
Review Detail of DetachedDreamer in The Lion Cub (HP SI)

Review detail


Almost a great story, uniquish attempt at a divergence in the story, and an entertaining change of pace. only problem is the author seems to pander to the audience that wants a tool bag MC who should only think about benefits and gains. like this might not be his new reality. Seemingly annoyed by all the main characters. "Ron isn't useful, grangers annoying, Dumbledore is evil." Its like the author wants a decent human being as the MC but keeps listening to the critics to be more evil. its honestly kinda sad. other than that I find the story interesting. hopefully the MC remembers that the friends in the book had unquestionable loyalty for some reason he actually questions them? lol must be an AU?

The Lion Cub (HP SI)


Liked by 16 people




I also agree with you about ron but you have to remember that Hermione in real series . Left her parents , friends and even Ron or we can say left everything just to help her friend Harry . We want to read an Harry Potter fanfiction not something like he is fucker , he is fucker, she is fucker , all of them are fucker , I am superior all of them are fucker. Bro I want to read a fanfiction in which Harry is not weak but all fanfictions are either about system or they are using powers of different worlds , in some Harry is spoting nonsense and calling everyone fucker , bro Harry Potter world have some awesome and overpowered spells that Harry can learn to became overpowered. Like findfire , portego dibolika, weather manuplation like Grindelwald , almost overnight transfugration like Dumbledore, spells like aparate , water manuplation spells , that fire storm spell Dumbledore used in cave , and many more but no all they want is use guns , or make rasangun , or became tonystark , or some system fuck , or play Pokemon with girls ,

alef_Rilzaki:You must have never met a Hermione in real life, I have and I can tell you, she is extremely irritating, she gets angry when someone does better than her in a subject even though she has good grades, she tends to correct others without anyone asking In her opinion, dealing with this personality every day is extremely boring, as for Ron, many have a very bad impression of him because of the films where he is almost dead weight, where in the books he is basically an ordinary teenager with positive points and negative, and of course the Molly Weasley scene was also very suspicious, not to the point where she was a thief like in many fanfics or Ginny was a girl who just wants fame, of course the romance was terrible with almost no construction with some attitudes contradicting what it was presentation of her personality.

You must have never met a Hermione in real life, I have and I can tell you, she is extremely irritating, she gets angry when someone does better than her in a subject even though she has good grades, she tends to correct others without anyone asking In her opinion, dealing with this personality every day is extremely boring, as for Ron, many have a very bad impression of him because of the films where he is almost dead weight, where in the books he is basically an ordinary teenager with positive points and negative, and of course the Molly Weasley scene was also very suspicious, not to the point where she was a thief like in many fanfics or Ginny was a girl who just wants fame, of course the romance was terrible with almost no construction with some attitudes contradicting what it was presentation of her personality.