
Review Detail of Blym01 in Vows and Bullets

Review detail


A year or so ago, I had to drop author's first work to clear time for college, confinement etc.. I still haven't finished TKB, but I saw that it has a collectable token now and I sure has hell will get it, by reading from the start and buying all chapters. While I can't write a concrete review on this new project, I can still guarantee the writing quality of the author, be it in terms of grammar or characters. God I am excited to see where this work will go, but for now I have to catch up in TKB as well as other novels. Wish the author a good continuation and late congratulations for TKB from France. 😁👍🏻

Vows and Bullets


Liked by 7 people




You're back! 😭😭😭 Thank you so much for your review and for all the support. I hope you're doing good over there. Yes, TKB is completed now and it finished strong. It wouldn't have made it this far without your support and encouraging words 🥲 I hope you enjoy reading the rest of the story and onc eyou're done, you can give this one a try too 😁 Take care always and welcome back again! 🥳🥳🥳


Btw, I want to sticky your review but somehow its not showing on the book's page 😢 WN app is maybe having some errors.