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2018-02-01 JoinedGlobal

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  • SnoopS
    Replied to SPECTRALE

    Are you even reading past first ch??

    Constellation Door
    Eastern · Eagle Eats Chicks
  • SnoopS
    Replied to Alocraft

    Im pretty sure alocraft is wrong, the real raw is this 视死如归魏君子

    This book has been deleted.
  • SnoopS
    Replied to EternalAngel


    This book has been deleted.
  • SnoopS
    Replied to Rhongomynaid

    You are like a beggar who praises other beggars, keep doing that, I like your attitude, it brings a smile to my life

    I Have A Dual World Seal
    Eastern · Watermelon Eats Grape
  • SnoopS
    Replied to sblego11

    I dont think you get my reply, boredom is not a proper review. What I see that he want to meant is this novel have no thrill. He want the thrill, but that doesnt mean this novel is boredom. That is nonsense. Boredom is a very subjective word and if you use it in a review plus drake bs analogy plus 0/5 this become full nonsense and malicious review. Because even though this novel have no thrill, there is no obvious plot hole, stupid plot, or faceslapping nonsense. Rating this novel as 0/5 show how ignorant and stupid he is.

    I Have A Dual World Seal
    Eastern · Watermelon Eats Grape
  • SnoopS
    Replied to Rhongomynaid

    yeah you are not a bum who grinds experience, but you sure are a bum who wastes time writing nonsense. Let me tell you why your review is idiotic, it's because there is no reason in it you only rate 0/5 without reason, the boredom, etc, and then drake bs. Not a proper review, idiotic, and then I read it and was surprised that this novel is not 0/5, even if it is not as good as LOM, but it is better than all the novels you rate 1/5. That's why I said you are an idiot. Your review is just malicious and stupid, go read something with more depth kid!

    I Have A Dual World Seal
    Eastern · Watermelon Eats Grape
  • SnoopS
    Replied to Rhongomynaid

    I am too lazy to even write something, but I hate to let some ignorant kid write idiot stuff. Let me tell you after reading about 19 ch, I must say the premise is very interesting! There is my only comment for now. Read it yourself dont listen to this lv 1 kid named Rhongomynaid, I bet he never read anything worthy.

    I Have A Dual World Seal
    Eastern · Watermelon Eats Grape
  • SnoopS

    wow I got surprised someone actually knows heroic age, that is a great old anime

    Ch 2 The Super Evolution System!
    Reincarnated as a Red Dragon, Discipline Makes Me Stronger!
    Urban · Seventh Face of Magic
  • SnoopS
    Replied to akackc

    yeah, how so? for me telling the truth? let me educate you "your highness the royal race of white UK, the invader and the greatest colonizer in human history", while Europe and the US never directly invade china, they bring much worst than that and enslaved them through drugs and unfair trade. Read Opium Wars, Boxer "rebellion", and many other wars from 1700-1900s and their unfair treaty that indirectly enslaved Chinese people. Don't even mention another country that went through far worse from your "democratic" rule. You all can think progressive and so high and mighty just because your ancestors have the time for thinking while the rest of the world works hard labor for your food and luxury. If I'm a moron then all historians also a moron. Anybody who starts pointing fingers at other countries and calling them bad while never learn history should just stop existing. You people said other is insensitive, racist, and stupid, while the truth is you people are the most brainwashed and blind of them all. While you criticize Asians/Africans as stupid, poor, and racist, you live above the wealth that you stole from our ancestors and leave us crumbs. And hope that we are as "civilized and democratic", yeah right. That is why I said racist is a concept created by hypocrites west who never learn anything from history and the most racist of them all.

    My Dungeons Are Popular
    Sci-fi · Sister's Bride
  • SnoopS
    Replied to Mute

    racism is a stupid concept created by the west to be "morally" superior while hiding their past and dirty thought, basically it's a hypocrite concept. China can justify doing all these "racist" things because the last time I remember, the US and most of the west discriminate against them for centuries, and keep doing that till today. It's not the race however if you go to china personally, they will respect you especially if you are American, but they know how rotten your government is. Same as this novel, they never specifically say the white race is bad but only their leader is. So it's not racist. Everyone who said otherwise is racist against the Chinese author. HA! HOW ABOUT DAT!

