
Review Detail of DreamCrusher101 in Playing One Piece

Review detail


This story is so trashy the mc is so passive just to keep the plot going this story is just a carbon copy of one piece in point of view of the mc dont be fooled by ranking of this book this just plain copy right

Playing One Piece


Liked by 172 people




you know, I really don't understand how being a copy is even affecting the 'stability of updates' of this novel, as this is 1 aspect of the rating of which you rate as 1 star... I mean even if it is a copy, the least you could do is do a proper rating, given that this novel updates 3 chapters a week, I think that slightly average, which should be a 3 stars for that category. Given that you just rate everything 1 star, why should people believe you when you aren't even truthful with your rating? Just saying


Pretty sure that's not true. The author has explained many times that the mc is purposely sticking as close to the original as possible to get what he needs, then he's gonna go off and do his own thing. You obviously haven't read far enough if copy right is what you're complaining about.


yeah than why is it the same as the original with just one more person...

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he has the right to complain, is a trash fanfic and a lot of fanfic on the ranking is trash, the one at the bottom is better.

CLOUD_A:Pretty sure that's not true. The author has explained many times that the mc is purposely sticking as close to the original as possible to get what he needs, then he's gonna go off and do his own thing. You obviously haven't read far enough if copy right is what you're complaining about.

thats what he said and i was happy with it but then author changed his mind and he is now sticking with them until the time skip. i was very disappointed. seems like the author just wants more content that he dosent have to come up with.

CLOUD_A:Pretty sure that's not true. The author has explained many times that the mc is purposely sticking as close to the original as possible to get what he needs, then he's gonna go off and do his own thing. You obviously haven't read far enough if copy right is what you're complaining about.

Not really. Since he got the Goro Goro no mi, he doesn’t care about canon anymore. So there’s bound to be many changes.

TheFlagGuy:thats what he said and i was happy with it but then author changed his mind and he is now sticking with them until the time skip. i was very disappointed. seems like the author just wants more content that he dosent have to come up with.

u are right he is even afraid to make mc protect one of them so he is going with them the wole story to train himself to do nothing low creativity fanfic and almost carpon copy


He has a Patreon for this trash too. If he did something unique with it that’d be acceptable, but with the lack of changes to canon you could just read the actual manga to get the same experience as paying for early chapters.


It’s a fanfic of a mc who really likes the straw hats, why wouldn’t he stay with them? And it isn’t like everything is the same, he is slowly but surely changing the crew and the world be it through training the straw hats or just his presence alone.






Do not Even Try to Read this Novel The Guy is Completly Right. And Whats Worse, All the Crew Is Cold To Him. Luffy Order Him All Around Not Caring IF He Is Teammate. He Is an Beta MC Who Has Strength of Yonko But Getting Order From Someone 100x Weaker He Saves Nami But She's EXtremely Cold Toward Him. He Saves Robin. After seeing His High Bounty, She's Started to get Worry About Whats Going to happen with this guy on the crew He Act Weak He's Hated He's Idiot He's The Exact Opposite of Optimistic He's Stupid But not Smart. Everybody Sees him as side-character not main character Extremely Frustrating Shity Overrated Novel. DO NOT READ THIS SHIT


STFU kid


dude, every people has different taste/opinion. If you don't like this story, so I like this story.


Making a work is difficult, so it is appreciating the work of others.


but plagiarism is bad, this is just copying the original and edit and add a little there done and finished whats difficult about that

Seraphim_0191:Making a work is difficult, so it is appreciating the work of others.

The story isn't trashy if it was then the original would be too. Any one piece fan-fic are a carbon copy of the original, after all they're called "fan-fic". If you so hate this then stop reading it and go make you're own damn new Pirateverse Story. So that it won't be called "copy right". I mean people don't give a single f- ahem...anywho, anyone who makes fan-fics are all doing the so called "copy right" just freaking add a new "MC" then change the plot here and there, and making the mc OP! But in the end it's still One Piece. Nothing new, just a self insert MC, with OPness! 'BOOOM' mind boggling ain't it? Now then if you all who hates it and wants something different then i'd suggest that you make you're own Pirateverse or something. Ok?


Yes you speak my language!

