightreaper
  • Enlightened_Clown
    Replied to Kwetzal_Lag


    "Ah dae believe in them!" Minerva's almost offended reply interrupted the conversation and drew everyone's attention back to the argument in their midst. "Septima's got a good head on her shoulders and the lad'll treat her right. Just because they belonged to yer Hoose disny mean you hold a monopoly on caring for our former students!"
    The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Complete]
    Book&Literature · Daddy
  • Enlightened_Clown
    Replied to ArthurStarling

    Let me train you

    Septima Vector didn't have a gag reflex. Once she was past the thickest part of my shaft, she just kept going, sinking farther down my length until her lips wrapped around my base. She swallowed around me and my whole body went stiff with pleasure.
    The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Complete]
    Book&Literature · Daddy
  • Enlightened_Clown
    Replied to PurpleMuse

    Getting slimmed down add extra inches to the PP. I know it cause I went through loosing 40kg of weight at 21 and later finding out that I nearly added 2-2.5 inches. It was quiet a bonus reward lol.

    I'd never given much thought to my endowment. As a teenager in puberty, I measured myself once or twice but stopped once I hit the mark the other boys in my dormitory deemed average. I continued to grow past that mark. A quick estimate put me at about 8 inches or so but again, I hadn't given the subject much further thought. I had always found better things to do than participate in the dick-measuring contests of my peers.
    The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Complete]
    Book&Literature · Daddy
  • Enlightened_Clown

    Bro picked all the worst tropes and put them together in his book. Dense protagonist, special info being said but mc doesn't notice, the soul mate kinda thing of Twilight,etc

    Her lips just barely brushed against mine before sudden noises forced us apart. But that brief contact seemed to be enough for whatever Gabrielle was experiencing to fully take hold of her. Electricity and magic passed between us with that touch. It was almost as if I could sense something finalize and settle deep within her, something that led back to me.
    The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Complete]
    Book&Literature · Daddy
  • Enlightened_Clown

    Point me spell

    I nodded and stood, only pausing once I was upright, "Uh, a thought occurs, Albus. How am I supposed to find Heather Potter? If I just go around the Cup asking for her, I'll be labeled a stalker before I know it. I would rather not speak to the Aurors because of this task of yours."
    The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Complete]
    Book&Literature · Daddy
  • Enlightened_Clown

    Okay dudes. Let's see what we know. 1) Hogwarts start at 13. 2) He just graduated a week ago, that means he completed the 7 year course so he should be currently 20yrs old{13 7=20}. 3) Harry is a female here as this a AU. 4) He said Lupin was a great help to him for his newt O in DADA and we know Lupin taught the 3rd year term(Harry's). That means the next term is gonna be Harry's 4th year also know as goblet of fire. 5) He is pure-blood suspected parents being Serious and Bellatrix, so yes, He is a Black and dumbles know about his parents. 6) He has been raised in a orphanage as for reasons unknown his parents dropped him there after birth. 7) His name is Atlas White{asba joke from his father cause his lineage should be Black }, has a black cat named Shadow as his familiar. 8) Got 5 O's in NEWTs and currently will be working as assistant prof in Hogwarts after graduation, prolly cause either Dumbles pitied this fool cause he blowed away his savings in a week, nepotism or maybe he really is good. ...... Okay can't remember anything else, though if anybody want to add anything I missed please do so.

    He stopped midway through his clapping motion, "Ah, yes, before we begin, I do have one more announcement concerning the coming school year. This year, Hogwarts will have the pleasure of hosting the Triwizard Tournament!"
    The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Complete]
    Book&Literature · Daddy
  • Enlightened_Clown

    Too many evil Dumbledores has tainted my perception of him. Now kind stop myself from seeing him through my tinted glass of suspicion

    He smiled and pride filled me for a moment. I wasn't a stranger to earning the approval of teachers but something about Dumbledore made that approval so much more potent. Maybe it was the fact that he was who he was, a figure of such Influence and Notoriety that he made the Queen look dull in comparison. Maybe it was because he wanted me to treat him like a normal person and seemed to be extending the same courtesy to me himself. Either way, it was like a drug to my sense of self.
    The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Complete]
    Book&Literature · Daddy
  • Enlightened_Clown

    bro is he joining for job or joining the Jedi order

    That was a tougher question and I gave it the appropriate amount of thought before speaking, "… Calm. Like a clear night under the moonlight. Hardworking… Focused and determined. And perhaps I also bear some darker tendencies that I haven't explored yet? A possessiveness for what I see as mine. A vindictiveness for if-… when I am wronged. Quite a bit of pent-up frustration with how the Wizarding World operates. But then again, the night is naturally darker than the day…"
    The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Complete]
    Book&Literature · Daddy
  • Enlightened_Clown
    Replied to Jojo_reference_

    that's hurts bro even if only one of things there is semi true for me.

    "Sir-… Albus. I'm just a Mud-… Muggle-born. I'd have to do something truly extraordinary to be accepted into the same circles as you…" I wasn't. According to the System at least. But there was no way Dumbledore could have known that… right?
    The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Complete]
    Book&Literature · Daddy
  • Enlightened_Clown

    No way. Did serious fked Bellatrix?

    "My, my," Dumbledore's eyes twinkled as he spoke. "Eager, aren't we, Mr. White? Such an ironic name considering your family. Thankfully one of your father's less harmful pranks. One would have thought your mother would have protested due to pride in their blood and name… but I suppose they were both very different people back then. It's a shame they had to hide you from the rest of their family. If you were born a generation earlier, you would have been lauded with greatness for being born with such… pure… blood…"
    The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Complete]
    Book&Literature · Daddy
  • Enlightened_Clown

    Dudes's perception and persuasion is fked, no wonder he thinks being jobless is the end of the world for him

    < Social Skill (T1): Speech 13/100, Persuasion 9/100, Perception 6/100, Seduction 23/100, Teaching 28/100, Negotiation 8/100, Notoriety 2/100, Influence 1/100, Willpower 30/100, Luck 30/100 >
    The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Complete]
    Book&Literature · Daddy
  • Enlightened_Clown

    No no no, don't do it fam that's how the previous guy got offed. The System is duping you.

    < Title: Pure-Blood Wizard, The Gamer? >
    The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Complete]
    Book&Literature · Daddy
  • Enlightened_Clown
    Replied to Licorice


    < Condition(s): Pass Your TOADS Mastery Exams Within Three (3) Years >
    The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Complete]
    Book&Literature · Daddy
  • Enlightened_Clown
    Replied to soldklad

    Bro here wizards are dying from starvation cause they are jobless. So clearly this world is way past the normal levels of stupidity.

    "As if any Muggle-born is stealing jobs from a Pure-Blood," I scoffed, Skeeter's writing hitting a bit close to home for my current situation.
    The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Complete]
    Book&Literature · Daddy
  • Enlightened_Clown

    Author posted so many goth girls, but nobody posted raven...so sad

    Daphne Greengrass
    The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Complete]
    Book&Literature · Daddy