
Review Detail of Aswong in No Way People Find Cultivation Difficult, Right?

Review detail


This is a near perfect novel. Main problems is that not too much chapters too satisfy my appetite. Premise of the book really fits the comedy. If you have read or like novels similar to "senior brother is too steady" or similar cautious cultivating novels, this novel will really make you laugh. Instead of only focusing on the mc, the author give each characters its own personality and unique characteristics that make the story more humourous and flesh out. Even with this, the story doesn't feel bloated and dragging. There is still a lot of side plots in it that is weave perfectly with the main plot without losing the humour. This is a really solid and funny novel. Really worth your time and I recommend this for reading.


No Way People Find Cultivation Difficult, Right?

Dark Knight

Liked by 5 people




mate this is a trash novel ,read my review in the 4th liked review and see what is this piece of sh1t hidden in the back after its good Early 100 chp