
Review Detail of Xorrdus in Poison God's Heritage

Review detail


Heads up boys, it is a harem novel. This novel takes the form of your typical cultivation novel with a bit of its taste, but it forgets to build a stable foundation. The author can describe and depict the situations pretty clearly with his words. It's enjoyable reading about the events and all the actions. But holy hell author sucks at creating a world and he is also horrible at introducing characters and developing them. I still don't know how the beasts are ranked, he never explained! What is talent root? Every treasure is just rare, Khalas! gg! gone! Nothing else! The inconsistency of some character's personalities was incredibly annoying to the point where I am dropping this novel. Even then it's still bearable but seriously how and when did it all start to go downhill so fast? The author started to stop thinking of making characters believable and adding on to their background, instead started to skip towards the good times and adventure of the protagonist's little johnny. I have read til 317, but I don't think I will have the patience to follow or read to the end. A very subpar cultivation novel.


Poison God's Heritage


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