
Review Detail of Darksan in Level Is Everything

Review detail


the mc somehow got highest score in school yet he is so "smart" he chose his character stats without reading info on game and classes and dump them all in str. also at start mc know nothing about a game that been know by almost everyone in world yet he only sees it the day it goes online in a bus stop ad, somehow he didn't see the ad ever or heard about it while going school this whole time. the title and the novel doesn't even match too. he knows archery from real life so he kills a mob way higher level than himself (level 7 wind wolf). the way he kills the would also make the stats ineffective. he shoots arrows fast as hell while his character lvl 1 with only str upped at start. and he hit its weakpoint (middle of the wind wolf eyebrows) everytime while wind wolf is runing . so whats the point of other stats? what dexor agi do? what crit do if u can hit weakpoint each time? what is the point of levels? also game experience system is so messed up he probly didnt think anything before hand just make up everything about game as it comes up so it nonsense and inconsistent. "A player might be leveled up to level 2 by killing 40 horned rabbit", but after killing level 7 wind wolf ("To take down a level 7 wind wolf, at least you need 5-10 level 6 player") he only got half of the exp needed to level up.

Level Is Everything


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