
Review Detail of _Frost_ in Primordial Cultivator

Review detail


50 chapters in no problems with the writing easy to read and the mistakes there is aren't a big deal as there not often. Over all the story is fine but at same time many forced situations and from my initial thoughts on what the story would be from the description of a mc that has to pave his own way in cultivation no matter how stacked against the odds thing are against him with his background and cultivation talent have to say he's had things being pretty convient the whole time. For some reason author has made the concept of strength a cultivator should have at each stage come off pointless. Just makes everything seem completely forced when you have the mc who still at the first tier in cukvation being able to inflict wounds or now even kill someone multiple tiers above his level. Even if the excuse is they were tired I don't see it working why because even a tired body builder is still going to be stronger then a average person, a tired long distance runner is still going to be able to out run a average person. Let alone people that should be hundreds of times stronger then the mc and having abilities like spiritual sense and experienced many years of battle compared to the mc who's still new to all of this. World background honestly is lack luster I don't expect to know of higher worlds or other kingdoms by now but at least give the places the mc is at sense of existence. Descriptions on the size of the location, what's there what it looks like and the people and what there doing. This is good filler and at same time as long as done right meaning full filler because it fleshes out the world the mc is at. The Author deserves praise on the upload rate very rare see a author put out 14 chapters a week when so many struggle to just put out 1.


Primordial Cultivator


Liked by 7 people




few chapters later again kills a nascent soul cultivator but this time one that isn't exhausted.... I get having a op mc but at the expense of one of the most important parts of the story its just like why.