
Review Detail of Brezer in Adam Black The Grand Sorcerer

Review detail


First its not a bad try. This round drako has a brother that's a good guy not a little **** which is the mc. Ron is in this but not part of the main group and the author makes him out to be more of a pos than I have seen in other stories. There is no HP in this one. HP is a girl called Rose and she is in ravenclaw with the mc and she likes the mc also. Ok that was the ok part. The spelling in this story is terrible,. I find myself at times trying figure out what language this is because of the terrible spelling. The author needs to stop adding chapters and go back and fix the atrocious spelling before adding more chapters. Really man grammarly has a free version and you can spell check. The story is passable but the spelling brings it way down.

Adam Black The Grand Sorcerer


Liked by 16 people




I was going to review but you perfectly summed it up.


I am too lazy to review. So I agree with this one.