
Review Detail of Rosen_Feld in Supreme Magus

Review detail


honestly, I have no idea how this novel has such a high rating, with 5000+ high reviews I can only assume bots are involved. it actually makes me almost angry because the high rating inspired me to keep drudging through all the way up to nearly 700 chapters of this barely mediocre work. The MC is the most boring character ever, he has no mind or personality of his own, literally every decision, action and motivation of his is based of his "past trauma" that gets referenced about a dozen times every damn chapter. besides his reincarnation there's absolutely nothing special about him, he's not particularly intelligent, creative or skilled, aside from being an apparent psychopath, which the author doesn't let us forget, reminding us how the MCs an edgy little kid every damn chapter as well. the plot is incredibly slow moving and aimless, the whole story is split between MC studying or working on a new concept, some other form of exposition, or an extremely boring badly made repetitive battle scene that gets drawn our for about a dozen chapters. The rest of the time author spends a ridiculous amount of the story indulging in badly written romance with unlikeable shallow characters, absolutely none of which is substantial to the story, because despite our supposedly cold hearted uncaring MC getting absolutely obsessed with them each time, they don't stick around further in on the story. In fact, every time the author makes an actual interesting character, said character inevitably gets killed off, as if in their world survival rate is directly correlated to just how damn boring and badly written a character is, which fully justifies the MC constantly surviving life and death situations which spontaneously happen whenever MC drops a piece of bread.

Supreme Magus


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