


fellow human

2018-09-15 JoinedBangladesh

of reading


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  • Xorrdus

    The story unfolds during a time when knowledge is slowly emerging from the depths of ignorance. People are still discovering the many practical applications of magic, which were previously shrouded in mystery. However, the church remains an absolute menace, exerting its influence over the populace and instilling fear of magic, which they deem the devil's handiwork, and its perceived consequences.The protagonist's unwavering personality and consistent character throughout the novel make for an extremely satisfying read.The novel also masterfully shifts perspectives, allowing us to experience the impact of each event from different viewpoints, which is pretty rare and dope.Overall, this is a fun and unique read. I was surprised a lot by the things that happened, and I definitely recommend checking it out. Now, I'm off to go read some face-slapping novels!

    When A Mage Revolts
    Fantasy · Yin Si
  • Xorrdus

    Such a great novel, I didn't even realise when i reached the end and caught up with the latest chapter. It literally felt like a time jump. If only I could find more like this ah!

    Rise Of The Worm Sovereign
    Eastern · Grand_Void_Daoist
  • Xorrdus

    if you ever lose all your hopes of ever finding a novel that will blow your mind, look no further. This novel doesn't only tell a story, no, it encapsulates the author's philosophy, understanding of the world, values, perspective, and oh boy the humour! It's so goddamn refreshing! You won't find any ice sickle, fireball, or gravity control in this novel no no, the special abilities and extraordinary powers are all weird. Every one of them is unique, the powers are like their life's philosophy or the manifestation of recent events. Nah, no amount of examples will be enough and these won't do it justice, it's very weird but refreshing. "It's complicated" is the best phrase defining the power system but there is a clear differentiating line between power levels people of similar levels will be scheming most of the time against each other! The most enjoyable part is surely when the author starts showing us many little stories from different perspectives. It's like he will start a chapter with the most cliche and shit story of a protagonist in a shitty world only for negary to manipulate and take away all his gain or use them to scheme against more powerful opponents. He will be part of that guy's story and slowly but surely divert him from the plot to a path that will benefit both of them. A little example of some worlds and characters from the type of world you will follow is, the feudalistic magical world, system, wuxia, SCP, black plague type of world era, and many others! But Alas! The novel never achieved the fame it deserved and the author did finish it, but it was a hasty end. I sincerely hope I can read more of this author's writings.

    Soul Of Negary
    Fantasy · Xu Ming
  • Xorrdus

    Heads up boys, it is a harem novel. This novel takes the form of your typical cultivation novel with a bit of its taste, but it forgets to build a stable foundation. The author can describe and depict the situations pretty clearly with his words. It's enjoyable reading about the events and all the actions. But holy hell author sucks at creating a world and he is also horrible at introducing characters and developing them. I still don't know how the beasts are ranked, he never explained! What is talent root? Every treasure is just rare, Khalas! gg! gone! Nothing else! The inconsistency of some character's personalities was incredibly annoying to the point where I am dropping this novel. Even then it's still bearable but seriously how and when did it all start to go downhill so fast? The author started to stop thinking of making characters believable and adding on to their background, instead started to skip towards the good times and adventure of the protagonist's little johnny. I have read til 317, but I don't think I will have the patience to follow or read to the end. A very subpar cultivation novel.

    Poison God's Heritage
    Eastern · Biako
  • Xorrdus

    This tactic of these bandits is so moronic. Imagine if they tried to rob a caravan with 3 or more guards like this, They would just capture these morons and sell them as slaves for more profit. +_+

    Ch 49 Chapter 49 – Actions and Intentions
    Sword God in a World of Magic
    Fantasy · Warmaisach
  • Xorrdus

    Between God and yourself, the intention is all that matter. But, if it concerns or has any impact on other people, you need to align your intentions with your actions. They will judge and you will answer!

