
Review Detail of Brian70707 in Reaching For the Stars

Review detail


Dropped chapter 4/5 authors notes every couple sentences trying to explain why he wrote in such and such a faction takes away any form of immersion. Author wasn't clear what age mc was before reincarnated for me that is a big - Author made the decision to against typical reincarnation Hollywood types: that is instead of mc reincarnating in parallel world almost identical to original world then mc using knowledge of scripts, movies, books etc, author decided to have mc reincarnated into a world with a singular continent??? , with technology from 1980 but still somehow have technology capable of sending robots to Mars. Which wouldn't be possible with 1980s technology

Reaching For the Stars


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CyanSuch:From your review and your other comments, I can see clearly that you did not even bother to read the novel carefully. Your point about the technology being from the 1980s when in reality I was explaining that in fact their technology was advanced and in comparison made Earth look like the 1980s. The world is 'illogical' when I spent literally the first 2 chapters showing the character's freaking out over how the world doesn't make sense and specifically calling out the fact that the world was completely illogical. Your other points have been "usually, writers do this," or "writers do that." I do not care what other writers usually do. You're making it seem as if going against the norm is bad. Then this comment. The main character was not at all screaming in agony. He was in his own thoughts and I explained CLEARLY that he was not conscious. You said I made a huge error in this, yet the error was that you did not bother to read at all. "Unbearable conversation" At this point, I can't tell if it's a troll review. If you were a father and your son did not speak to you for months and you constantly worried about him, would you not feel at least a little emotional? The review had feedback that was not helpful at all. The only useful thing that you pointed out was that the author notes interrupted immersion which I fixed at the 10th chapter. You did not bother to read to the 10th chapter. Webnovel's notorious toxic readers have once again disappointed me. Excuse me if the reply seemed 'harsh'. I merely responded with the same energy you sent to me. Before making a review, read carefully as to not spread misinformation to other readers.

5hat was mistakes in first 4/5 chapters Oh yeah their was also the massive mistake of making it clear the mc is screaming in agony for ages but then when he recovers and heads Downstairs all his family are sitting at the table eating breakfast, not one seemed to have heard him scream or went to check on him. Then the unbearable conversation of - are you OK, yes are you yes are you, back and forth then all family members hugging and crying. Seriously AUTHOR WHAT DRUG ARE YOU ON.


Honest review


Hey! Thanks for the review. Author notes interrupting chapters stop at around chapter 10 I believe or around there. I'm pretty sure I made it clear that Charlie was 16 years old and in high school. I think you didn't read long enough to get to that part. I specifically made everything blurry to make it feel as if the reader too was just transmigrated and they were experiencing the same confusion Charlie was having. I dunno what your point about the world being a singular continent is supposed to imply at. The technology was not from the 1980s. I stated something along the lines: "The technology advancement of Pangaea was comparable to the difference between Earth's 1980s and modern times." Basically, what I was saying was that Pangaea's technology was advanced and that it made Earth look like how we modern people would think of the 1980s technology epoch as. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read the book and write this review.


As you stated in your story since its a singular continent how can the world develop the same way. Its is literally an impossibility due to it changing in its entirety of human history which limits readers immersion and creative writing for the writer. Many writers write that it's an almost identical world because their readers find it easier to believe in an almost identical world, where their dreams could become a reality, with multiple continents because they have relatable life experience and is what everyone on planet earth has experienced for the entirety of their lives even if they have never travelled to another continent.

CyanSuch:Hey! Thanks for the review. Author notes interrupting chapters stop at around chapter 10 I believe or around there. I'm pretty sure I made it clear that Charlie was 16 years old and in high school. I think you didn't read long enough to get to that part. I specifically made everything blurry to make it feel as if the reader too was just transmigrated and they were experiencing the same confusion Charlie was having. I dunno what your point about the world being a singular continent is supposed to imply at. The technology was not from the 1980s. I stated something along the lines: "The technology advancement of Pangaea was comparable to the difference between Earth's 1980s and modern times." Basically, what I was saying was that Pangaea's technology was advanced and that it made Earth look like how we modern people would think of the 1980s technology epoch as. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read the book and write this review.

Simplicity and logical thinking is needed in all writing before it can become complex regardless of how good or bad at writing a person may or not be. Norms become norms because it is believable ( even if outlandish at the time). it reflects real life or what we believe it will become like. Think star trek who knew at the time the advancements on mobile technology. Think iron man- government's around the world are already trying to build such armours.

Brian70707:As you stated in your story since its a singular continent how can the world develop the same way. Its is literally an impossibility due to it changing in its entirety of human history which limits readers immersion and creative writing for the writer. Many writers write that it's an almost identical world because their readers find it easier to believe in an almost identical world, where their dreams could become a reality, with multiple continents because they have relatable life experience and is what everyone on planet earth has experienced for the entirety of their lives even if they have never travelled to another continent.

That's my problem with a singular continent on a parallel earth.

Brian70707:Simplicity and logical thinking is needed in all writing before it can become complex regardless of how good or bad at writing a person may or not be. Norms become norms because it is believable ( even if outlandish at the time). it reflects real life or what we believe it will become like. Think star trek who knew at the time the advancements on mobile technology. Think iron man- government's around the world are already trying to build such armours.

And that is exactly what was explained in the chapters. I dunno if you read it but I spent a few paragraphs with Charlie freaking out over how this does not work at all.

Brian70707:As you stated in your story since its a singular continent how can the world develop the same way. Its is literally an impossibility due to it changing in its entirety of human history which limits readers immersion and creative writing for the writer. Many writers write that it's an almost identical world because their readers find it easier to believe in an almost identical world, where their dreams could become a reality, with multiple continents because they have relatable life experience and is what everyone on planet earth has experienced for the entirety of their lives even if they have never travelled to another continent.

From your review and your other comments, I can see clearly that you did not even bother to read the novel carefully. Your point about the technology being from the 1980s when in reality I was explaining that in fact their technology was advanced and in comparison made Earth look like the 1980s. The world is 'illogical' when I spent literally the first 2 chapters showing the character's freaking out over how the world doesn't make sense and specifically calling out the fact that the world was completely illogical. Your other points have been "usually, writers do this," or "writers do that." I do not care what other writers usually do. You're making it seem as if going against the norm is bad. Then this comment. The main character was not at all screaming in agony. He was in his own thoughts and I explained CLEARLY that he was not conscious. You said I made a huge error in this, yet the error was that you did not bother to read at all. "Unbearable conversation" At this point, I can't tell if it's a troll review. If you were a father and your son did not speak to you for months and you constantly worried about him, would you not feel at least a little emotional? The review had feedback that was not helpful at all. The only useful thing that you pointed out was that the author notes interrupted immersion which I fixed at the 10th chapter. You did not bother to read to the 10th chapter. Webnovel's notorious toxic readers have once again disappointed me. Excuse me if the reply seemed 'harsh'. I merely responded with the same energy you sent to me. Before making a review, read carefully as to not spread misinformation to other readers.

Brian70707:5hat was mistakes in first 4/5 chapters Oh yeah their was also the massive mistake of making it clear the mc is screaming in agony for ages but then when he recovers and heads Downstairs all his family are sitting at the table eating breakfast, not one seemed to have heard him scream or went to check on him. Then the unbearable conversation of - are you OK, yes are you yes are you, back and forth then all family members hugging and crying. Seriously AUTHOR WHAT DRUG ARE YOU ON.