

2018-07-17 JoinedGlobal

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  • Darksan

    dropped the novel or just temporary stop?

    Ch 43 Restless
    A Sense for magic
    Fantasy · JNorm
  • Darksan
    Replied to Renovator

    ok than i will delete my post

    Ch 26 The Beginning Of The Hunt.
    The Adapter's System
    Fantasy · Renovator
  • Darksan

    that's it, i'm droping this novel. did you even checked what is kilohertz is? it is 1,000 cycles per second, which not something a human (and most likely an elf) can actualy make in any sense or control without tools. you are making casting too confusing and too hard and complex, there is zero fun left in reading this. also why authors insist on trying to use real world knowlage in fantasy novels and try to integrate them when they have almost no deep knowlage about the subject they trying to use? at least pick on a subject that most of the population have no idea about ...

    Ch 52 Four Stars
    Fantasy · Epsilon_Twilight
  • Darksan
    Replied to AuthorSan

    you will have hard time been succesfull at anything with that attitude. most people in this site probably haven't even seen or heard your novel let alone like it or not. site actively advertise its own novels so new novels usualy buried under (did you even tried to advertise your novel by telling others or writing it in other places?). in this site only way i can find new ones by looking through newest update (which is quite inefficient) also you can see that this sites readers usualy like the cliche novels from looking at the popular ones. so you either try copy others like most in here or write original and try earn you own place. your story not even progressed much and people commenting doesn't corrolate with number of people , specialy in something like novel and reading. many people just read. write novel if you like writing and want to share your stories with others. number of people you shared with should be little of importance. if you want comments or likes do what most others do for those, steal from other populer novels , follow trends etc. (even that require a lot work if want to do properly and get popular) or just try something else like social media (twitter, tiktok , etc.) instead of writing.

    Ch 31 Streamlined Spellcasting
    I Can Only Cast Fireball?!
    Fantasy · AuthorSan
  • Darksan
    Replied to Darksan

    they even talk about killing him after learning secrets yet they fired to kill at start . how does that make sense?

    Ch 26 The Beginning Of The Hunt.
    The Adapter's System
    Fantasy · Renovator
  • Darksan

    i would liked "Catboi adventure chronicles" :)

    Ch -1 Chapter 0: Introduction
    Mercury - Reborn as a Cat
    Fantasy · Kernoel_77
  • Darksan

    Synopsis made me think it will be a story centred around mining etc. but it all behind after chapter 6 ...

    This chapter has been deleted.
    Gifts & Dungeon
    Fantasy · cookiez_tiffe
  • Darksan
    Replied to AuthorSan

    thx for caring. i expect more from you after reading this :)

    Ch 26 Geode Rank
    I Can Only Cast Fireball?!
    Fantasy · AuthorSan
  • Darksan

    i don't know how are you gonna manage to keep him alive considering enemies are gonna keep getting faster etc. (specialy when he will be the lowest for all but one stat for his rank). some kind of constant fireball defence? which can work 24/7 all year around? will there be items that give stats etc.?(i hope no item, because i hate world settings like that, where rich people are the powerfull...) on a related side note: about previous passive unlock, to me it would make much more sense and give more uniqueness to mc if you made passive gained based on effective stat, rather than base stat. like getting passive unlocked at 100 would only require him to get 10 base with his chosen stat, as his multiplier will make it effectifly 100. he would be able to unlock things that impossible for others. considering previously you put some extra stats points gained after some level threasholds(at first he only gained 1 point per level, later on it get 3 per level, which i guess you will continue increase it on some other thresholds), most abilities that he will unlock till he hit high levels will be already unlocked, used and known by other people. it would be much more satisfying if he got them fast/early and able to reach theoricaly impossible ones (which would be a way to keep him able to defend himselfs contrary to his obvious and deadly weaknesses!!!). it felt like armor plot for him to survive in place where his stats (all but one) were lowest possible for his level. normaly i would expect him to be be found out by monsters and killed even before he realize enemy attacking him (does detection effected by a stat?). one ambush and he is gone for good. he should be needing much more than firepower to stay alive. you can go for team members helping etc. , at the end it's all up to you, i would be entirely fine if you ignore me. it just that i want to read novels that has some ground rules, novels with established world with self checks and balances. fights that mc won't rely entirely on plot armor. i just hope i won't have to stop reading this novel like many others with no logic and have only plot armor that mc beat people just because he is mc. i hope you are better after your break on writing (hiatus?). thx for novel till now, was fun to read.

    Ch 26 Geode Rank
    I Can Only Cast Fireball?!
    Fantasy · AuthorSan
  • Darksan

    there is no such thing as "natural fatty body type". try to avoid writing things that require knowlage of real world subjects like DNA and such.

    Ch 3 Starter Town
    I Can Only Cast Fireball?!
    Fantasy · AuthorSan
  • Darksan

    you have a typo in your title "rouge"

    Ch 1 Murderer
    The Kings Rogue and a Princess
    Fantasy · RUHU95
  • Darksan

    if inner world is slower wouldn't it be look like they are moving slow in outside? like if it 1 min pass in outside = 10 min inside (which would give you extra time), if 1 min inside pass it will looke like 10 sec pass outside?

    Ch 146 Talk
    The Archaic Dragon Mage
    Fantasy · Angelina_Bennett
  • Darksan

    the other guy is dead and he is acting like it's the world that is cruel and had nothing to do with his stupid act that caused that all ...

    Ch 6 Syssie (1)
    The Legendary Junkmaster
    Fantasy · Antihero
  • Darksan

    still doesn't explain where the tear of angle thing came from...

    Ch 3 The Mines
    The Adapter's System
    Fantasy · Renovator
  • Darksan

    you didn't even tell the other things system selling ... clearly she is gonna buy it .

    Ch 15 15. Choices
    System Upgrade
    Fantasy · Tashi_Albertson
  • Darksan

    i was getting used to multiple chapters per day :( .

    Ch 65 Born A Monster, Chapter 65 - Alves
    Born a Monster
    Fantasy · Mike_Kochis
  • Darksan

    how they can't tell who is telling truth? doesn't he have a class entirely for that ...

    Ch 58 Born A Monster, Chapter 58 - Rescued
    Born a Monster
    Fantasy · Mike_Kochis
  • Darksan
    Replied to Darksan

    rechecked "avarage child 10-15" "avarage ***** 20-30" and he was barely able to walk for a while before getting too tired (because of mana? or stats?).

    Ch 14 Dungeon Diving Take 2
    The Lucky Dungeon Diver
    Fantasy · UsernamePending
  • Darksan

    how is dungeon help him with physical capability? you said before a kid had 10 in all stats, he has only 9 attack, rest of the physical ones are 2.

    Ch 14 Dungeon Diving Take 2
    The Lucky Dungeon Diver
    Fantasy · UsernamePending
  • Darksan

    so in this universe you writing about there is no justice system for people with power? they can do whatever they want and get away as long as they don't cross another person with power? there is no special police with power etc. either, since they can even openly stream crimes they commited with no care. i don't understand how can there be still market etc. open and doing business if things like this? there is no way people would be able to live like usual, there have to be at least mercenariy group that sale their service for protection or corporation (probably evil) that grow and became like a nation etc. there is zero chance normal people would live just like we are living now without any protection from people with powers in this universe.

    Ch 1 The Underpaid nobody and the girl with no name Part 1
    Fantasy · Nightfall_Protocol