
Review Detail of Mus69 in Lucifer's Descendant System

Review detail


First of all I'd like to state the negative: this storry suffers from so many cliches and that so far it has been very predictable. Almost all the side characters especially antagonists have been very 1 dimensional and theres nothing amazing about any of them. Also alot of the side characters seem to all have the same brain/personality. Theres the type that think hes just good looking, or just weak, or that he must be capable bc he's survived so long. Those are the only thoughts of other characters we've seen so far besides carlos. We haven't had a proper companion/ rival/ antagonist/ friend introduced into the series that actually have a fleshed out life, history and relationships outside of being in the mc's narrative On the other hand the grammar and spelling is much better than a lot of the top original novels on the power ranking. The story has a lot of potential in terms of possible lore, world building and creativity. The reason for rating it so highly is that its a quality work that will hopefully improve with time and ITS NOT PREMIUM. Now the final reason why this story is good is because its NOT premium. We need more quality stories like this and chrysalis that aren't locked behind paywalls that people can free enjoy or support the authors voluntarily.

Lucifer's Descendant System


Liked by 11 people




man, are you 15? to think that teenagers know what they are doing, you can only be that age. teenagers are very easily manipulated and I have several examples of this, plus they are very impulsive and like to think they are mature enough to do a lot of things.

john764:also, teenagers have a week mind. bruh, u sound awfully disingenuous. teens, even at 15, aren't bumbling babies. 30yr olds make even more stupid decisions than teens do.

:c i couldnt get to it fast enough to enjoy the lands of free chapters. now i am forever doomed to rot behind the great paywalls where i shall be buried


The writer of this novel is a Brazilian youtuber called "Zy" who was exposed a few months ago for exchanging nude photos with a minor girl who was one of his subscribers. She was about 15 years old.


The writer of this novel is a Brazilian youtuber called "Zy" who was exposed a few months ago for exchanging nude photos with a minor girl who was one of his subscribers. She was about 15 years old.


The writer of this novel is a brazilian youtuber called "Zy" that was exposed a few months ago for exchanging nude pictures with an underage girl that was one of his subscribers. She was around 15.


The writer of this novel is a brazilian youtuber called "Zy" that was exposed a few months ago for exchanging nude pictures with an underage girl that was one of his subscribers. She was around 15.


bruh, do people have nothing better to do with their time than slander people. the dude is brazilian, meaning he was raised under different laws. unless many sources are outright lying, 14 is age of consent. meaning, everyone is up in arms about a non issue. sure, you have a right to think whatever you want, as is your right. but trying to slander somebody that didnt break the laws they are beholden too is kinda lame

pqqem:The writer of this novel is a Brazilian youtuber called "Zy" who was exposed a few months ago for exchanging nude photos with a minor girl who was one of his subscribers. She was about 15 years old.

friend, it is wrong here YES, but morally. in Brazil nobody likes that attitude, he still made fun of it, it's completely disgusting

john764:bruh, do people have nothing better to do with their time than slander people. the dude is brazilian, meaning he was raised under different laws. unless many sources are outright lying, 14 is age of consent. meaning, everyone is up in arms about a non issue. sure, you have a right to think whatever you want, as is your right. but trying to slander somebody that didnt break the laws they are beholden too is kinda lame

i guess. i dont live there though so i cant say. i dont have all the information, but it sounds like someone made some poor decisions. he sounds like a typical foolish individual to act like that. the gal made her own poor decision though, which she can even do legally. did he force her to do something, i am guessing not. do what u want, but people are dumb and he has shown it. if you want to get some sort of justice for people being stupid, go ahead. none of this however is enough to make me want to not read the story that at the end of the day doesn't really affect anyone. i wont spend a single cent on anyone on this site, but if he keeps posting i will keep reading.

