
Review Detail of B_Ssv in Journey Towards Greatness

Review detail


you know when I first started reading this fic I really loved it. but going on I don't see any maturity or seriousness expected from a veteran. yes he is living his dream life but no responsible and dedicated military personnel who has not gone rogue or lost his mind will always try to minimise collateral damage. collateral damage is acceptable in times of need or missions. but in chapter 40 Julian destroyed the home of many electric Pokemon just because of his list for battle. he could have challenged zapdos and gone to an isolated location for battle. he is turning more and more despicable in his blind devotion of living life.

Journey Towards Greatness


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Moreover, military veterans are known for their discipline. although they enjoy life they immediately revert back to a disciplined and focused mindset. So either he has lost all his military training and developmental traits or he is an unmindful, foolish and negligent personality that disgraces the respect earned by the uniform