
Review Detail of Dune_Lone in The Legend of Min Hong

Review detail


Started this and was really enjoying it until idek what got into the author. He starts giving a lot of backstory and history and then instead of moving the story one 350 chapters in its barely gone anywhere still in the same “mundane” world hasn’t even reached nascent soul. Then we have the part when romance got introduced every 5-10 chaps it’s always some form sex or the other every little thing it’s sex dude just got told that they are only living in 5% of his entire plane and are simply lambs waiting to be slaughtered the response after that seems to be more women to the harem. Author said he’ll start moving the story forward with more action but still every 5 chaps or a bit more it’s more sex scenes with qing or some other love interest coming again like mahn can’t the serious stuff be there before all this stuff not to mention this guy is about 14... for lord’s sake. You literally have 7 planes 8 desloces 9 hells 10 heavens the chais the void and freaking oblivion to explore and all I keep reading is sex in fact the sex is so insane even the bloodlines themselves want to have a go what crap is going on can’t be story be even 10% more serious? This gives me the vibes of stories where so much potential and world background won’t even be explored and would just end with it being rushed to some nasty conclusion cause all these extra chapters wasting on lord knows what could been used to progress this story and build up this world more


The Legend of Min Hong


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I started this novel about 2 years ago and it was my first time ever writing a novel, and after receiving a few complaints and honest critical comments, I decided to begin learning how to write a proper novel. I returned two months ago and I decided to start by editing my second novel; The Hidden Myth Of Ji Dara. I only began editing this story two weeks ago and have just gotten to the 40th chapter. I plan on delivering a storyline that is at least 5 times better than the current one and if you've read the first 40 chapters and compared it to the previous ones, you'd notice the qualitative change. It's up to readers to take the novel as a new one and red them again from the start, since I edit at least three chapters daily. By the time I get to chapter 250, I would have covered the entire novel's currently story line and continue with a brand new one. Thus accept my apologies and please be patient with the quality upgrade. Thanks