
Review Detail of Loot_Ranger in Marvel: A God's Journey.

Review detail


I'm honestly unsure why this has such high reviews. That's the only reason why I started to read this fic and muddled through to chapter 12. There are some good bones to this story. A good basis and a possibly decent plot down the road. But it's painfully obvious that the writer is not a native English speaker nor is there much editing review done to the chapters. If the chapters were run through a quick beta it would make this at least a decent slice of life fic. But the lack of proper capitalization and punctuation pulls you out of the story. I'll be honest in stating that almost all of the first 12 chapters could have been condensed to about 5. He keeps saying that he doesn't want to give a play by play but that's really all it has been so far. We need like a blurb for every 50-100 years till you get to the modern time and the actual story. TLDR: Good bones, but not currently worth the time. I'll come back when it's been edited.

Marvel: A God's Journey.


Liked it!




I read many story's with horrific grammar, but this story's grammar is totally acceptable. Well it's average or above average on this site at best, but it's very much readable imo. About the last part, the part about skipping? That's where you are completly wrong, it's waaay better that he include's the mc's time in Asgard/Olympus. I don't want him to skip all these year's, just to see the mc in cannon destroy everyone with one fart. And the story's name is "Marvel: A God's Journey" doesn't this tell you enough? It's painfully obvious to everyone who think's for half a second that this is not cannon, actually, it would be stupid af if he started at cannon. It's a journey, so why would he simply skip through his whole journey? Just for him to be OP and rip everyone apart for 30 chapter's? And afterwards the story end's or what? The journey in Asgard, Olympus and earth (and in the future other place's as well, atleast i hope so) are waaaay more interesting than cannon, what can he do in cannon? Open his restaurant or company? But that's just my opinion, you can have your's. One thing you're right about, is that the Author's grammar is not that good. But you exaggerate imo, i've seen waaay worse. And there are no simple mistake's like her/his/him/he/she, and if it happen's, it does rarely. The sentence building is not bad either, the lack of punctuation mark's are not noticeable bad too. So i don't know what you are talking about, it definitely has flaw's, but the thing's you mentioned do not belong to it. Anyway, sorry for this long a*s essay, anyone who has read everything so far. Have a good day/night, Peace.


By the time he Got to the main story,hes gonna 1 shot everything, thats what tou call Boring