
Review Detail of Jack_Planeira in The Harvester

Review detail


This novel so far is absolutely amazing. First of all, it started with tons of small bits of information about both the Protagonist and the world itself, all hooking the reader into the story and givinng them good reason to read your other novel, Life Hunter, for any context. Secondly, from the very first character interaction, you display how the protagonist is different and show why that’s both a good thing and a bad thing. This allowed you to make use of unique paths to develop his character as the story progresses. Third of all, every character feels alive and real, with each of them having flaws and strengths to develop as the story progresses. The actual character introductions and interactions are all well explained and well managed, never too slow, fast-paced, or hectic, and I can’t remember any major info-dumps that halt the actual telling of the story. Fourth, the protagonist rarely if ever falls into the normal stereotypes or cliche pitfalls that a majority of Main Characters do, and even if he does, it’s well explained why he did and how it won’t affect him negatively from now on. He’s constantly growing and changing as a person as he climbs the plateaus and gains close friends to travel and grow alongside. Fifth, the Lore and information pertaining to the world and the powers each individual possess are all kept track of extremely well, allowing the reader to just enjoy the story without glaring inconsistencies ruining the experience and shattering immersion. Overall, a newer concept of climbing Otherworldly Towers with an omnipotent and omniscient System watching over everyone turned completely new again using a unique perspective to flip the negatives about the genre on their head and boost the positives even higher.

The Harvester


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It is a harem, for which most people would immediately eliminate this from their list. But the way that Ahramanyu handles the concept of a harem so far is completely different than most half-baked fanservice harem stories. First of all, there is an understandable cannon reason for the formation of enough romantic feelings and relationships to form a harem, and none of the women included in the harem are there just to be there. Every connection between both the protagonist and his harem and the harem members themselves has been fleshed out, and any interactions that would normally feel forced or fall into a cliche either don’t happen or are handled in a way that feels natural. And not every single woman that the Lead meets is made into a harem member. It hasn’t leaned into the harem aspect too hard yet, but I so look forward to when it does. Do expect at least some fanservice and cheesy moments, because it’s still meant to be fun :)

JRCaste:Hope you're still active, wana ask if the story is harem? I can see the tags but I'd like to know coming from a reader that most likely caught up

Hope you're still active, wana ask if the story is harem? I can see the tags but I'd like to know coming from a reader that most likely caught up