
Review Detail of specimen2 in An ton's Journey ( StarCraft + other worlds)

Review detail


at the start I actually liked this tale, a probe surviving ou tin the world while clearly not the smartest they grow, how-ever the writing cquality decreased, sure their was great moment like the mc's growth, the betrayal, and their moment with anaken, however it went like star verses fast , starting from slightly before the each treaty from the betrayel straight to the end of the star wars world into a ful on crash were the author basically said fuck it to all changes, friends, and units the mc had and their system, that hit like a trian right after the chapter of defeating Palpatine, from almost winning, to back to point zero, ever connected with the characters that changed from the movie, the heroes and protros that you see grow and change, fuck you it's all gone! off to the fucking wind! and even when you somehow are ok with that well well well, not only did the mc practically accomplish nothing, all said characters will die! it was just a, kick in the face, and it wasn't even that good, either way I couldn't go after that cuse I feel they'll just go to the next thing midway through and it will all repeat again


An ton's Journey ( StarCraft + other worlds)


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