ZhangYexuan:The story isn't trashy if it was then the original would be too. Any one piece fan-fic are a carbon copy of the original, after all they're called "fan-fic". If you so hate this then stop reading it and go make you're own damn new Pirateverse Story. So that it won't be called "copy right". I mean people don't give a single f- ahem...anywho, anyone who makes fan-fics are all doing the so called "copy right" just freaking add a new "MC" then change the plot here and there, and making the mc OP! But in the end it's still One Piece. Nothing new, just a self insert MC, with OPness! 'BOOOM' mind boggling ain't it? Now then if you all who hates it and wants something different then i'd suggest that you make you're own Pirateverse or something. Ok?

There is a big difference between just doing the same thing as the manga, with subtle change's. And expanding OP as a world or just a new mc with a new side to the story. Seeing the same thing is just boring, i rather read OP, that's atleast good. Not like this hot pile of garbage.

ZhangYexuan:The story isn't trashy if it was then the original would be too. Any one piece fan-fic are a carbon copy of the original, after all they're called "fan-fic". If you so hate this then stop reading it and go make you're own damn new Pirateverse Story. So that it won't be called "copy right". I mean people don't give a single f- ahem...anywho, anyone who makes fan-fics are all doing the so called "copy right" just freaking add a new "MC" then change the plot here and there, and making the mc OP! But in the end it's still One Piece. Nothing new, just a self insert MC, with OPness! 'BOOOM' mind boggling ain't it? Now then if you all who hates it and wants something different then i'd suggest that you make you're own Pirateverse or something. Ok?

...right there's a big "Difference"...Nah! Most of the FF i've read are all about OP MCs that just went and take some SHP characters with them then do the same things as what Luffy did, e.g. OP MC from an FF went and take nami (best navigator 'or so they say') Oh OP MC goes to Sky Island and beat the shit out of Enel in an OP/Cool way! Oh! MC went to Water 7 beat the S*** out of rob lucci / or to the Enies Lobby and wreck havoc to get a great amount of Bounty! Oh! MC went to Marineford Beat the S*** Out of Everyone in the war! Great! What a Big drastic difference of a FFs! They're all the same! "Garbage" right....seems like you need to read more FF before you say such things about this FF, that or you just suck at rating things or you're a hater or a person who just wants to contradict every other comments to get some good laughs, am I right? The novel hadn't truly really started yet, though the story is still in the way of what you call Fan-Fics. Most FF when you read through them and "Judge" them they're still going through the same Plot! Just changing on how close they're or how far they're from the OPlot, when you commented about "EXPANDING" I don't see that at most of the FFs only in a SR chances you'd see them. When you commented about "Difference" you won't see that at most FFs, you'll super super rarely see one that's drastically changed the OPlots from beginning till end. When you commented about this FF in particular on how much of a "GARBAGE" it is and would rather read/watch the Original, then go ahead! Because you seriously don't seem to understand what's a FFs all about, they're not "Originals". So when you read this specific FF, and this FF was going as close as possible as OPlot (my Opinion is that this story is going from 1 - 100 so they started very close to the OPlot), you call it "GARBAGE" THAT MEANS! YOU THINK THE OPlot is "GARBAGE" as well! Oh yeah Let me ask you, ok? What was the "difference" between this FF and the OPlot, except the FF MC? Oh! wait are they not mostly the same, with just added FF MC? so why call it garbage? you want something "Different"? Like I said from the comment I put where you replied to, GO FIND/MAKE YOU'RE OWN D*MN PIRATEVERSE WHERE IT IS DIFFERENT! If "different" is not what you're trying find, idk what the hell you're on about then, all I know is that this FF is one of the best FF made for One Piece, sure its very close to the OPlot but! I can also tell that the author is planning to go from 1 (as close as the OPlot) to 10, 20, etc. or 100 (as far as possible from OPlot). Until maybe once the author mess the whole thing up. PEACE! If you plan to out argue me for the sake of arguing then forget that this ever existed.

Kokushibou:There is a big difference between just doing the same thing as the manga, with subtle change's. And expanding OP as a world or just a new mc with a new side to the story. Seeing the same thing is just boring, i rather read OP, that's atleast good. Not like this hot pile of garbage.