
Review Detail of EIIipse in The Male Lead is Obsessed with Me

Review detail


This author's characterization is unique. Creating multiple POV's which interchange multiple times a chapter really gives the reader a broader perspective and creates quite a sizeable amount of tension because of dramatic irony. I really appreciate the unique perspective showcased as well! Each character seems to have been thought out extensively and invites the reader to wonder about their respective pasts. If you are a fan of fantasy, romance, or even thrillers, this novel was written for you. Do yourself a favor and check this one out. <3

The Male Lead is Obsessed with Me

Mary Algen Guiang

Liked by 1 people




thank you so much! Thank you for rating the book with a perfect 5 stars! and thank you for such a generous review. I am happy that I got you intrigued by the characters, and I hope you get to fall in love with one of them throughout the story. Arigato gozaimasu! ♥♥♥