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  • BigyBoi
    Replied to krokrok007

    Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate your thoughts on the overall idea. Regarding the style, the first few chapters underwent editing by a friend, which might explain the complexity you noticed. I’ve taken your comments into consideration, and in later chapters(I think from chapter 6), I’ve aimed for a simpler approach to improve readability.

    Primordial Tempest: The Saga of Nico Silva
    Anime & Comics · BigyBoi
  • BigyBoi
    Replied to krokrok007

    Yes.i meant it as first born of the twins rather than the whole family.

    Her firstborn squirmed in her other arm, cracking open a pair of identically piercing blue eyes for the first time. A fresh wave of tears pricked at Lady Acier's eyes, her heart swelling with boundless maternal love for her cherished new family.
    Primordial Tempest: The Saga of Nico Silva
    Anime & Comics · BigyBoi
  • BigyBoi
    Replied to sixpathsofsimp

    Nico’s magic isn’t really distortion. It’s about controlling chaos and order. More chaos when he increases entropy, more order when he decreases it. Hope that helps

    As Nico tossed each ring, he could use his entropy magic to slightly alter the air resistance, the ring's trajectory, or even the ring's rotation. By increasing the entropy, he could make the ring's path more unpredictable, making it harder for others to see how he was influencing the game. Conversely, by decreasing the entropy, he could make the ring's path more orderly and predictable, ensuring it lands precisely on the target.
    Primordial Tempest: The Saga of Nico Silva
    Anime & Comics · BigyBoi
  • BigyBoi
    Replied to Y4RN1

    Right now, romance isn't exactly the star of the show, and nope, no harem shenanigans here—I'm a proud member of the "No Harem Sect." If by some twist of fate, romance does sneak in, it'll be flying solo. And just to be crystal clear, we're keeping it as far away from any sibling love story as humanly possible.

    Ch 5 Chapter 5
    Primordial Tempest: The Saga of Nico Silva
    Anime & Comics · BigyBoi
  • BigyBoi
    Replied to sixpathsofsimp

    He’s acting xd

    "Ooh, pretty!" he squealed, pudgy legs pumping as he wobbled after a particularly striking blue butterfly flitting just out of reach.
    Primordial Tempest: The Saga of Nico Silva
    Anime & Comics · BigyBoi
  • BigyBoi
    Replied to jonathan_santosmtz

    La entropía en física se refiere al grado de desorden o aleatoriedad en un sistema. En el contexto de la magia de entropía en tu historia, Nico puede manipular este desorden o aleatoriedad. No es exactamente lo mismo que manipular la materia directamente, pero puede influir en cómo se comporta la materia al cambiar el nivel de entropía. Por ejemplo, puede alterar la trayectoria de un objeto en movimiento o la resistencia del aire alrededor de un objeto. Espero que esto aclare la confusión. 😊

    Ch 4 Chapter 4
    Primordial Tempest: The Saga of Nico Silva
    Anime & Comics · BigyBoi
  • BigyBoi

    shameless 5-star author review. this is just a little project of mine since i was bored and had nothing to do xd.this is my first time writing a novel so bear with me.if there is any questions you can ask me below i will try to reply every single one if possible. Cheers!

    Primordial Tempest: The Saga of Nico Silva
    Anime & Comics · BigyBoi
  • BigyBoi
    Replied to sixpathsofsimp

    mb this fight was written by my friend since I lack the knack for writing fights (or much else, to be honest). I suppose I should've proofread instead of just relying on him. XD

    Rather than cower, Vanica lashed out in retaliation – a mere twitch of her fingers unleashing whip-like strands of pulsating eldritch energy rippling through the air towards them. Nozel's incantation choked off into an agonized groan as the malefic tendrils coiled around his throat, jerking him off his feet even as he instinctively clutched his infant siblings close. 
    Primordial Tempest: The Saga of Nico Silva
    Anime & Comics · BigyBoi