zyukinoz:friend, it is wrong here YES, but morally. in Brazil nobody likes that attitude, he still made fun of it, it's completely disgusting

what we are trying to do is not to make people not read the story, but to bring this account down. a specific youtuber named mateus505 wrote a text on twitter and asked people to post comments for people from outside the country to know what's going on, that's why so many comments are the same. he is profiting without deserving it, we want to take this source of income from him so that at least he realizes that until he apologizes in an honest way, his life is ruined. I forgot to say, he had minor nudes, which is considered a crime in Brazil, so he really committed a crime and nothing has happened so far (the justice of Brazil is horrible, if nobody speaks, nothing happens)

john764:i guess. i dont live there though so i cant say. i dont have all the information, but it sounds like someone made some poor decisions. he sounds like a typical foolish individual to act like that. the gal made her own poor decision though, which she can even do legally. did he force her to do something, i am guessing not. do what u want, but people are dumb and he has shown it. if you want to get some sort of justice for people being stupid, go ahead. none of this however is enough to make me want to not read the story that at the end of the day doesn't really affect anyone. i wont spend a single cent on anyone on this site, but if he keeps posting i will keep reading.

teenagers have a weak mind and he knew it, zhanye took advantage of this girl who did not have a formed thought and started to have a wrong relationship with her. otherwise, he knew it was morally wrong, and he made videos with the headlines: "she's 19 and he's 13 and they date" he is a hypocrite, he only thinks about money and called his channel a money machine

john764:i guess. i dont live there though so i cant say. i dont have all the information, but it sounds like someone made some poor decisions. he sounds like a typical foolish individual to act like that. the gal made her own poor decision though, which she can even do legally. did he force her to do something, i am guessing not. do what u want, but people are dumb and he has shown it. if you want to get some sort of justice for people being stupid, go ahead. none of this however is enough to make me want to not read the story that at the end of the day doesn't really affect anyone. i wont spend a single cent on anyone on this site, but if he keeps posting i will keep reading.

yes you are right the laws are on his side. but not us. the message being passed and simple "that person is dirty, it is better to stay away"

john764:bruh, do people have nothing better to do with their time than slander people. the dude is brazilian, meaning he was raised under different laws. unless many sources are outright lying, 14 is age of consent. meaning, everyone is up in arms about a non issue. sure, you have a right to think whatever you want, as is your right. but trying to slander somebody that didnt break the laws they are beholden too is kinda lame

also, teenagers have a week mind. bruh, u sound awfully disingenuous. teens, even at 15, aren't bumbling babies. 30yr olds make even more stupid decisions than teens do.

zyukinoz:teenagers have a weak mind and he knew it, zhanye took advantage of this girl who did not have a formed thought and started to have a wrong relationship with her. otherwise, he knew it was morally wrong, and he made videos with the headlines: "she's 19 and he's 13 and they date" he is a hypocrite, he only thinks about money and called his channel a money machine

this chat about "adults do stupid things more than teenagers" is bullshit from 15 year olds who want to feel superior to adults. but anyway, this is not the main issue but zy is an idiot and his account has to be reported for that, and I just answered his arguments that zhanye may not be zy and another argument that would be very controversial in Brazil: she is over 14, so it is not a crime "

john764:also, teenagers have a week mind. bruh, u sound awfully disingenuous. teens, even at 15, aren't bumbling babies. 30yr olds make even more stupid decisions than teens do.

bruh, im almost 25 yrs old. but u make teens seem like they will run up the guy offering candy from a van. im not saying they cant make poor decisions, im saying they arent stupid to the point of being unable to be somewhat responsible for their actions. anybody can be manipulated no matter their age. and i doubt this author is some psychologist that can easily get what ge wants. but u are making it out like he targeted some young ignorant nun to corrupt her of her innocene. i could be wrong, but the reality is the guy probably said he has a bunch of money and asked for a pic and she didnt think much of it. maybe i am biased cause of how i was raised. but i have a hard time believing that teens are as stupid as u make it seem

zyukinoz:man, are you 15? to think that teenagers know what they are doing, you can only be that age. teenagers are very easily manipulated and I have several examples of this, plus they are very impulsive and like to think they are mature enough to do a lot of things.

