



2023-11-25 JoinedPakistan



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  • Doodles_here
    Replied to DaoistQVCa2B

    doing regular uploads bro

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  • Doodles_here
    Replied to Godkill

    a friend of mine is and he got me addicted to novels so here i m writing my own

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  • Doodles_here
    Replied to Godkill


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  • Doodles_here
    Replied to ErozothDraeor

    kind of along with training camp canon

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  • Doodles_here
    Replied to ErozothDraeor

    brother few starting chapters do have a lot of grammer mistakes and i know that too because i m not a native of any english country and i started learning english a few months ago so the few starting chapters do have a lot of grammer mistakes so i hope you can just let it pass and i gurantee you that as you continue to read you will surely see the improvement in grammer

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  • Doodles_here
    Replied to The_Venerable_one

    well you dont have to worry i have about 250 chp ready so there will be no delay before 250 chapters are uploaded and may be after 250 chapter speed may slow down but i will sure to complete this book

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  • Doodles_here
    Replied to The_Venerable_one

    Brother i plan to write novel even after luo Feng becomes a huyuan lord and the level about huyuan lord which is called choatic origin life and the levels above it that i thought is becomes choatic source life which is above chaotic origin life as choatic origin life is still under the supreme rules that cover the origin continent and 3000 cosmic sea after protagnish breaks through choatic souce level he will be above supreme rule and truly detach from the choatic world of swallowed sky and above this is a more magnificent world already planned so stay tuned and u can think of this info as a spoiler but i can gurantee you will definily like it and its something like let me give you an example bye comparision 3000 universe seas are euql to mortal world then origin conitnent is equal to immortal and then above it is god realm this comparision is base on eastern fantasy thats all i hope u like it

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  • Doodles_here
    Replied to Tasha_Williams_0673

    Then congrats to you

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  • Doodles_here
    Replied to ErozothDraeor

    well the starting chapters are indeed a bit of rush

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  • Doodles_here
    Replied to ErozothDraeor

    working on it will do my best to improve it

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  • Doodles_here
    Replied to ErozothDraeor

    well there is a story and u will surely like it when the time came so stay tuned

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  • Doodles_here
    Replied to Doodles_here

    u r right i got that wrong sorry.i started writing this novel about 2 months ago so some small details have been forgotten

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  • Doodles_here
    Replied to ErozothDraeor

    gonna try to edit already written chps to improve quality thanks for the suggestion

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  • Doodles_here
    Replied to ErozothDraeor

    brother i know that too but these chp are already writtened cant change now but will try to improve and secondly eng is not my native language so bear with it Thanks again for suggest

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  • Doodles_here
    Replied to Abstruse_Meaning

    brother english is not my native language and one of the reason for writing this novel is to improve my english and you will realise as i contimue to upload mistakes are getting lower and lower so just bear a few chp. Thanks

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  • Doodles_here
    Replied to ErozothDraeor

    dont worry i got more than 200 ch ready

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  • Doodles_here
    Replied to empire1

    he is a time traveller

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  • Doodles_here
    Replied to Godkill

    dont worry i plan update regularly untill i ran out of ch then 1 chp daily

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  • Doodles_here
    Replied to wormmusimsenja

    sure making a prologue

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  • Doodles_here
    Replied to The_Venerable_one

    Well i will be uploading about 3 ch daily with more than 1000 word so stay tune

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