
Review Detail of Zhelander in A Reincarnated Tale : Pokémon

Review detail


I want to like it but I just can't. The story is incredible inconsistent. First we waste 7-10 chapters to introduce some character that we will not see until the MC goes to a new region but then use only 4 to explore the summer camp and 1 to time skip the MC 5 10 years stay in Alola. Brilliant. Then the worth of reincarnation points is completely pointless. The whole point of this fic is that the MC died, decided to not use his reincarnation point and used them anyway. The thing is that having a perfectly fit body that doesn't get ill is like 10 points (out of 650 that he had) but he uses 500 to get an alolan vulpix. A vulpix that later everyone decides to get. With that many point he should have gotten a legendary minimun. Not like it would have mattered. Finally, the world. It's bs and a power trip for the author. The MC is very clearly a SI (if anything because sometime the author forgets about it and talks about himself doing things in place of the MC). Everyone gets a shiny as a starter. Also the first time that he goes to capture pokemon they capture another 2. Of course every single pokemon with two 31ivs or more. Like any fantasy fulfilling protagonist every legendary loves him and gives him things. The second pokemon that he gets is already one. The worst thing is how we skip pretty darn important things. We never saw his starter evolve, and he doesn't even use it. Preffering to use newly capture pokemons. Probably because this isn't the type of fic where the MC slowly and carefully construct his team, but a catch 'em all like with Ash. Before the first gym the MC already has his team full.

A Reincarnated Tale : Pokémon


Liked by 8 people




Yeah I've only read 4 chapters but I'd also like to add to your review by saying that this fic doesn't follow the "show dont tell"writing advice at all lol