    My Dungeons Are Popular
    Sci-fi · Sister's Bride
  • SnoopS

    This is such a niche book, the MC is true evil and lots of gore. This is fine if that's is only the downside but there is so much more. First, the plot is so fast-paced, the MC grows too fast, and his enemy all stupid and dies easily. Second, the plot armor is so blatant, like how easy and lucky the MC avoid death because some super OP enemy has a thing to do and give task hunting MC to his/her colleague, which essentially power leveling the MC by feeding the MC his/her colleague's lives. Third. the MC system, power, and world plot are very vague even though the MC already begin to become somewhat a powerhouse in his area, so we still can't gauge how strong the humans, the MC, the anomaly, or anything. Fourth, the MC is only evil and have no personality either than killing, and since almost all his enemy always died in few chapters, we can't see anything interesting about their character growth or building. Basically, this novel only upside is the gore and killing, but no substance, with minimal world-building, character-building, and simple plot. At first, I don't understand why people rate this novel so highly at 4,5+, but then I remember that sociopaths and psychopaths all have zero to minimal emotion or empathy and like to see those gore and blood. Since this novel has no story to relate to or character to sympathize with, this is somewhat a perfect novel for those types of people, who just want to read the gore without substance or story. That is why I said this is a niche novel, good for a psycho who wants to vent their imagination because they cant do it in real life. Because hey there is a lot of psychos out there who abide by society and they need something to vent right? Rather than start hurting others, maybe this novel can become their venting outlet. For any normal reader who especially likes a story, this is such a trash novel.

    I am a Scarecrow and the Demon Lord of Terror!
    Fantasy · Laughter and Joy
  • SnoopS
    Replied to Nutrition_Casual

    he lied, in 40 chapter we know that the MC skill is at least 5 star or maybe 6 star legendary blacksmith

    Blacksmith: The Tempering Begins With One's Flesh
    Eastern · Millenial Flow
  • SnoopS
    Replied to dalekrule

    I don't know how much you read, but I like to read books since I was a kid, and I read many kinds of books, fast-paced, slow-paced, even snail-paced novels, I read them all. I can confidently say that they all have their own shortcomings and advantage. But Mech Touch is a story with slow-paced bs filler, with a lot of inconsistencies, too many elements of fantasy that rooted in real-life like business and military that is not correct making a misconception among readers. Cleary the author is experienced with life but charlatan nonetheless. He knows some knowledge but not all, he fills the gaps of his knowledge with his own imagination. Usually, it's not bad because it's fantasy, but the plot itself created by that information, making the story unbearable to those who know the real deal. Except you are in the military don't ever try to argue about the chain of command. I read until 500/600 and that already cost me so much time, maybe like 2+ books harry potter? And if you tell me I don't read much, well you must be insane. A story should be good not in the ending or later, but from the start, especially for an author who claims he knows what the readers want! I bet all of the readers right know never read a good novel, with a real plot and great character building, that's why they flock to this novel with glee seeing all the "glorious mecha civilization", that full of plot holes and 1d side character.

    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • SnoopS
    Replied to Cepheus_7439

    Do you sure want to rate this novel lower than 3 stars? Cause the author will get to delete your review sooner or later you know... He already did that to at least 3 reviews with dozens of likes. Well, best of luck, here I will give you my like.

    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • SnoopS
    Replied to Red_Goerge

    Welp that's it, you clearly have a skewed sense of favoritism of any science fiction. Based on you saying the trash tier novel "I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World", I just know what your favorite genre book is. I made a mistake even trying to talk some sense to people like you. And there is a LOT of great Sci-fi novels out there, but most of them fail to deliver like TMT. Remember kid, a great book is not just based on the idea, but also how it delivers it. Because I pity you I will recommend one last novel based on your preference, "Kill the Dragon". It's also a web novel, but it's a higher tier than TMT will ever be.

    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • SnoopS
    Replied to SnoopS

    Wow, I just come back to this review section months later and shocked to find that I'm the only negative review with a high upvote! I remember a few months earlier there are at least 2 other reviews who rate this book lower and getting more upvote than me. Now they are gone like swallowed to the abyss, it seems the author really hates seeing the negative review of his trash book. I guess I survive by praising his book first in my review. Well if one day my review gone, you know how Exlor thinks of criticism. Hint: he hates it.

    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor