
Review Detail of Rhongomynaid in I Have A Dual World Seal

Review detail


This novel is really uninteresting, so much so that I actually had to take a break and listen to the new Drake album. To nobody's surprise, the Drake album was about as interesting as this so I came back to try read this again and then proceeded to die of boredom. This doesn't deserve a detailed review, there's a saying that the opposite of love is not hate but indifference and that more or less encapsulates how I feel about this. Dropped at CH 10 (idk). yawn(0)/5.

I Have A Dual World Seal

Watermelon Eats Grape

Liked by 15 people




I am too lazy to even write something, but I hate to let some ignorant kid write idiot stuff. Let me tell you after reading about 19 ch, I must say the premise is very interesting! There is my only comment for now. Read it yourself dont listen to this lv 1 kid named Rhongomynaid, I bet he never read anything worthy.



Sorry for not being a bum who grinds experience on Webnovel? If chapters are locked I just go to another website, Webnovel isn't very well made anyways. "I bet he never read anything worthy" makes no sense because it has nothing to do with my review (as half assed as it is) and is also a baseless, false assumption. There is plenty of good stuff out there that I have read like Reverend Insanity, LOM etc but that being said, whether or not I've read "good stuff" has no effect on my qualifications to call out this novel for it's soporific manner. Why? Because this is some of the most lowbrow stuff ever written. Ironically you do a phenomenal job of coming off as exactly what you accused me of being: ignorant and idiotic. cool pfp tho, EMIYA is a great character.

SnoopS:I am too lazy to even write something, but I hate to let some ignorant kid write idiot stuff. Let me tell you after reading about 19 ch, I must say the premise is very interesting! There is my only comment for now. Read it yourself dont listen to this lv 1 kid named Rhongomynaid, I bet he never read anything worthy.

yeah you are not a bum who grinds experience, but you sure are a bum who wastes time writing nonsense. Let me tell you why your review is idiotic, it's because there is no reason in it you only rate 0/5 without reason, the boredom, etc, and then drake bs. Not a proper review, idiotic, and then I read it and was surprised that this novel is not 0/5, even if it is not as good as LOM, but it is better than all the novels you rate 1/5. That's why I said you are an idiot. Your review is just malicious and stupid, go read something with more depth kid!

Rhongomynaid:Sorry for not being a bum who grinds experience on Webnovel? If chapters are locked I just go to another website, Webnovel isn't very well made anyways. "I bet he never read anything worthy" makes no sense because it has nothing to do with my review (as half assed as it is) and is also a baseless, false assumption. There is plenty of good stuff out there that I have read like Reverend Insanity, LOM etc but that being said, whether or not I've read "good stuff" has no effect on my qualifications to call out this novel for it's soporific manner. Why? Because this is some of the most lowbrow stuff ever written. Ironically you do a phenomenal job of coming off as exactly what you accused me of being: ignorant and idiotic. cool pfp tho, EMIYA is a great character.

As a degenerate who has read hundreds of novels and fanfictions, I agree with this review. This story is pretty bad, not as bad as the standard trash here, but still bad. The translator even messed up the second chapter. The story has a boring premise, the character is boring and so is the plot. I haven't had such a nice nap in so long, I might keep this story bookmarked if I get insomnia one day.


I actually disagree with this review Since there is nothing in this novel that is particularly bad so I don’t really understand. If it’s not your cup of tea that’s fine but slow burn is a thing. Move onto the next instant gratification faceslapping copy paste novel if that’s your genre of choice. Channel the same negative review energy for the unreadable MTL trash being pushed ever week on this app


I love slow burn novels though this seems more like a slow burning dumpster fire to me. Reverend Insanity is my favourite novel and a very slow burn, I love it. I'm not the biggest fan of the instant gratification stuff that's popular right now either, my reviews are very critical of them. All this feels like is a slower and blander version of what's popular right now. What annoys me about this is not the pacing but how uninteresting (and unoriginal) the content is. It's painfully predictable and in my opinion brings nothing even remotely compelling to the table due to it's generic and boring execution of it's barely passable ideas. Point of this comment is: I think this novel is dreadfully boring but not because of the pacing but because this has nothing to offer at all apart from the ability to put people to sleep. There's really is nothing of value in this sedative of a novel and that to me justifies my score.

NoNameJustFame:I actually disagree with this review Since there is nothing in this novel that is particularly bad so I don’t really understand. If it’s not your cup of tea that’s fine but slow burn is a thing. Move onto the next instant gratification faceslapping copy paste novel if that’s your genre of choice. Channel the same negative review energy for the unreadable MTL trash being pushed ever week on this app

I mean I'm not even gonna point out the hypocrisy in saying that he wastes time writing nonsense, and directly address the flaws in what you said. You said that his novel is better than the other novels he rates as 1/5 (very surprising that you care enough to look at his profile and read his other comments but you do you). I don't need to know anything about this novel or the other ones he rated to say that logic is inherently flawed. Say there are two tests, one got a score of 20/100 and another got a score of 30/100. Sure the 30 is better, but both tests are still an F. You wouldn't make the 30/100 a D instead of an F simply because it is better than the 20/100.

SnoopS:yeah you are not a bum who grinds experience, but you sure are a bum who wastes time writing nonsense. Let me tell you why your review is idiotic, it's because there is no reason in it you only rate 0/5 without reason, the boredom, etc, and then drake bs. Not a proper review, idiotic, and then I read it and was surprised that this novel is not 0/5, even if it is not as good as LOM, but it is better than all the novels you rate 1/5. That's why I said you are an idiot. Your review is just malicious and stupid, go read something with more depth kid!

I dont think you get my reply, boredom is not a proper review. What I see that he want to meant is this novel have no thrill. He want the thrill, but that doesnt mean this novel is boredom. That is nonsense. Boredom is a very subjective word and if you use it in a review plus drake bs analogy plus 0/5 this become full nonsense and malicious review. Because even though this novel have no thrill, there is no obvious plot hole, stupid plot, or faceslapping nonsense. Rating this novel as 0/5 show how ignorant and stupid he is.

sblego11:I mean I'm not even gonna point out the hypocrisy in saying that he wastes time writing nonsense, and directly address the flaws in what you said. You said that his novel is better than the other novels he rates as 1/5 (very surprising that you care enough to look at his profile and read his other comments but you do you). I don't need to know anything about this novel or the other ones he rated to say that logic is inherently flawed. Say there are two tests, one got a score of 20/100 and another got a score of 30/100. Sure the 30 is better, but both tests are still an F. You wouldn't make the 30/100 a D instead of an F simply because it is better than the 20/100.

Except this novel has no defining features apart from being unoriginal, uninteresting and boring? An actually decent novel that happens to be a trial read right now is The Seventh Base. It's slower than this but far better written in spite of its flaws. Check that out instead. Please go back and actually read my comments and actually refute my points instead of being such a vacuous broken record because I've already established that it isn't "drake nonsense" it's a joke you uncouth troglodyte. Stop using the word thrill in such a strange manner. You're describing me like I'm some hedonistic druggie frantically searching for my next high... It's weird lol. Be real. The world building, characters and plot of this novel are about on par with the other nonsense around. This novel is like watching paint dry and this isn't an unpopular opinion as my review is fairly well received.

SnoopS:I dont think you get my reply, boredom is not a proper review. What I see that he want to meant is this novel have no thrill. He want the thrill, but that doesnt mean this novel is boredom. That is nonsense. Boredom is a very subjective word and if you use it in a review plus drake bs analogy plus 0/5 this become full nonsense and malicious review. Because even though this novel have no thrill, there is no obvious plot hole, stupid plot, or faceslapping nonsense. Rating this novel as 0/5 show how ignorant and stupid he is.

What is a proper review then? Reviews are meant to express the opinion of the person writing the review on the topic being reviewed. In this case, the reviewer felt, in your words, that this book is extremely boring, and he rated it as such. Claiming that his review is not a proper review just because you disagree with it is not only extremely egotistical but shows a complete lack of understanding of what a review even is, as well as a twisted worldview.

SnoopS:I dont think you get my reply, boredom is not a proper review. What I see that he want to meant is this novel have no thrill. He want the thrill, but that doesnt mean this novel is boredom. That is nonsense. Boredom is a very subjective word and if you use it in a review plus drake bs analogy plus 0/5 this become full nonsense and malicious review. Because even though this novel have no thrill, there is no obvious plot hole, stupid plot, or faceslapping nonsense. Rating this novel as 0/5 show how ignorant and stupid he is.

exactly this is 💯, if the content was boring i dont have any right to say this was boring?🤷duh, I was just pointing out my thoughts and how i feel about this story, i absolutely agree with you

sblego11:What is a proper review then? Reviews are meant to express the opinion of the person writing the review on the topic being reviewed. In this case, the reviewer felt, in your words, that this book is extremely boring, and he rated it as such. Claiming that his review is not a proper review just because you disagree with it is not only extremely egotistical but shows a complete lack of understanding of what a review even is, as well as a twisted worldview.

In my other comments above I even went into more detail on why I thought this novel was boring, this man didn't even acknowledge those comments. My original review had no explanation because I couldn't be bothered and I thought that the novel being boring was a very obvious observation. Even after explaining why this is boring the guy just pretends he never read my explanation. Can't with with him. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

sblego11:What is a proper review then? Reviews are meant to express the opinion of the person writing the review on the topic being reviewed. In this case, the reviewer felt, in your words, that this book is extremely boring, and he rated it as such. Claiming that his review is not a proper review just because you disagree with it is not only extremely egotistical but shows a complete lack of understanding of what a review even is, as well as a twisted worldview.

lol you say boredom is subjective.. you finding the premise interesting isn't?

SnoopS:I dont think you get my reply, boredom is not a proper review. What I see that he want to meant is this novel have no thrill. He want the thrill, but that doesnt mean this novel is boredom. That is nonsense. Boredom is a very subjective word and if you use it in a review plus drake bs analogy plus 0/5 this become full nonsense and malicious review. Because even though this novel have no thrill, there is no obvious plot hole, stupid plot, or faceslapping nonsense. Rating this novel as 0/5 show how ignorant and stupid he is.

You are like a beggar who praises other beggars, keep doing that, I like your attitude, it brings a smile to my life

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he feels awfully similar to a woke leftist karen has all the major features like only what I feel is true others are wrong ,not acknowledging the rational explanation given by others and acting like it doesn't exist 🤣😂🤣

Rhongomynaid:In my other comments above I even went into more detail on why I thought this novel was boring, this man didn't even acknowledge those comments. My original review had no explanation because I couldn't be bothered and I thought that the novel being boring was a very obvious observation. Even after explaining why this is boring the guy just pretends he never read my explanation. Can't with with him. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