
Review Detail of amaturewriter in Admin of Girls' Chat Group

Review detail


heads up [spoilers? not much really ] Other than the grammar and English being slightly off, its all good. tbh, its fine. As for the FF, its perspective. First off, The MC stating characters world is fiction of the bat and them being surprised but accepting it, not only me but even the MC of the ff was surprised by it...lol. Also him more or less showing some of their futures. theres that. You want a ' chat ' style story, then this is good. Harem..well the potential love interests are all characters that people love, so its all cool. plus cultivation world is there with anime. kinda new I think, well new for me cause I only read another ff of this type, and that didnt have it. if you want something new, not this. there are a lot of these ff here. The characters personality that they are presented is more or less complete OC with a few quirks of the OG, rather than being reminiscent of the OG. like its entirely different. The characters also have jap female characters ' character ??' like the baka or hmph or ice beauty thing or ara ara. Theres also the slight logical thing off, which is that all the characters are accepting this entire situation..ie: accepting to join a chat group to give u power and converse with random people...and the entire technological thing.. but I guess can be ignored for a bk of this ' genre ' or plot. The characters dialogues are cringe or exaggerated. now whilst I understand, this is meant to be reminiscent of the OG's, it feels too exaggerated. the screams, fu fu fu's or ara ara aras, shit like that are too much for, And in turn it makes them seem like the female types of anime [ u know semi to full, tsunderes , cool beauty and shit ] than the actual character Then MC, I cant say anything. This bk is written with the mindset that the readers know what its supposed to be, so it just immediately goes into plot. MC get app--->talk chick--.> get em*----> ,,,,,etc. But so far, he is bland, he has nothing interesting or new. typical semi shy/confident/horney protag......his manly/cool moment didnt come yet [ as of C13-C14 ]honestly, in this bk, it might the chicks and them talking rather than the MC, thats interesting. basically, u want something new...might not be for you. u want harem and chicks, yup. and system and chat. yup. character development, well it all went to hell with what I mentioned in the start. I am not saying its shit, but that .the force of the plot is here rather than actual character growth. characters accepting them being fiction, and all that shit. hopefully individually for each one, it will improve, but foundation is lost cause an important moment is lost and completely moved on. like MC showing pic of em immediately next chp. and them surprised but then asking for his pic and then saying bye. literal jist of what happens. so yah --------- pumpkin

Admin of Girls' Chat Group


Liked by 16 people




Looks like the author hid this review lol. Now they don't even have to face backslash from removing reviews.


*characters being fiction-****basically MC says they are fictional works, show em pic, and they just accept it and move on with in a couple paras....paras, not chps...and no suspicion, fear, insanity, etc.


update..okay this is bad...like from a CD perspective. There nothing. no new additions to story, characters are complete OC. And I forgot to mention but in C12 the author had the chance to add some thing new by give some chicks past, but he didnt literally skipped it and said, after hearing her past I feel sad for her. what the fk is her past? And all the characters are so shallow, not build properly. I dont think the author has any idea of the agt verse cause those chicks have ice heart or someshit and are un trusting but believe MC like in an instant, no distrust or anything. And the Moves from world to world and meets characters and just becomes friends like that. Its all rushed, theres no build, moments of interactions, they all just believe whatever he says. really would;ve been good if the characters took time to trust MC rather than rushing and believing whatever the shit he says ------


their also the fact aqua got smarter. I guess she evolve in this fanfaction.


she not smarter. I dont think any moment of her was smart. where was she smart? matter fact her entire personality is warped to someone else entirely

SCP_0999:their also the fact aqua got smarter. I guess she evolve in this fanfaction.

she just speaks clearly, that too without her personality . thats not smart.

SCP_0999:their also the fact aqua got smarter. I guess she evolve in this fanfaction.

Even I still don't understand why there are so many fanfics where MC can get multidimensional chat groups and tell me that the member is fictional or something, it's strange that I think no one is sane after he finds out that his life is just fiction


right? and to have proof of that and see that u are nothing more than a character on a page . insanity at least

kevin_saputra:Even I still don't understand why there are so many fanfics where MC can get multidimensional chat groups and tell me that the member is fictional or something, it's strange that I think no one is sane after he finds out that his life is just fiction

Not really. Have you ever heard the saying "If you give a monkey a typewriter, it will eventually write Shakespeare?" It means that even though the monkey doesn't know language, if you give it infinite time it will eventually type down one of Shakespeares works just by randomly pressing buttons. That means that in these chat group stories where it's described that there are infinite universes, you could get a monkey to type a book and there would be a universe where the random letters on that book was a language and that book told the story of that universe. You could write down anything in a book and there would be a universe where everything you wrote in the book is true. That's the meaning of infinite universes. There's a universe where the moon looks exactly like your head.

amaturewriter:right? and to have proof of that and see that u are nothing more than a character on a page . insanity at least

You've gotten way better at writing reviews, so good job on that. Thanks for the warnings, will skip this one.


Especially if they have dark pasts and are told that a random writer wrote it for the amusement of his resders

kevin_saputra:Even I still don't understand why there are so many fanfics where MC can get multidimensional chat groups and tell me that the member is fictional or something, it's strange that I think no one is sane after he finds out that his life is just fiction

lol this will be a very big plot twist, if seen realistically the person will go crazy and go on a rampage to kill whoever made his life like that and not allow that person to kill the person who tells him that his life is just a story book ahahahah

Masterchef_Gaming:Especially if they have dark pasts and are told that a random writer wrote it for the amusement of his resders

u can do that?

Wallabalooza:Looks like the author hid this review lol. Now they don't even have to face backslash from removing reviews.

Yeah. If you log out of your account and check, the review isn't there. It's just cleverly still showing as up for you so you won't bitch about it. Garbage system.

amaturewriter:u can do that?