    'Actions aren't important. Intentions are.'
    Sword God in a World of Magic
    Fantasy · Warmaisach
  • Xorrdus

    This has to be one of the most beautifully written martial art novels ever hands down! The cultivation/martial art system is so beautifully unique, and fascinating! It had me enraptured the whole time and I kept waiting for the author to introduce more martial art techniques and oh boy I wasn't disappointed at all! I love the world, there is no info dump and we only get to know what is needed and what the protagonist learns. There is so much left to explore! The story might feel slow to some people. But, it feels pretty natural because we are learning the world from our protagonist's perspective and we learn the world through his eyes. I guess the only thing lacking is his lack of interaction with his classmates/the town. I know, random encounters or interactions in town are not vital but they would surely add more depth to his character and also, realism to the town or the world around him I guess? Well, the guy is still an old man from the 21st century where everyone ignores one another until they are interacted with or harmed. Moreover, he is still in the body of a kid who is unable to leave the academy without a mission. People! Just do yourselves a favor and give this gem a read. It may not be the best, but it surely has the potential to be one of them!

    The Martial Unity
    Action · Lord_Streak
  • Xorrdus

    We don't thank God enough for the things we take for granted.

    Besides, he did need to eat, nutrition was most important for a child his age and malnutrition could screw him forever in the worst-case scenario. This was not something he could tolerate, as someone who suffered from poor health for a lifetime. As a former chronic asthma patient, the feeling of air gushing into his lungs and invigorating every cell in his body was addictively satisfying.
    The Martial Unity
    Action · Lord_Streak
  • Xorrdus

    Thank you for providing such a beautiful start to the novel Author!

    Ch 2 Exploration
    The Martial Unity
    Action · Lord_Streak
  • Xorrdus

    A beautiful start to the novel!

    ('This... I can get used to this.')
    The Martial Unity
    Action · Lord_Streak
  • Xorrdus

    You know a novel is gonna have a very interesting and well-built world and mc when you see the protagonist is born. As readers, we get to experience him build up his values moreover learn about the world through his eyes and connect with him.

    Just then, he felt a force pushing onto him, it seemingly pushed down on his butt attempting to push him through what seemed to be an opening of some sorts. At this point he was positive that something was definitely off, he was just far too bewildered and frightened to even attempt making heads or tails of this situation. A few seconds later, he felt his body being forced out of an opening, and that's when he panicked, calling for help.
    The Martial Unity
    Action · Lord_Streak
  • Xorrdus

    Absolutely stupid idea, forgetting her friends so easily!

    Watching the young woman run away in another direction, Lucius mentally clicked his tongue, 'That was a perfect opportunity to tie up loose ends.'
    Lord of Annihilation
    Fantasy · C0nstance
  • Xorrdus

    If a mother truly loves her child selflessly, she would rather die of starvation than eat her childs food to survive. So, in a sense she would die if she consumes her offsorings food. A mother's love, the purest form of love on earth is also a selfish act.

    Such things showed what kindness truly was; selfish.
    Demon's Virtue
    Fantasy · DiceVR
  • Xorrdus
    Replied to PrehistoricDevil

    How about you create your own language and create paper from the scratch before writing on a exam? Just because a game has assets included from other games doesn't mean it loses or has its value diminished.

    "Alrighty, that's done," said the techno as he handed Aldrich his forged CIDs. All the credits he had stolen had been transferred to his new fake identity as a Mr. Bruce Vane, netting him with a total of around 10,000 credits to his balance.
    Super Necromancer System
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Xorrdus

    Try finger, but hole!

    A strangely hidden but amazingly fun game called Elden World which he had picked up at a rundown game store, a store that had long since closed down and been bulldozed away.
    Super Necromancer System
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Xorrdus

    Try finger, but Hole!

    A strangely hidden but amazingly fun game called Elden World which he had picked up at a rundown game store, a store that had long since closed down and been bulldozed away.
    Super Necromancer System
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Xorrdus

    This mother

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Fire Mage
    Fantasy · Ak02
  • Xorrdus

    yeah, the people here complaining are the same people who sympathize with a serial killer and look up to a serial killer! abuse doesn't give you excuse to become a mass murderer

    [Her name, was Grant.]
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Xorrdus

    The author is in the right here for choosing water magic. He is converting mana(Convertable molecules I assume) and binding them together barely to form water, if we assume he had taken earth he would have to procure more molecules for it to stick together and form a hard mass (spending more mana) than making a glob of water! and no he can't just use the mass around him and throw them around that's just using telekinesis to control it.

    Ch 79 Battling the marsh
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Xorrdus


    Seriously, how desperate for human contact was I at that point? I became totally divorced from my senses. Now I have a family and followers of my own, I don't feel as lonely anymore. Not to mention I've had a belly full of interacting with humans. Nothing but headaches.
    Fantasy · RinoZ