bruh, are u kidding. adults are just kids with responsibilities. they are just as capable of being a dumba*s as a **** is no matter how old they are. u would think this wouldnt be the case, yet u look literally anywhere online and u see how that is exactly how hit is. stupid people grow up u know, and they dont just all of a sudden stop being stupid because they crossed a number in yrs.

zyukinoz:this chat about "adults do stupid things more than teenagers" is bullshit from 15 year olds who want to feel superior to adults. but anyway, this is not the main issue but zy is an idiot and his account has to be reported for that, and I just answered his arguments that zhanye may not be zy and another argument that would be very controversial in Brazil: she is over 14, so it is not a crime "

the girl was responsible for her action, so much so that it was she who asked for the exposed to happen. I told you to research the prints and translate, but you probably didn't do that, otherwise, you wouldn't use that argument now. and it’s not that she doesn’t know how to answer for her actions, but that when she regretted it, she was afraid of what would happen, because when you make these accusations in my country you are usually criticized as you are the victim, nobody can do it nothing because of that, she didn't even identify herself so as not to be accused and threatened. I was trying to prove to you that he was guilty, and you apparently already understood, but now you are trying to say indirectly that she is an irresponsible person who does not know how to solve her problems alone, and that she already knows very well what she is doing. time of exposed she was about 15 YEARS old, you look like you're trying to defend him, man, this is disgusting, just stop

john764:bruh, im almost 25 yrs old. but u make teens seem like they will run up the guy offering candy from a van. im not saying they cant make poor decisions, im saying they arent stupid to the point of being unable to be somewhat responsible for their actions. anybody can be manipulated no matter their age. and i doubt this author is some psychologist that can easily get what ge wants. but u are making it out like he targeted some young ignorant nun to corrupt her of her innocene. i could be wrong, but the reality is the guy probably said he has a bunch of money and asked for a pic and she didnt think much of it. maybe i am biased cause of how i was raised. but i have a hard time believing that teens are as stupid as u make it seem

if you want to defend this guy or try to ease the guilt, that's fine by me, but know that you are one of the types of people that discourage the victim from speaking out because she "knows what she was doing"

john764:bruh, im almost 25 yrs old. but u make teens seem like they will run up the guy offering candy from a van. im not saying they cant make poor decisions, im saying they arent stupid to the point of being unable to be somewhat responsible for their actions. anybody can be manipulated no matter their age. and i doubt this author is some psychologist that can easily get what ge wants. but u are making it out like he targeted some young ignorant nun to corrupt her of her innocene. i could be wrong, but the reality is the guy probably said he has a bunch of money and asked for a pic and she didnt think much of it. maybe i am biased cause of how i was raised. but i have a hard time believing that teens are as stupid as u make it seem

people can be stupid at any age, but at 12 to 18 they are not mature enough to make good decisions

john764:bruh, are u kidding. adults are just kids with responsibilities. they are just as capable of being a dumba*s as a **** is no matter how old they are. u would think this wouldnt be the case, yet u look literally anywhere online and u see how that is exactly how hit is. stupid people grow up u know, and they dont just all of a sudden stop being stupid because they crossed a number in yrs.

lol, trying to say i am a bad guy for pointing out how stupid this all is. he got a pic, not commit assault/the r word. answer me this, under the exact same circumstances with the exception of her being 3 yrs older would u care anwhere near as much. 3 yrs isnt much time when at that age for there to be much of a change. would he no longer be a scummy disgusting person then. because i still dont see why this is a huge deal. no law broken, no physical confrontation. just some **** doing something they were probably told not to do and a guy who sounds like a fool acting as one. what is the endgame plan here? make him lose an avenue for money for an unspecified amount of time? destroy his social image for years to come? for what exactly, a legal ***** making a choice they regretted? if that is what u want go right ahead. but dont pretend that he is actually a p*do. u know, someone that r*apes single digit aged individuals.

zyukinoz:if you want to defend this guy or try to ease the guilt, that's fine by me, but know that you are one of the types of people that discourage the victim from speaking out because she "knows what she was doing"