
Review Detail of Rithy in Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Review detail


First of all, you need to stop repeatedly using the same adjectives or adverbs every damn paragraph. Maddening, wildly, immense, just to name some of the most used here. Also, the world building, specifically, the power system DOES NOT make sense at all and very badly thought out. Who in the world thought that just learning skill at that rank make your rank upgrade? Power rank also does not have clear define line like in Wuxia or LitRpg. In LitRpg we got level. In wuxia we got the nice foundation abilities each rank up. The fact that you make rank upgrade by changing mc's skill make him look like a freaking joke.One rank he use these abilities, the next rank, he just dish those and use the new one he got from enemies.


Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse


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